The appearance of these two armies shocked the entire Xuantian Realm.

Is the White Tiger Legion a new legion cultivated by Prince Fengyun? I wonder how effective it is in combat?

The commander of Ling Feng's army must be Young Master Feng Ling, the second younger brother of Prince Fengyun. He was fighting with Prince Fengyun at a young age. He is a rare general and the new generation of God of War in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty.

Master Fengling is also back. The grudge between the two brothers and the ghost doctor and the Donghuang Dynasty will be settled soon.

The two armies were full of fighting spirit. After each of them destroyed a city, they continued to destroy the city.

The general guarding the west has been seriously ill and retired. The new general was born in the royal family, and his commanding ability is completely average.

When such a person faced off against Bai Hu, they thought that the other commander would despise him at such a young age, but they were soon slapped in the face. Strong! too strong!

What is even more unbelievable is that many people in the western army rebelled.

As for the reason!

Military advisor, military advisor...

Why is the military advisor on the enemy's side?


After fierce battles, the military advisor of the White Tiger Army also appeared, and everyone was familiar with it.

Isn't this the talented military advisor Yin Sizhan who is famous throughout the Donghuang Dynasty and has been entrusted with important tasks by His Majesty the Donghuang?

With this person in the enemy army, it can be explained that someone will rebel.

Yin Sizhan, you actually chose to be a traitor, you are seeking death.

Yin Sizhan said: My name is Tianzhi now. I am White Tiger's partner and the strategist of White Tiger's army. And you will definitely lose!

General, let's retreat quickly! The opponent is so strong and there is such a peerless strategist here, we are bound to lose. In terms of strategy, many people are very aware of Yin Sizhan's talents, which are extremely evil.

Therefore, before the winner of a battle is decided, there is

People retreated.

What nonsense are you talking about? You are actually afraid of a traitor. What's the use of being powerful in conspiracy? The most important thing is strength. Kill me! The other general was naturally unwilling to give up and continued to fight with him.

Even so, they didn't have much chance of winning. Fortunately, their reinforcements had arrived, and His Majesty also sent many experts to support their army.

He was seriously injured by the white tiger and said with a cruel smile: If you let you be arrogant, your end will soon come.

A spiritual master passed by thousands of troops and rushed towards the white tiger.

To capture the thief, capture the king first. He is just a little baby. As a spiritual god, he can be crushed to death at will.

Just when he was about to crush the white tiger with one palm, the sky suddenly darkened.

A sharp claw suddenly grabbed at the spiritual god!

Poof! His body was torn to pieces in an instant, and blood spilled from the air.

A spiritual god was actually killed instantly, and the other party's expression changed drastically.

They looked at the sky and found a huge white tiger in the sky, which was the one who killed the spiritual master.

Someone said in shock: That...that's the Xuantian Beast King.

Yes, that is the Xuantian Beast King.

Isn't the Xuantian Beast King the contracted beast of Yun Ji, the leader of the Twilight Mercenary Group? Why did he come to this battlefield? Could it be...

During the war, some of their small units looked like experienced mercenaries.

Xuantian Beast King is here today, and they have a guess.

General, this white tiger is most likely Yun Ji, the leader of the Twilight Mercenary Group, who is also the master of the Xuantian Beast King.

Damn it!

I am just a mercenary leader. He dares to lead his troops in rebellion and deceive His Majesty. I will die. The general cursed angrily.

Soon another spirit god rushed towards Yunji. Knowing that there was a dangerous existence like the Xuantian Beast King, they naturally did not dare to be as careless as before.

Bang! The two armies clashed fiercely.

Even though the White Tiger Legion is very strong, the Donghuang Dynasty has received a steady stream of reinforcements, and its strength has become stronger and more difficult to deal with!

Roar! At this moment, Xuantian Beast King roared.

Dust and mist suddenly billowed around them, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the pupils of the people on the Donghuang Dynasty's side shrank sharply.

That's...that's a tide of beasts!

It's not a tide of beasts at all, it's the help that Xuantian Beast King called for, damn it.

The Xuantian Beast King can command all major spiritual beasts. This place is close to the Xilian Mountains, and there are simply countless spiritual beasts.

It is true that the Donghuang Dynasty has many people, but they have many beasts. Who is afraid of whom?

Facing so many spiritual beasts, they only felt their scalps numb, knowing that this matter was in big trouble.

Mu Fengling chose another route. His soldiers were not as many as the White Tiger Army. They were the entire puppet army of Emperor Xuantian and a troop entrusted to him by his elder brother.

The enemy didn't pay attention to such a legion because there were too few people, but Mu Fengling was able to ride the wind and waves all the way, blocking and killing gods.

The black robe was flying in the air, and the terrifying heavy sword swept across the army.

The former god of war, Mr. Fengling, still has a charming demeanor that makes people fascinated.

No one can stop him, and even if they can, the Donghuang Dynasty will suffer heavy losses.

The cities in the west were continuously lost. Donghuang did not expect that the leader of a mercenary group secretly had such a powerful army, nor did he expect that Mu Fengling could actually

Then he broke through the spiritual god.

All troops sent to the west must kill all their people and recapture the lost city. Send experts over to take the heads of Mu Fengling and Baihu Tianzhi. Donghuang said fiercely.

There were indeed many masters in the Donghuang Dynasty, but he also knew that Mu Fengyun was waiting for him to reveal his flaws! Naturally, it is impossible to send out all the masters equally and leave him surrounded by flaws.

In addition, the ghost doctor building needs to be fought in the south, the assassination troops need to be dealt with in the east, and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce needs to be dealt with in the north. Even if he wants to win in the west, the number of people he can send out is limited.

After all, several other battlefields have already begun, and we must not stop, otherwise the previous losses will be in vain.

Sure enough, Mu Fengyun, who had been silent for so many years, would do nothing if he didn't take action, but once he did, he would become a blockbuster, making it difficult for him to resist.

Mu Fengyun sat at the core, paying attention to every change in the battlefield in all directions and strategizing.

Everything is going according to his plan!

Now their strategy is consumption, and the Donghuang Dynasty cannot compare with them whether they have more money or more pills.

So the longer it takes, the worse it will be for them.

Donghuang cursed angrily: Damn Mu Fengyun, you are so insidious. With the money from the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce and the elixirs from the Ghost Doctor Building, he is ready to spend them to the end! Wasn't he crazy before? Now he is so timid. You can come directly to the palace!

If Mu Fengyun led his men to attack the palace directly, he would be dead.

Donghuang is also talking nonsense. What kind of person is Mu Fengyun, how could he make such a reckless decision.

Since Mu Fengyun chose to start the fight, he naturally wanted to ensure that he could win.

Mu Qianxi asked: Dad, when do we leave for the capital? Donghuang should be waiting for you.

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