They now do not have the strength to compete with the strongest fighting force around Donghuang. They are also accumulating strength and trying to find ways to become stronger when they have severely damaged Donghuang's men and some of his forces again and again.

They cannot miss any power that can enable them to win, and Donghuang Tower is one of them.

Mu Fengyun said: Well! If I can get the recognition of Donghuang Tower, it will be a big blow to Donghuang. Moreover, Donghuang Tower also controls the secrets of our Donghuang Mu clan. Maybe there is a way to use my strength Take it to the next level.”

The Donghuang Tower only recognizes the leader of the Donghuang Dynasty, and not every leader is qualified to be recognized.

I told Donghuang Tower before that I think dad can do it. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Mu Fengyun said: If you wait a little longer, Mu Fengxu will probably take action.

As Mu Fengyun expected, Donghuang did make some moves.

On all battlefields, the high-level spiritual masters of the Donghuang Dynasty, the peak spiritual masters, suffered numerous casualties.

Even if the peak strength could crush Mu Fengyun, the lack of backbone strength made Donghuang very angry.

This part of the power is missing, so Donghuang naturally has to find a way to make up for it.

It's a pity that the four-star sect he controlled was almost destroyed. Not many can be recalled to fight, and the number is still pitiful.

People belonging to the sect were not good enough, so the Donghuang Dynasty focused on some lone rangers.

Donghuang made a notice that he would hold a peak competition for the strongest in the Donghuang Dynasty.

Anyone from the East Emperor Dynasty or the Beigong Dynasty can come and participate.

The Donghuang Dynasty will give great treasures to those who perform outstandingly in this competition.

The top ten will have great benefits. The Donghuang Dynasty will give them the skills to break through the spiritual god level. The top three will also get quasi-super artifacts from the holy realm.

In the past, the five-star forces had very strict control over the exercises related to the interests of the Donghuang Dynasty. For the first time, it was announced to the world that they could provide such exercises, which would naturally attract many people.

As for the quasi-super artifacts of the Holy Realm, such treasures of the seven-star forces are fascinating.

There are countless powerful spiritual masters from all sides in the Xuantian Realm. Whether it is to obtain the benefits promised by the Donghuang Dynasty or to compete with today's strong men, many people have rushed to the capital of the Donghuang Dynasty one after another and chosen to participate in this event. Competition.

Your Majesty, do you really want to give these lone rangers such benefits? someone asked.

If you give it to me, you will naturally use it for me. The first purpose of my doing this is to recruit masters at the level of spiritual masters, and the second is to lure Mu Fengyun into taking the bait. As more and more people come to the capital, of course, the chaos will become greater, Mu Fengyun I won’t let go of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters,” Donghuang said.

If Mu Fengyun comes and takes action against Your Majesty, we can catch a turtle in a jar. Your Majesty has a good plan!

We're just waiting for Mu Fengyun to throw himself into the trap. Don't be too timid and let me down! Donghuang said gloomily.

This news caused shock in the Xuantian world. This was definitely a carnival for powerful spiritual masters. Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun were naturally aware of Donghuang's intentions.

Dad, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for! This is still an opportunity, but it is also a trap! Mu Qianxi said.

It's a trap, are Xi'er afraid? Mu Fengyun asked.

Of course I'm not afraid. Even if we know it's a trap, the worst we can do is blow this trap away! Mu Qianxi said domineeringly.

Xi'er is not afraid, and dad is certainly not afraid either. Let's go and make a reservation. Not only do we want to go, we also want to go

Let Donghuang's plan to win over the major spiritual masters in the Xuantian world come to nothing, and get the approval of Donghuang Tower.

Then I'll prepare the disguise potion. Mu Qianxi smiled.

If they want to go, they must not go there with the identities and faces of Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi.

Otherwise, as soon as they get close to the capital, they will become a living target, and then the absolutely powerful masters of the Donghuang Dynasty will immediately surround them, which is not something they can handle.

Well! Then I'll leave it to Xi'er. Mu Fengyun said.

Mu Qianxi's potion can perfectly hide a person's aura and change a person's appearance.

This is the most perfect potion she has refined so far, even the Spirit God cannot see it.

Yeah! As long as you are careful with your magic skills when you take action, the secret will not be exposed.

Mu Qianxi transformed into a handsome young man. Mu Fengyun looked at her with some confusion and said, I wonder what happened to Qingchen and your mother?

Mu Qianxi blinked and said, Brother, does he look like me?

No! He is not as good-looking as Xi'er. He is more like me, and you are like your mother. Mu Fengyun said.

