Mu Fengyun smiled fondly and said, Xi'er said she wanted to stay, so of course she can stay!

It was so strange that this went smoothly. As expected, the matter that Mu Fengyun was talking to Suzaku about was related to Mu Qianxi.

But they were all talking about how Mu Qianxi and Suzaku met in the Xuantian Realm? They met again in the demon world.

As for Mu Qianxi's own question, Mu Fengyun didn't ask any more questions.

Xi'er doesn't have a sister. Since A Yan likes to dress up as a woman so much, then I'll just be Xi'er's sister from now on. Mu Fengyun said with a gentle smile.

Suzaku's evil face instantly stiffened, Oooh! Foster father, I beg you, don't make such a joke.

It's bad enough that the person you like turns into a younger sister, but if he can't even become a older brother and become a younger sister, let him just hit the wall and die.

What kind of arrogance did he have before? He actually expressed his feelings for sister Xi'er in front of his adoptive father! Suzaku wants to cry but has no tears.

Dad teased Suzaku, and Mu Qianxi must be on Dad's side, Yeah! Dad is right, it would be nice to have one more sister.

Anyway, after everyone saw Suzaku come out, they saw the devastated and hopeless Suzaku.

After Mu Qianxi left her father's side, what could she have thought wrong? Dad really just wanted to have a chat with Suzaku.

When they arrived at Mu Fengyun's secret camp, no matter how much Mu Fengyun disliked it, Huang Jiuye ignored it and stuck to Mu Qianxi and refused to leave.

When Mu Qianxi was away, Jiuye usually adjusted his breath to regain his strength.

After all, Jiuye was the one who contributed the most in every battle.

Mu Qianxi said: Jiuye, how about you return to the prison world quickly?

Jiuye looked at Mu Qianxi and said, Xi wants to elope with me to the prison world, so...

Jiuye grabbed Mu Qianxi's waist and wanted to immediately tear open the space and elope with Mu Qianxi.


I...I can't leave yet! I

We have just met my father. Although his body is recovering well, we will soon launch an army against the Donghuang Dynasty, and we have no plans to return to the prison world for the time being. Mu Qianxi grabbed Jiuye Dao.

Jiuye's eyes sank slightly, Xi likes him more, right? You care about him more, right? More...

Mu Qianxi hurriedly covered his mouth and said, That's my father, and it will be yours from now on...

Jiuye kissed Mu Qianxi's hand and said, Yes! You are also my father-in-law, because you will be my wife.

The two have been in love for a long time and are inseparable for life and death. When they heard Jiuye's words, they couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in their hearts and their ears felt a little hot.

It's good to know, so don't be jealous and don't ask questions like this, you know? Mu Qianxi raised her eyes and looked at Jiuye.

I can't control myself, so... I'm here to help. Jiuye's hand clasped Mu Qianxi's head and kissed her.

The two met again and again, and they fought again and again. Later, they were blocked by Mu Fengyun. Lord Jiuye had not had the chance to be intimate with Qian Xi yet, and now the heat is almost over...

Late at night, Lord Jiuye still had no intention of letting him go.

Mu Fengyun didn't come to make a surprise attack today, but he ended up making a surprise attack to Suzaku.

Who? Suzaku noticed someone approaching.

It seems that your strength has improved very well in the demon world. A white figure flashed in.

Seeing the person coming, Zhuque couldn't help but feel numb and said: Father, are you still angry and want to beat me up in the middle of the night? I do like Sister Xi'er, even if you beat me to death, I will control you You can’t control your own heart!”

And sister Xi'er has a crush on her. I just have unrequited love. Suzaku's bright eyes turned gloomy.

Mu Fengyun sat down gracefully and said: I came to you today not for this matter, but because I want to know what Xi'er did in the demon world? How did she find a way to eliminate the power of heaven's punishment? I remember you before Coming back from the demon world...

Mu Fengyun spoke slowly about one thing after another, and Suzaku felt a chill on his back.

He felt that his adoptive father had seen through him inside and out, and all concealment was in vain.

My mental state was not good before, and I didn't think about it but I was fooled by you. Now tell me the truth!

Father, I swear...

Mu Fengyun interrupted him and said, Do you think you can hide it from me?

Suzaku felt uneasy, yes! This is the adoptive father who cultivated their talents. How can they be hidden from his eyes?

When sister Xi'er arrived in the demon world, her cultivation was completely ruined. I don't know what happened to her? She told me that she can only recover by finding the original power of the three realms. As for the reason, I really don't know. Sister Xi'er also wanted to avoid it. It makes you worried, so you didn't let me tell you about her strength being abolished? Suzaku said.

Boom! The next moment, the tables and chairs in Suzaku's room instantly turned into debris.

Mu Fengyun was filled with murderous intent and squeezed out a few words through his teeth. dared!

How smart is Mu Fengyun? Based on this piece of information alone, we can guess that Mu Qianxi was once tortured by the power of heavenly punishment, and finally recovered after finding the origin of the three realms.

Then she used the original power of the three realms to eliminate the power of heavenly punishment in him and saved him.

He had been tortured by such a force for nearly twenty years. Thinking that his daughter had also been tortured by it for several years, Mu Fengyun was heartbroken.

Zhuque carefully looked at his foster father, whose face was getting more and more ugly, and said, Father, don't be angry. Sister Xi'er is fine now.

Reunion with you, you...

The next moment, Suzaku found that his adoptive father had disappeared.

Mu Fengyun went to Mu Qianxi's residence. It was late at night and he didn't want to disturb his daughter. He could only wait until tomorrow to settle the score.

Something must have happened to Xi'er in the prison world, and I'm afraid it has something to do with Lord Jiuye.

Even if it had nothing to do with him, if Xi'er followed him back to the prison world and he failed to protect Xi'er, he would still want to settle the score with him.

Early the next morning, Mu Qianxi woke up in Jiuye's arms.

She said in Huang Jiuye's ear: Jiuye, are you really not going to run away? Dad is already suspicious. With his intelligence and Suzaku coming, sooner or later all my secrets will be revealed. .”

Although she and her father have only known each other for a short time, Mu Qianxi still knows her father very well.

Don't run! He is no match for me. I want to spend more time with Xi! Jiuye said in a low voice.

But I don't want to start a fight when the time comes! Mu Qianxi got a headache just thinking about what might happen.

Yeah! I will be merciful to my future father-in-law.

This day came faster than Mu Qianxi imagined. After Mu Qianxi got up, Mu Fengyun came to kill her.

Mu Fengyun said gently: Jiuye Lord, I have advanced to the Spiritual God level and there is no one to compare with. Can you give me some advice?

Even though it was a discussion, Mu Fengyun didn't hide his murderous intent at all!

Jiuye nodded and said: Okay!

It's not convenient to fight here, come with me! Xi'er will stay here and have a good rest. I've asked someone to prepare your favorite meals and let your brothers dine with you! Mu Fengyun waved to Qian Xi. .

Bai Ze and the others also got the task early, which was to hold Qian Xi back.

He said: Qian Xi, come with me! That is a dish specially cooked by my adoptive father himself and made according to your taste.

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