It is not difficult to use the ability of eternally guarding the Nine-layer Hongmeng Lotus to tear apart the space and quietly send Mu Qianxi to the Holy Realm.

From the beginning to the end, no one among the guardians of the Holy Realm or the Holy Clan noticed that a person quietly appeared in the Holy Realm.

And this person was Mu Qianxi who they wanted to invite by force, but because she was the fiancée of Lord Jiuye, they did not dare to invite her.

Jing Jingying's gentle voice came out, Xi'er, I will send you to the territory of the Holy Moon Clan in the Holy Realm. From now on, it's up to you, so be careful.

Have you sensed the location of your sixth fragment? Mu Qianxi asked.

We sensed it. It's at the core of the Holy Realm. There are countless powerful auras there. We must not rush in. Xi'er should get familiar with the environment here first, do what you want to do, and just find your mother and brother. .”

I see.

She doesn't have the invincible strength of Jiuye, so naturally she can't rush to the most dangerous place, fight to the death with the strongest man in the Holy Realm, and then grab the crystal fragments.

She had better ask for news about her mother and brother first, contact them, and then think of a solution.

Mu Qianxi touched her face, okay! By disguising herself like this, her mother and brother probably wouldn't be able to recognize her even if they saw her.

Jing Jingying teleported her to a mountain range with few people nearby. The spiritual power here was unusually abundant, several times that of Xuantian Realm.

Having just arrived here, Mu Qianxi has a feeling that she can break through and advance. This is really a holy land for cultivation!

But she didn't come here just to practice. She wanted to understand the situation first.

Her soul power spread out to see who was in this mountain range, preferably from the Holy Moon Clan.

She didn't have a good impression of the Shengri Clan and the Saint Star Clan, because the Shengyue Clan was her mother's clan, so she wanted to be the first to contact them.


br\u003e Found it, there is someone there, there just aren’t many people, it’s over there!

Mu Qianxi did not use any elemental power and used pure physical speed to fly away.

Saints do not possess elemental spiritual power, their spiritual power is holy power.

Therefore, if you use the power of elements here, it will be a bit eye-catching and your identity will be easily exposed.

When she got closer to those people, she noticed that they seemed to be having an argument.

With her ears, could she clearly hear what they were saying?

You members of the Holy Star Clan have gone too far. The Yuehua Mountain Range is the territory of our Holy Moon Clan. Not only did you come here to collect elixirs, but you also robbed us of the elixir Moonflower Sacred Herb we found. An angry voice came.

You, the Holy Moon Clan, couldn't even keep your own Holy Son, and were snatched away by the Holy Sun Clan. Ha! As for your Saint, she has become a waste now. You are gathering the Moon Flower Sacred Herb just to prolong your life. The lifespan of the useless saint. Don't waste the magic medicine. She is going to die anyway, so why not honor our saint and let her improve her strength. Another voice sounded very arrogant and unruly.

The Shengyue clan seemed to be angry at the other party's malicious words, Don't talk nonsense, Sister Yeyu will be fine.

It seems that you are still unwilling to hand it over obediently, right! Then I'll beat you until you are willing to hand it over. They are just a bunch of shameful trash. You can't hold on.

A fight was about to begin. Mu Qianxi found a hidden angle with a good view and prepared to watch the battle.

Let’s take a look at the strength of the younger generations of the Holy Moon and Holy Star tribes?

The boys and girls of both tribes have very good looks and are also very exquisitely dressed.


But obviously, comparing the two, the Shengyue clan seems to be a bit shabby.

The Holy Star clan is so arrogant, but they can't let the other party take away the hard-earned Holy Grass.

Without this sacred herb, Sister Ye Yu might not be able to survive.

They gritted their teeth and had no choice but to bite the bullet, and holy power burst out from around them.

These people from the Shengyue clan are very powerful, and they have all reached the Spirit Master level.

With such strength under the age of thirty, he would be a world-famous genius on the Shengwu Continent.

However, the people on the side of the Holy Star Clan are stronger, and the aura revealed by each person is about one level higher than their average.

After reaching this level, if no one on the Shengyue clan can fight beyond the level, they will definitely suffer in this battle.

The Holy Star clan took the initiative to attack aggressively, and the holy power exploded.

The faces of the Shengyue clan turned pale, and they burst out with holy skills to compete.

In a head-on confrontation, there was no doubt that the members of the Shengyue clan, who were one level weaker in strength, were knocked away.

Bang bang bang! Another confrontation, within ten rounds, the Shengyue clan had been injured and vomited blood.

The members of the Holy Star clan said: We must continue to fight. Then we won't be so lighthearted. Stop struggling in vain. Hand over the Holy Grass.

Several people on the Shengyue clan's side clenched their fists tightly, and their fingernails dug into the flesh of their palms without feeling any pain.

They are simply bullying others too much, and I hate them for being too weak, damn it!

One of the girls had tears in her eyes and couldn't help but cry.

Give it to them! In the worst case, we'll keep looking.

holy star

A member of the clan said proudly: It should have been like this a long time ago, and we don't need to be beaten.

When he was about to take the sacred grass back, he suddenly felt a pain in his wrist.

Their expressions changed greatly and they wanted to fight back.

As a result, they didn't even see the person who did it clearly, so they felt the pain of breaking the bones in their bodies. They were covered in cold sweat, their eyes went dark and they fainted.

You... you Shengyue clan are so despicable that... you actually have masters secretly following us to deal with us.

The gap between their strength and Mu Qianxi's was really huge. She could defeat them instantly without using her spiritual power.

Those members of the Shengyue clan were dumbfounded as they looked at the handsome woman in front of them who knocked down the group of bullies. The woman's appearance was not that stunning, but she was very attractive.

The Shengyue Clan has the smallest number of people compared to the other two tribes. If there really is such a powerful person in the clan, they would not fail to recognize him.

Are you...are you the senior sister of the Shengri clan? they asked cautiously.

Mu Qianxi said: No. I should be from the Shengyue clan! They have been knocked unconscious by me, and the injuries on their bodies can make them lie in bed for half a month. If you feel that it is not enough to relieve your anger, please add some more!

They wanted to beat these bastards to lie down for half a month.

No... no need, it's enough to relieve your anger. If you hurt them too seriously, their elders of the Holy Star Clan will definitely not let it go! You can't cause trouble to the clan. They shook their heads.

The people of the Shengyue clan seem to live a very cautious and cautious life.

It seems that their situation is worse than what dad said!

Is Senior Sister really a member of our Shengyue Clan? Why have we never seen you? They looked at Mu Qianxi curiously.

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