Mu Qianxi said coldly: Family, who is your relative?

Mu Fengyun said: I don't want you to die now because I want to hand you over to my grandfather for execution. Our revenge has been avenged, but your revenge for killing my grandfather has not been avenged by my grandfather himself.

Mu Lincang's face was filled with joy. He didn't believe that his father would not care about the relationship between father and son and kill them cruelly.

There is no doubt that Mu Fengyun is the head of the Donghuang Dynasty.

There were many people standing on both sides of the road leading to the palace.

They said respectfully: Please return to the palace, Your Highness Fengyun, to prepare for the enthronement ceremony.

Please invite His Highness Fengyun to return to the palace to prepare for the enthronement ceremony.

... ??

Mu Fengyun took Mu Qianxi, Xuanwu and his subordinates back to the palace as quickly as possible.

The palace was completely empty. Even if there were guards, the doors were open to welcome Mu Fengyun's return.

Mu Fengluo and Mu Lincang were also escorted over. They used to be the most powerful people in the palace.

But this time when he came back, he came in as a prisoner.

The palace of the Donghuang Dynasty is now in chaos and lacks the luxurious atmosphere of the past.

Mu Fengyun said: Xi'er, how is the emperor's grandfather recovering? Mu Fengxu and Mu Lincang should deal with it quickly.

Yeah! Mu Qianxi found that her great-grandfather was in good condition, so she asked him to come out.

After Mu Tianque appeared, Mu Fengyun said: Grandfather, my grandson did it.

Mu Tianque looked at Mu Fengyun with a look of joy on his face, I knew you would definitely win, Fengyun.

The war was apparently over, and the grandchildren and Xi'er were all safe and sound.

However, there was an unexpected person in front of him, and he glanced at Mu Yan with a slight frown.

Father, my son is unfilial. Mu Yan knelt down and bowed.


He was away all the time and never came back to see his father until something happened.

As for his father's revenge, he had no ability to avenge it. It was his son who handled the matter beautifully.

The Donghuang Dynasty fell into the hands of a ruthless thief for a long time, but he did nothing, which is a shame for the descendants of the Mu family.

Mu Tianque said angrily: Get up! I get upset when I see you. Now I don't have the energy to take care of you, so I'll go on my way.

Father, save me, I don't want to die!

Grandfather, Mu Fengyun wants to kill me.

When Mu Lincang and Mu Fengque saw him appearing, they begged as if they were seeing a savior.

Mu Fengyun said: Grandfather, how should they deal with it? I think it is better for Grandfather to handle it.

The crimes they committed are enough to experience the most extreme torture in the world. But I am too lazy to waste my energy on dealing with them now. You can deal with Feng Yun directly, destroy their souls, and make them disappear forever.

Mu Tianque was not as merciful as the father and son imagined, so they dealt with him as he should.

Mu Lincang was stunned, Father, I am your son! You...can you bear to see me die miserably?

Yes! I am your grandson.

Mu Tianque said indifferently: Before I was a father and a grandfather, I was the emperor of a dynasty. The things you have done, as my emperor, your crimes are enough for me to execute you hundreds of times.

Even if I am just a father and grandfather, you don't know that I am very partial. I just prefer Feng Yun. If you dare to harm him to this extent, I will naturally make you pay with your blood.

Mu Lin

Cang and Mu Fengxu felt their whole bodies piercingly cold. Mu Lincang sneered and said, Ha! You also know that you are partial. If you weren't so partial to Big Brother and Mu Fengyun, we wouldn't do such a thing.

Mu Tianque said in a low voice: It is true that I am also wrong about this matter. Mu Yan is the eldest son of the emperor. Fengyun's talents and abilities can be seen in the world. He is also the eldest son of the direct line. Naturally, they deserve these things. Your birth is It was an accident. I gave you everything I had to give. I didn’t expect you to be so resentful and greedy...

Although Mu Yan is useless, he has great respect for me as a father. Fengyun is extremely talented, but extremely humble. No matter how strict I am, he never resents me and regards me as the most important elder. And what did you, father and son, do? Patricide, just for this reason, after you did such a thing, we have nothing to do with each other. Mu Tianque was very calm and had absolutely no indecisiveness.

Mu Lincang and Mu Fengxu seemed to have lost their hearts and souls. The only person who could save them sentenced them to death. They were dead.

Let's deal with it! It's a pity that I don't have enough strength now, otherwise I would do it myself. Mu Tianque waved his hand and asked for space.

Mu Qianxi said: Great-grandfather, I think it is too easy for them to let them die like this. You gave birth to them, raised them, and gave them a noble status in Xuantian Realm, but he caused your death and almost left your soul. Now you The soul is still very weak, they will die without any compensation, they are too easy.

Mu Lincang's pupils shrank suddenly, What are you, a vicious little girl, planning? Are you going to let us die in peace?

Mu Yan said: Is there any way Xi'er can repair my father's soul? If necessary, I can do it too.

Although he is not as bad as Mu Lincang, he is also very unfilial.

Looking at the powerful emperor of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty in the past, he became

He tried his best to make up for such a weak soul.

Mu Tianque said: Xi'er is the person responsible for treating me. I have no objection to how you want to treat me.


Mu Qianxi took out the Eternal Soul Cauldron and her soul power dispersed.

She added some magic medicine, and then the powerful soul power grabbed the souls of Mu Lincang and Mu Fengxu.

Anyway, they are all going to lose their souls. Before disappearing, let them make some contribution to the speedy recovery of their great-grandfather.

Ah ah ah... Their souls were pulled out bit by bit, each strand was very small, but it was the strongest part.

However, the pain this method caused to them was more terrifying than the loss of their souls.

At this time, they no longer have the courage to persist.

Kill me! Father, eldest brother, nephew, kill me! I...

That's enough! Mu Qianxi, that's enough. The strongest alchemist in the Xuantian Realm is so vicious and has harmed so many people. Mu Feng was also rolling on the ground and said wildly.

There is very little real essence, but it takes a long time to extract it. Mu Qianxi refined it with a tube of spiritual liquid.

When Xi'er is finished, they can disappear. Mu Tianque said.


Mu Fengyun used the power of thunder and lightning, and silver thunder fell from the sky, pulling them high into the sky.

Boom! A loud noise came out.

Mu Fengluo and Mu Lincang were hit hard, and their bodies instantly turned into black ash. They were blown away by the wind and disappeared completely.

From then on, there was no more Mu Lincang and Mu Fengxu in this world.

After dealing with these two defeated generals, Mu Qianxi said: Great-grandfather, how much do you know about the Feng family's shadow?

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