The scene was noisy, and this magical skill was really eye-catching and fancy.

People from the Donghuang Dynasty also paid attention and said: Young people today! In order to please women, they use these flashy spiritual skills to attract attention. They are useless.

That spiritual skill was not considered superior in Donghuang's eyes, and if Mu Fengyun really came, he wouldn't be so high-profile.

He just glanced at it and then moved his eyes to another competition venue.

Mu Qianxi defeated her opponent with gorgeous wind element skills, and saw many people cheering on her side.

Beautiful things are indeed lovable and eye-catching.

A total of five hundred people were eliminated in this round, and the competition soon continued.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun did not fall into the doubt list, so their opponents were not much stronger than their opponents in the previous round.

Bei Gong Jue, on the other hand, met an opponent who could almost enter the top ten, and the opponent's moves were fierce.

Bei Gongjue's eyes twitched, and he always had a very bad feeling. Donghuang and his people were really too blind.

In the second competition, Mu Qianxi's spiritual skills were very gorgeous, and even Mu Fengyun's were the same, making many women unable to take their eyes away.


Are their spiritual skills exactly the same? They also look alike. I've asked. They are brothers!

I wonder if they are twin brothers. Their magical skills are exactly the same. It would probably look better if they did it together.

Women from all sides watching the game were chattering non-stop, and they were all talking about the two brothers.

This made Donghuang, who had a keen sense of hearing, and the masters around him feel pain in their temples, These little girl movies really don't have the restraint of noble women at all. They are causing trouble. If I had known better, no one would be allowed to watch the competition.

After all, this is a rare strong competition in the Xuantian world. Many people ask for it to be open to people to watch, but there is no way! And those who participate in the competition also hope that

Their heroic fighting spirit was seen by more people.


After each competition, Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi were very popular among the audience, which actually made Donghuang's people ignore them even more, so that they were never included in the suspect list.

Beigong Jue is also very popular, mainly because of his strong strength. He has received special attention and his opponents are very strong in every match.

Bei Gongjue had never been so aggrieved in a competition venue as he could not expose all his strength to fight with the opponent, and his cold eyes became even deeper.

What made him even more angry was that he hadn't found Mu Qianxi yet.

I don’t know if this woman is too good at hiding, or if she didn’t come at all.

If she hadn't come, he would have suffered so much for nothing.

After each competition, the top ten have been determined.

The top ten will be ranked. Each person will compete not only once, but five times, and finally the ranking will be based on the number of games won and performance.

I have to say that even though many people despise Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun for learning this unprecedented and gorgeous wind elemental skill, they have to say that these two brothers are very capable.

So Donghuang decided to assign Bei Gongjue to the man named Yun Rong, that is, Mu Fengyun.

Mu Fengyun faced Bei Gongjue, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

This boy tried to harm his daughter over and over again, and even took over the body of his daughter's best friend, making her worried and sad.

Absolutely unforgivable!

Now that he has the chance, he will definitely teach this guy a lesson.

boom! The competition began, and the two men fought fiercely.

Bei Gongjue was slightly startled. This person was stronger than the opponents he had encountered before.

This wind elemental spiritual master could predict his moves.

Bang bang bang! The two figures turned into countless afterimages in the air, fighting fiercely.

Your Majesty, this Yun Rong is quite powerful. If he can be taken under his command, he will definitely be a great help to Your Majesty. It's just that the spiritual skills are only superficial. If we can practice this superficial spiritual skill so well, if we Give him the spiritual skills of the Donghuang Dynasty, and he should be able to master them soon. The people around Donghuang said.

Donghuang nodded and said: Yes!

Bei Gongjue was pressed hard by Mu Fengyun step by step. When he was pushed behind him, he accidentally used the thunder element skill.

Boom! The loud thunder and lightning shocked everyone.

He...he turned out to be an elemental spiritual master of both ice and thunder elements. He had been hiding his strength before!


Substantial murderous intent has spread from the Donghuang Dynasty, and someone said: Your Majesty, do you want us to take action now and kill that person?

Let the competition continue. He can't escape anyway? It's not bad to let the people on the field consume his strength. Let's see for now!

Yes, Your Majesty!

Bei Gongjue's expression changed slightly after his thunder element skill was exposed. Now that the matter was over, he no longer hid the thunder element.


Even so, he was still hurt by Mu Fengyun.

Puff puff! The wind element severely injured him, leaving countless blood marks on his body.

A sinister look flashed across Bei Gongjue's eyes. If he continues to fight, he will win only if he exposes the strength of the Spiritual God.

Otherwise, his injuries will become more and more serious.

He didn't come here to get first place in this competition. He didn't despise this first place. He came here to find Mu Qianxi.

In the end, Bei Gong Jue stormed out. He didn't want to admit defeat and float off the competition platform.

Mu Fengyun noticed his behavior, and the wind elemental movement rushed forward and stopped him!


How could he let him run away so easily? He hadn't taught him enough yet!

Bei Gongjue's eyes flashed with a sinister look, You are looking for death!

Boom! The battle between Mu Fengyun and Bei Gongjue was definitely the most intense battle in this martial arts arena so far.

Mu Qianxi's competition has been completed. She looked at the battlefield on the other side, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Her father was teaching Bei Gongjue a lesson and helping her take revenge!

But my father also has a sense of proportion. He will take revenge very harshly, but he will not expose himself.

Puff puff... Bei Gongjue's injuries became more and more serious, and he didn't want to fight with a difficult guy anymore.

He tried his best to rush off the competition platform, but this time this guy didn't have time to stop him.

Mu Fengyun's eyes darkened slightly, not because he didn't want to stop him, but if he continued to fight, Mu Fengxiao might find clues.

Bei Gongjue escaped from Mu Fengyun, but met Mu Qianxi in the next scene.

Mu Qianxi smiled secretly and said: This Donghuang did it on purpose!

That's fine. If Beigong hadn't been injured by her father, it would have been very troublesome for her to deal with him. Now that he was injured by his father, it would be just right for her to do the last-ditch attack.

Mu Qianxi smiled brightly at Mu Fengyun and said, Brother, this guy escaped from your hands and fell into my hands. It's bad luck for him! Then I'll deal with him again.

Yeah! Come on! Mu Fengyun smiled softly.

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