When Mu Qianxi arrived on the competition stage, she already knew that her opponent was Bei Gong Jue. Obviously Bei Gong Jue hadn't recognized her yet.

She must defeat him and get him out of here before he causes trouble.

Bei Gongjue looked at this pretty boy indifferently, trying to find similarities between him and Mu Qianxi.

If you can’t see it, just do it.

By slapping it, he would know if it was her.

Bei Gongjue said with a condescending air, It's still too late for you to admit defeat.

If he just admits defeat, he can almost rule out that he is definitely not Mu Qianxi.

Because Mu Qianxi would never admit defeat no matter what the situation was when she faced him.

I will get first and second place with my brother and admit defeat, that's impossible.

Bei Gongjue also knew that the guy who beat him so badly before was this guy's brother, so his eyes became even colder.

You asked for it!

The power of thunder and lightning elements exploded. Now that it has been exposed, Beigong must not continue to hide it.

The worst outcome would be to expose his identity. He has already lost to one person and will never allow himself to lose to another person.

The terrifying thunder and lightning turned into dozens of thunder dragons, which exploded towards Mu Qianxi, carrying a dangerous and terrifying aura.


Many people couldn't help but sweat for Mu Qianxi.

Donghuang's eyes suddenly sank, Keep an eye on this kid.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Boom! Mu Qianxi controlled the wind elemental skill and dodged instantly.

All the thunder and lightning attacks failed and fell on the ground, causing the solid competition platform of the Royal Martial Arts Arena to shake violently. This shows how terrifying the power of thunder and lightning is.

If this thunder struck a person, he would probably be crippled.

The speed of thunder and lightning is getting faster and faster, not weaker than the speed of wind.


Mu Qianxi's wind element was operating to the extreme, and everyone could see countless figures of him appearing in the wind.

The speed of thunder and lightning is almost the same as that of wind.

As long as Mu Qianxi was just a little slower, she would be struck by lightning.

Terrifying thunder and lightning roared towards him. Seeing that Mu Qianxi avoided it, Bei Gongjue used his other elemental skill, the ice elemental skill.

Bang bang bang...

A single-system elemental spiritualist would naturally be at a disadvantage against a dual-system elementalist, because a dual-system elementalist has more attack methods, making it difficult to defend against.

Mu Qianxi dodged his attack with a solemn look on her face.

Beigong is definitely Beigong Jue. Even if he hides part of his strength, he is still so difficult to deal with.

If she could show her full strength, she would be capable of fighting, but not now!

Mu Qianxi flew out like blue smoke, trying her best to dodge.

Beigong Jue said: You, a ninth-level spiritual master with unstable spiritual power, can perform so many moves under my hands. This is your limit. You can get out.

Bei Gongjue's attacks became more fierce, blocking Mu Qianxi from all sides.

Mu Qianxi also fought back, but this little counterattack was of little use to Bei Gongjue.

Bang bang bang...

The two of them had been fighting back and forth for more than ten rounds. In the next moment, a bolt of thunder and lightning came unexpectedly towards Mu Qianxi.

The wind element bursts out as a defense.

This...can you guard against this?

Everyone's hearts were raised. The thunder and lightning had indeed fallen on Mu Qianxi.

As a result, Mu Qianxi was promoted to the third level of spiritual master. The next moment,

Mu Qianxi's figure flashed and she suddenly attacked Beigong Jue.

There was a look of horror in Bei Gongjue's eyes. He was sure that his attack could not be blocked by the defense, but when she blocked it, he found that she was not doing anything wrong.

Beigong Jue's pupils shrank sharply, and the next moment his left shoulder was penetrated by the wind elemental skill, and blood spurted out.

Bei Gongjue stepped back and stared at the man in front of him. It was her! It's Mu Qianxi.

She was the only one who was hit by such a powerful thunder and lightning elemental power as him, and nothing happened at all.

Bei Gongjue vomited blood, and Mu Qianxi vomited more than him.

Although the power of thunder and lightning fell on her body like it was tickling her, she still had to act perfectly.

She doesn't want someone with so many flaws like Bei Gongjue.

Master Yun blocked the power of lightning just now, but not all of it. He was still injured.

He seized the best opportunity to counterattack when the opponent was seriously injured and relaxed.

The fact that you can endure such a severe injury shows your amazing perseverance, not bad!

The injured Bei Gongjue had a smile on his face, he had found her, and it was not in vain for him to come here.

Even if Mu Qianxi's identity was discovered, Bei Gongjue did not announce it in public. He wanted to deal with Mu Qianxi personally.

In this battle, Bei Gongjue became more serious.

Mu Qianxi, who broke through, also went all out.

Boom! What followed was a thrilling showdown.

Mu Qianxi's performance was astonishing, and Bei Gongjue's combat power was extremely powerful.

Mu Fengyun's eyes were cold as he was watching the game. He had known that he had been injured more seriously before, otherwise Xi'er wouldn't have had such a hard time.

Xi'er was already injured, and even though he was only slightly injured due to his physical strength, he still felt distressed.

Beigong Juebi

Others are aware of Mu Qianxi's ability. Now that he has suppressed his strength below the spiritual level, any attack will not hurt her.

Even though she looked very injured now, she knew that she was just pretending and acting like this.

And he had been seriously injured before, so it would be bad for her to continue to waste him.

The powerful wind elemental skills are approaching again, and if you can't avoid them this time, you will definitely be seriously injured.

Bei Gongjue could no longer control his own power, and the next moment his spiritual god-level power burst out, making everyone's eyes widen.

Spirit God, Spirit God comes here to participate in the competition, it's completely unnecessary!

It's the spirit god, take action!

The next moment Bei Gongjue revealed his strength, Dong Huang naturally couldn't sit still, and in the next moment countless masters rushed out.

Take him down, he must be a traitor who sneaked in! He intends to assassinate His Majesty.

The spiritual god of the Donghuang Dynasty took action, and Mu Qianxi fell seriously injured.

Beigong could never get close to Mu Qianxi. He knew that if he got close to her in this situation, he would end up being tricked by her.

Beigong Jue said: I'm not. I'm just here to deal with some personal grudges of mine. You've made a mistake.

Still trying to quibble!

The next moment, everyone formed a formation and trapped him.

Soon, the formation of the Royal Martial Arts Arena was activated, and Bei Gongjue felt that his body was imprisoned and could not resist.

His face became extremely cold, damn it! He didn't expect that there was such a layout in the Donghuang Dynasty's royal fighting arena, so he was careless.

He looked at Mu Qianxi gloomily. Donghuang had already set up a dragnet here.

If she showed her weakness, she would be trapped without any resistance.

Rather than being killed by Donghuang, it would be better to fall into his hands. Unfortunately, Mu Qianxi did not make the right choice.

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