Mu Qianxi held Mu Fengyun's hand tightly and said: Dad, after we solve the problem of Donghuang and clarify what happened back then, and everything in the Donghuang Dynasty is stable, we will find a way to find my mother. Even if it is a seven-star force, Don't try to trap my mother and prevent our family from being reunited.

Well! If they refuse to let them go, then I will let the Donghuang Dynasty become a seven-star force and fight directly. Mu Fengyun said coldly.

He knew very well that even if he restored his former status, the Holy Land would not let him go so easily.

Because of what he did, he offended the Holy Land and the master behind him.

But so what? As long as they are strong enough, who dares to stop their family from reuniting?

The Donghuang Dynasty is a five-star power. Even the best emperor in the history of the Donghuang Dynasty has never managed to cross two stars in a row to become a seven-star power.

Because the seven-star power of the Holy Realm has the gods as its backers.

Without such a big backer, it would be difficult for any human force to reach such heights.

Even so, Mu Fengyun still knew that he couldn't do it, but he had to do it.

Because he wanted to take his wife, the person he loved the most, back home.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Okay, if the Holy Realm is unreasonable, I will work with my father to build a seven-star force that is comparable to the Holy Realm, and beat them silly to see if they let go.

Mu Fengyun looked at himself who was twenty years younger and said, Xi'er, you can actually make me twenty years older!

Mu Qianxi said: But I have already thought about it, brothers and sisters, let's go to this peak competition together!

I prefer being your father. Mu Fengyun said.

No! Didn't dad say that my brother looks like you? I have never met my brother, so let me feel what it's like to have a brother. Mu Qianxi said coquettishly to Mu Fengyun.

Mu Fengyun felt heartbroken when she remembered that her daughter had been separated from her relatives since she was a child, with only her third brother by her side.

Okay! Then I'll accept Xi'er. In order to make Xi'er happy, he also accepted the younger one.

The Donghuang Dynasty's side is raging with war, and the Beigong Dynasty's side has not intervened for the time being.

However, because Donghuang was going to hold this competition for the pinnacle of powerhouses, Bei Gongjue actually wanted to go.

Your Majesty, as the emperor of the Beigong Dynasty, there is no need for you to participate in such a big competition. They now do not have the strength to compete with the strongest fighting force around Donghuang. When they repeatedly inflicted heavy losses on Donghuang's men and some of his forces, they also Accumulate strength and find ways to become stronger.

They cannot miss any power that can enable them to win, and Donghuang Tower is one of them.

Mu Fengyun said: Well! If I can get the recognition of Donghuang Tower, it will be a big blow to Donghuang. Moreover, Donghuang Tower also controls the secrets of our Donghuang Mu clan. Maybe there is a way to use my strength Take it to the next level.”

The Donghuang Tower only recognizes the leader of the Donghuang Dynasty, and not every leader is qualified to be recognized.

I told Donghuang Tower before that I think dad can do it. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Mu Fengyun said: If you wait a little longer, Mu Fengxu will probably take action.

As Mu Fengyun expected, Donghuang did make some moves.

On all battlefields, the high-level spiritual masters of the Donghuang Dynasty, the peak spiritual masters, suffered numerous casualties.

Even if the peak strength could crush Mu Fengyun, the lack of backbone strength made Donghuang very angry. .??.

This part of the power is missing, so Donghuang naturally has to find a way to make up for it.

It's a pity that the four-star sect he controlled was almost destroyed. Not many can be recalled to fight, and the number is still pitiful.

People belonging to the sect were not good enough, so the Donghuang Dynasty focused on some lone rangers.

Donghuang made a notice that he would hold a peak competition for the strongest in the Donghuang Dynasty.

Anyone from the East Emperor Dynasty or the Beigong Dynasty can come and participate.

The Donghuang Dynasty will give great treasures to those who perform outstandingly in this competition.

The top ten will have great benefits. The Donghuang Dynasty will give them the skills to break through the spiritual god level. The top three will also get quasi-super artifacts from the holy realm.

In the past, the five-star forces had very strict control over the exercises related to the interests of the Donghuang Dynasty. For the first time, it was announced to the world that they could provide such exercises, which would naturally attract many people.

As for the quasi-super artifacts of the Holy Realm, such treasures of the seven-star forces are fascinating.

There are countless powerful spiritual masters from all sides in the Xuantian Realm. Whether it is to obtain the benefits promised by the Donghuang Dynasty or to compete with today's strong men, many people have rushed to the capital of the Donghuang Dynasty one after another and chosen to participate in this event. Contest.

