Most of the Donghuang Dynasty's firepower was directed to Beigong Jue's side. Next, Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun moved very conveniently.

Except for the people on Bei Gongjue's side, everyone else was cleaned up by them.

Hey! Bei Gongjue ran away and hid. Mu Qianxi said.

Many experts from the Donghuang Dynasty are searching vigorously here, even if they have to dig three feet into the ground to find the person.

And Beigong Jue has many tricks. If he hides, it will be quite troublesome for the people of the Donghuang Dynasty to find him.

Bei Gongjue's face was gloomy, this time he really got off to a bad start.

Mu Qianxi said: Found it.

No matter how much Beigong Jue could hide, he could not escape the eyes of Mu Qianxi and his daughter who controlled this space.

There are all masters from the Donghuang Dynasty on that side. Even if we have to deal with Bei Gongjue, it's not convenient for us to do it. Otherwise, if we don't tell him, we will be exposed, which is not cost-effective. Mu Qianxi said in a low voice.

Mu Fengyun nodded slightly and said, Yes! You can let others pass the message. The few people we met before should be useful. They are still alive.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun went over and heard a group of people crying and howling. Beigong Jue beat them badly.

Mu Qianxi said: What's wrong with you? You have encountered an enemy.

It's you two brothers! We have met our target, but unfortunately he is too strong. We did not stop him, but were seriously injured by them. However, the adults of the Donghuang Dynasty have already taken action, and he is dead. They replied.

Mu Fengyun said: What kind of great contribution is it to tipping off the news? If it can hurt him, it will be considered a great achievement.

You think we don't want to! We are all injured, and that guy is very powerful.

If you are injured, please take some elixirs to heal your injuries. Then we can go find someone together. There is strength in numbers. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Elixir...this...this is the elixir from the Ghost Doctor Building. They were shocked when they saw the elixir Mu Qianxi took out.

Now the Donghuang Dynasty is targeting the Ghost Doctor House and has destroyed many Ghost Doctor Houses. The elixirs from the Ghost Doctor House are too difficult to buy.

Even if we can order directly, in the current war, we have to wait in line for a long time. Brother, you are so generous, you actually gave us such a precious elixir.

The elixir Mu Qianxi took out was naturally effective, and they recovered very well.

So they moved together, with Mu Qianxi leading the way, heading directly towards Bei Gongjue.

When they reached a fork in the road, Mu Fengyun said, You go over there to check. We're going this way. Remember to be careful.


Bei Gongjue was in their direction, and they spotted the person, It's you!

This time they learned a lesson and immediately sent out the flare and then ran!

Bei Gongjue's face turned dark again, why are they like this bunch of bastards again? Damn it!

He wanted to kill them, but the masters from the nearby Donghuang Dynasty came quickly and surrounded Bei Gongjue.

You did a good job, I took note of it!


The fighting was left to the many masters of the Donghuang Dynasty, and they retired with success.

Some adults have remembered us. It seems that we have made a great contribution. That's great.

We were so lucky that we hit the target twice.

After they left, they met up with Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun and talked about the incident excitedly.

Mu Qianxi said: It's getting late, you should hurry up and occupy a mountain peak and wait for this round to end!


Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun also returned to the previous mountain peak. They must

I want to go to that mountain peak and wipe out the formation they transformed.

As for Bei Gongjue, he escaped the first time, but he won't escape so easily this time. He should fight slowly!

Boom! There were loud noises, and the powerful spiritual gods were dispatched. Beigong Jue also had to do his best to deal with it.

Spiritual God, thunder element spiritual master, it seems that he must be Mu Fengyun. Someone said.

Bei Gongjue said coldly: You are blind! I am not Mu Fengyun.

You will definitely not admit it. Kill him first.

Bei Gongjue told the truth, but no one believed him.

His face was as cold as ice and snow, and he clearly hid it well.

I really don’t know how I was discovered by a group of bastards?

When Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun went to the mountain peak again, they found that the mountain peak was occupied by another group of people.

This group of people is quite strong, and among them there are experts who are at the peak of the ninth level spiritual master.

They said: You two can get out, there is no room for you here.

Mu Qianxi said: If you want to get out, it's up to you to get out!

Boy, you are so crazy! You two dare to go against us!

One of them rushed out like a cannonball, but unfortunately his attack missed.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun disappeared instantly as if they turned into a burst of smoke.

The next moment, powerful wind element attacks came from both sides of him, so fast that he couldn't dodge them.

Bang! A look of horror appeared on his face, and he was instantly blown away.

Some of his companions also looked at Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun in surprise. These two people had a good understanding of each other.

Both speed and attack are exactly the same, as if they were completely copied.

You are quite capable, but unfortunately you are not strong enough to face us!

The powerful spiritual power of the ninth level peak exploded in vain, and they used powerful spiritual skills to attack Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun one by one.

The two of them looked extremely calm and quickly fought back.

Their movements were so fast that these people could not see clearly, and then Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun fought back mercilessly.

The spiritual power of the wind element roared in the air, and the powerful and beautiful spiritual skills exploded, unstoppable!

Puff, puff, puff! They were hit, with blood all over their bodies, and they retreated in embarrassment.

Their faces were all pale. The two of them cooperated very well, were fast, had no flaws, and had very high levels of spiritual skills.

Even if they have more people and their spiritual power level is higher than the other party, they can't do anything to them.

They are very aware of the gap between them, and if they continue to fight, they will only be injured more seriously.

We are not as strong as others, so I will give this mountain to you. I don't know what your name is? I hope we will have the opportunity to fight one on one in the finals. The leader said.

Mu Qianxi said: Our surname is Yun!

They left quickly. Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi checked the formation. These people did not find anything strange about the formation here.

There was still time, so Mu Qianxi took out a lot of spiritual fruit melon seeds and sat on the floor to watch the show.

The Spiritual Gods have already taken action. If Beigong Jue can deal with a few Spiritual Gods, it will be considered a favor to us. Mu Qianxi looked at the fierce battle scene and said with a playful smile.

In order to kill Mu Fengyun, the spiritual gods sent by Donghuang were strong enough, which made Bei Gongjue, who was hiding his strength, find it difficult.

In the end, Beigong couldn't bear it any longer, and his extremely cold spiritual power burst out.

Donghuang's people were shocked: Ice and thunder elemental spiritual master, you... you are not Mu Fengyun!

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