What's wrong? Mu Tianque was slightly stunned by Qian Xi's question.

Yun Xiu, come out! A person who merged with the shadow appeared from behind Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi felt that her great-grandfather was the Donghuang of the previous generation. He had been in charge of the Donghuang Dynasty for thousands of years and had been in contact with the Feng family for a long time. Maybe he could know something?

Mu Tianque was slightly startled and said in shock: This... this is the shadow of the Feng family. His state is not right! Where is his true body?

Mu Qianxi said solemnly: His body disappeared. Because of the secret technique of the saints, his body and soul were sacrificed in exchange for powerful power. Now he is only a shadow. ??

He is the young master of the Feng family, Feng Yunxiu!

Mu Yan said: I felt something was wrong with this shadow before. I thought something had happened to the main body? I didn't expect that the main body had disappeared. Then how could he... exist?

A solemn look appeared on Mu Tianque's face, I know everything about the entire Feng family. This is the first time such a thing has happened. I don't know what's going on?

It seems that Feng Changyu is right. Mu Qianxi felt even more heavy. Didn't even her great-grandfather know?

Suddenly, Mu Qianxi's expression changed drastically.

The shadow stared at Mu Qianxi with deep nostalgia, but Mu Qianxi felt that his presence was weak.

Going to disappear?

So fast!

Because two powerful enemies have been dealt with, have the other powerful enemies also withdrawn?

You want to be my shadow, right? Stay. I still have many very powerful enemies. I hope you can protect me, so you are not allowed to disappear! No! Mu Qianxi looked at him with a pale face.

But it's no use!

She does have strong enemies, Bei Gongjue is not dead yet, Mu Linlang is not dead yet, there is the Holy Concubine, and Wuya...

However, the shadow of the body that has disappeared, clinging to obsession and instinct, cannot survive until the next time she needs protection.

By this time, it was already the limit.

At this moment, for the first time, Mu Qianxi thought that her rival would appear quickly and immediately in front of her. Maybe in this way... he could recover again!

My whole life... my whole life, please wake up as soon as possible. I have met a person who cannot be treated no matter what. I hope you can help.

My great-grandfather had no choice but to live a lifetime.

She didn't want the shadow to disappear, and if he disappeared like this, she would never see Yun Xiu again in this life.

Baby, you miss me so much. A romantic and wanton man with peach blossom eyes appeared next to Mu Qianxi.

His face didn't look good, obviously, there were disadvantages to being forcibly awakened.

My whole life is business, saving people. Mu Qianxi said hurriedly.

Yisheng glanced at the shadow and said: My little baby! This is no longer a human being. A shadow exists because of obsession and instinct. How can it last long? It is about to disappear.

I have treated countless creatures and understood various cases, but I have never treated shadows! Because it is impossible to treat at all, and no medicine can be used on a shadow. It would be okay if he has a soul, but he doesn't even have a soul.

This peculiar case is so rare that even the eyes of a lifetime are a little serious.

Mu Qianxi's heart seemed to be frozen, Are you unable to do anything about your life?

Yisheng turned back to look at Mu Qianxi, Be careful, don't show such an expression. I can feel your heart hurting. I feel so bad...

Mu Qianxi's voice became hoarse and she said, I want to save him all my life.

They met in the Sifang Realm and turned from very good friends into enemies.

However even if it succeeds

Even though he was an enemy, he still tried to find ways to protect her.

He had a rough life, his clan was wiped out, he had no freedom at all, he was his own uncle's toy, and was controlled by Mu Linlang and the Holy Concubine.

After finally getting rid of all that, she just disappeared like this. She didn't want to do this.

The power of shadow is the power of darkness. Let An use the power of darkness to maintain him. Let's see if we can give him enough power to prevent him from disappearing too quickly! I can feel Mu Qianxi's mood in my life and feel that she is powerful. desire.

There was no other way, he had to find a way for her.

An! Mu Qianxi awakened An without hesitation.

Silent An appeared, and after understanding the situation, he used the most essence and purest power of darkness to cover this shadow.

After it lasted for a while, Mu Qianxi felt that he would not disappear so quickly.

This method works.

Secretly said: Master, try your dark power.

Mu Qianxi's dark power comes from them, but he is the soul of destiny and has direct origin power, so the elemental power is naturally different.

Okay! Yun Xiu's shadow stabilized, and she was able to try a little boldly.

She wanted to hold Yun Xiu's hand, but unfortunately she couldn't touch it.

In front of me is this real shadow, not a living person.

Mu Qianxi's whole body was shrouded in the power of darkness, and when the power of darkness covered her hands.

It seemed that after turning into a shadow, I could finally touch him.

Mu Qianxi had almost drained all her dark power. She felt that Shadow's condition had returned to what it was before the fight with the Holy Concubine. This was a good situation.

An An said to Mu Qianxi: Master, this shadow cannot remain in the outside world for too long. If you want to keep him from disappearing, you can let him go to the Tower of Darkness.

Cultivation, the power of darkness is very strong there.

After all, he and his master couldn't keep an eye on him all the time, so they quickly replenished the power of darkness as soon as they found out that he was disappearing.

Yeah! Mu Qianxi nodded.

Little baby, he is just a shadow. Maintaining it like this is like keeping a piece of ice in a cold box without melting. He has no soul, and I'm afraid he will never be your friend again. This thing is cruel, but it is necessary in life. explain.

He was afraid that if she had too much hope, she would end up being disappointed even more painfully.

Mu Qianxi asked Shadow, Will you recover?

He wouldn't answer, couldn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

He was born due to obsession and instinct. What is he born for? Then follow his ideas. So when the little baby is in danger, let him out and let his obsession and instinct become deeper and deeper. Maybe there is no need for darkness With the power of the tower, he can exist to this point and become an immortal body of dark energy. I didn't want her to be too disappointed in my life, so I gave him advice.

In response, Shadow nodded.

He wants to protect her!

Also, shadows belong to darkness, but they are born because of light. Maybe if he finds Ah Huan, he may have some innovative ideas. Yisheng said to her.

Eternal Thousand Illusions, the eternal artifact with the strongest light attribute.

I understand. Mu Qianxi felt a little more hopeful.

Shadow cooperated and went to practice in the Tower of Eternity because he wanted to continue to protect her and not disappear.

Then, Issei and Anami fell into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and cloudy.

Thick black clouds seemed to be pressing down from the sky, destroying the entire capital and palace of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Many people in the capital looked up to the sky, their expressions changed drastically. Is there any danger in this formation?

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