Your Majesty, do you really want to give these lone rangers such benefits? someone asked.

If you give it to me, you will naturally use it for me. The first purpose of my doing this is to recruit masters at the level of spiritual masters, and the second is to lure Mu Fengyun into taking the bait. As more and more people come to the capital, of course, the chaos will become greater, Mu Fengyun I won’t let go of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters,” Donghuang said.

If Mu Fengyun comes and takes action against Your Majesty, we can catch a turtle in a jar. Your Majesty has a good plan!

We're just waiting for Mu Fengyun to throw himself into the trap. Don't be too timid and let me down! Donghuang said gloomily.

This news caused shock in the Xuantian world. This was definitely a carnival for powerful spiritual masters. Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun were naturally aware of Donghuang's intentions.

Dad, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for! This is still an opportunity, but it is also a trap! Mu Qianxi said.

It's a trap, are Xi'er afraid? Mu Fengyun asked.

Of course I'm not afraid. Even if we know it's a trap, the worst we can do is blow this trap away! Mu Qianxi said domineeringly.

Xi'er is not afraid, and dad is certainly not afraid either. Let's go and make a reservation. Not only do we want to go, we also want to go

Let Donghuang's plan to win over the major spiritual masters in the Xuantian world come to nothing, and get the approval of Donghuang Tower.

Then I'll prepare the disguise potion. Mu Qianxi smiled.

If they want to go, they must not go there with the identities and faces of Mu Fengyun and Mu Qianxi.

Otherwise, as soon as they get close to the capital, they will become a living target, and then the absolutely powerful masters of the Donghuang Dynasty will immediately surround them, which is not something they can handle.

Well! Then I'll leave it to Xi'er. Mu Fengyun said.

Mu Qianxi's potion can perfectly hide a person's aura and change a person's appearance.

This is the most perfect potion she has refined so far, even the Spirit God cannot see it.

Yeah! As long as you are careful with your magic skills when you take action, the secret will not be revealed.

Mu Qianxi transformed into a handsome young man. Mu Fengyun looked at her with some confusion and said, I wonder what happened to Qingchen and your mother?

Mu Qianxi blinked and said, Brother, does he look like me?

No! He is not as good-looking as Xi'er. He is more like me, and you are like your mother. Mu Fengyun said.

Mu Qianxi held Mu Fengyun's hand tightly and said: Dad, after we solve the problem of Donghuang and clarify what happened back then, and everything in the Donghuang Dynasty is stable, we will find a way to find my mother. Even if it is a seven-star force, Don't try to trap my mother and prevent our family from being reunited.

Well! If they refuse to let them go, then I will let the Donghuang Dynasty become a seven-star force and fight directly. Mu Fengyun said coldly.

He knew very well that even if he restored his former status, the Holy Land would not let him go so easily.

Because of what he did, he offended the Holy Land and the master behind him.

But so what? As long as they are powerful enough, who dares to stop their family from reuniting?

The Donghuang Dynasty is a five-star power. Even the best emperor in the history of the Donghuang Dynasty has never managed to cross two stars in a row to become a seven-star power.

Because the seven-star power of the Holy Realm has the gods as its backers.

Without such a big backer, it would be difficult for any human force to reach such heights.

Even so, Mu Fengyun still knew that he couldn't do it, but he had to do it.

Because he wanted to take his wife, the person he loved the most, back home.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Okay, if the Holy Realm is unreasonable, I will work with my father to build a seven-star force that is comparable to the Holy Realm, and beat them silly to see if they let go.

Mu Fengyun looked at himself who was twenty years younger and said, Xi'er, you can actually make me twenty years older!

Mu Qianxi said: But I have already thought about it, brothers and sisters, let's go to this peak competition together!

I prefer being your father. Mu Fengyun said.

No! Didn't dad say that my brother looks like you? I have never met my brother, so let me feel what it's like to have a brother. Mu Qianxi said coquettishly to Mu Fengyun.

Mu Fengyun felt heartbroken when she remembered that her daughter had been separated from her relatives since she was a child, with only her third brother by her side.

Okay! Then I'll accept Xi'er. In order to make Xi'er happy, he also accepted the younger one.

The Donghuang Dynasty's side is raging with war, and the Beigong Dynasty's side has not intervened for the time being.

However, because Donghuang was going to hold this competition for the pinnacle of powerhouses, Bei Gongjue actually wanted to go.

Your Majesty, as the emperor of the Beigong Dynasty, there is no need for you to participate in such a competition.

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