Boom! Terrifying thunder and lightning came, and in the next moment, these people were chopped to pieces.

Mu Qianxi was cold, This power of thunder and lightning, this technique...

Looks very familiar!

Boom! It turned out that they listened to Mu Qianxi's warning, and there was still one person who didn't come.

When he saw how powerful his opponent was, the remaining person sent a signal and asked for support from the real masters of the Donghuang Dynasty.

Bang! The next moment the signal was sent, the man continued to be struck by lightning. .??.

A group of people were also unlucky. They met Mu Qianxi and his daughter before, but now they encountered such a hard nut to crack.

Who are you? he said coldly.

We are His Majesty the East Emperor's people. You dare to kill us. It seems you must be a rebel! Just wait! Others will come soon, and you are dead. They said.

The opponent's face changed slightly, he gave up the formation to attack this mountain peak, and moved towards another place.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun focused all their energy here. Mu Qianxi stared at the man's face, and his every move...

Could it be him? But it feels impossible! How could he come here? Mu Qianxi frowned.

Who does Xi'er suspect this person is? Mu Fengyun asked.

Beigong Jue! Mu Qianxi said this name slowly.

Mu Qianxi has dealt with Bei Gongjue countless times, so she naturally understands him better than Mu Fengyun.

His abilities, his habits when fighting, his eyes, and...

That body belongs to Xiaobai!

The most important targets of the Donghuang Dynasty were Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun. Naturally, Bei Gongjue had disguised himself, but not as elaborately as Mu Qianxi.

And no one on the side of the Donghuang Dynasty knew him as well as Mu Qianxi. In the eyes of others, he didn't see any problems, but in Mu Qianxi's eyes, he was full of flaws.


He never imagined that Mu Qianxi would be able to monitor the entire audience in this second round.

As an emperor of a country, there is absolutely no need to participate in this competition, unless he has other intentions.

Mu Fengyun said: Keep watching. If we are sure, we must deal with him.

There was no one like Bei Gongjue in their plan.

With his appearance, something unexpected might happen, and he would not allow such an accident to bring danger to Xi'er.

Mu Qianxi nodded: Okay!

The man in white ran away, and soon people from the Donghuang Dynasty took action.

He broke into another mountain peak and was intercepted by people from the Donghuang Dynasty.

He said: Go away, I am not the person you are looking for.

No matter who is touching our people, you must go see His Majesty and find out your identity. Please don't resist! If you resist, you will admit that you are a rebel.

I say it again, get out! he said impatiently.

Kill! The people from the Donghuang Dynasty thought that there must be something wrong with this person and they must be captured.

Bang! A fierce battle was inevitable.

The people Donghuang prepared were all very capable, and Mu Qianxi was sure of one thing, He is indeed Beigong Jue! He's actually here.

Bei Gongjue didn't know that his identity was known to Mu Qianxi. He originally wanted to find Mu Qianxi, but he didn't expect to run into a group of idiots.

Because of this group of bastards, he was approached by Donghuang's people.

Naturally, he didn't want to be taken away by them, nor did he want his identity to be exposed.

After all, if it is known

His identity, Donghuang will definitely bring him a lot of trouble.

After all, he was the emperor of the Beigong Dynasty, how could he let him stay in the Donghuang Dynasty and act wantonly.

These people must be killed.

A murderous intent flashed through Bei Gongjue's eyes, and most of these people were dead in an instant.

Beigong Jue would rather kill people than expose himself. It seems that he is planning to stab someone in this conference. It's either Donghuang or me, but I think it's more likely to be me. Regarding this opponent, Mu Qian Xi still understands it very well.

He dares! Mu Fengyun said coldly.

The Beigong Dynasty had been quiet during their war, but Mu Fengyun knew that the ambitious Beigong would never remain inactive like this.

He was waiting for them to fight in such a way that both sides would suffer losses and reap the benefits.

There was another five-star dynasty eyeing him, so he didn't rush into the final battle.

He did want to get rid of Mu Fenghang, but he also didn't want the foundation of the Donghuang Mu clan to fall into the hands of others.

Donghuang has laid a dragnet here. No matter how strong Bei Gong Jue is, there will still be a steady stream of masters coming to kill him, which is enough to give Bei Gong Jue a headache.

Mu Fengyun said: Xi'er, let's go hunting too! There are many people here. In addition to those who are chasing Bei Gongjue, there are also people who are searching in other places. We have taken care of those people.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, Yes! Okay!

The appearance of Bei Gongjue caused most people to pursue him, but a suspect did not make everyone here come out.

Even so, none of these people can escape.

These people all train for Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi.

Who are you? How dare you sneak attack us. They were shocked.

They must have asked

Question, take them down.

Two white figures swept out, and the spiritual power of the wind element exploded. Their spiritual skills were exactly the same, as if they were copied. It was like a tacit understanding that only brothers could have.

Bang bang bang!

Facing the combined efforts of Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi, these people retreated steadily and could not resist for long.

Leave here immediately and ask for support. A suspicious person has been found!

Mu Fengyun said: Let's go, you can't leave.

The surrounding formations changed, and they were trapped inside, unable to escape.

Bang bang bang! These people were defeated and their bodies were destroyed without leaving any traces.

Mu Qianxi said: Let's go! Next target.

Yeah! It's very close to here. Mu Fengyun nodded.

At the second competition venue, Donghuang got the news that his people were hit hard here, with numerous casualties.

The suspicious person has been found and is still being hunted.

Donghuang said: Activate the formation and send the Spirit God over. Be sure to catch the person.

Yes! Your Majesty!

Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi still cleared out half of the remaining people, and they found traces of the spirit god.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun were on guard for a long time, and the handlers handled the matter quietly, preventing them from spreading the news.

Beigong Jue's side was careless from the beginning, so that the commotion became louder and louder, attracting more and more experts from the Donghuang Dynasty.

Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun had already seen that those spiritual masters were heading towards Bei Gongjue.

Mu Qianxi said: Let Bei Gongjue fight with them! Let's clean up the rest. Bei Gongjue is the emperor of a country after all. If he dares to come, it shouldn't be so easy for him to die here and harm the little one. white!

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