The expressions on Xuanwu's and others' faces are hard to describe! Is the adoptive father, who has always been wise and mighty, going to become a fool for the sake of his daughter?

Bai Hu was the boss and had to express his position first.

Father, I am sincerely convinced that I lost to Bai Ze. We are very happy that our foster father has recovered and brought back my sister. We will definitely take care of her and love her like a real brother, but we cannot obey orders if the love between a man and a woman exceeds the limit. Bai Hu said.

Yin Sizhan nodded and said, Father, my thoughts are the same as those of Boss Baihu.

Xuanwu said: If you want money, treasures, I have them, and people! Foster father, please let me go.

Qinglong said: I can kill anyone for her and protect her at all times. I am not good at other things.

Bi Fang muttered: Father, I am a ghost. I don't know how to please humans?

Chongming snorted coldly: If I want to pursue someone, I also want to pursue Qian Xi, my adoptive father's daughter. I can just be my sister!

Bai Ze looked at his foster father and said, Father, I can't do it either. .??.

Suzaku said: Father, my heart belongs to someone! I like Qian Xi, just her. I am not interested in other women. I can only be your daughter as my younger sister!

Suzaku, what did you say? Mu Fengyun stood up.

You like Xi'er, who allowed you to like her? Mu Fengyun's eyes were burning with anger.

Although training these boys is a bit like raising children and husbands for Xi'er.

Even if Xi'er doesn't like her, with them as comparisons, Xi'er will not have low expectations and will not be easily abducted by other men.

But now that he heard that this boy had such intentions for Xi'er, Mu Fengyun, who loved his daughter dearly, couldn't help but get angry.

Chongming also said that he wanted to pursue Xi'er, but he could see that there was no love between a man and a woman.

But the boy Suzaku was obviously as enthusiastic as fire.

Father! Suzaku knelt down on one knee.

I am very grateful for my adoptive father's upbringing, but even if my adoptive father is angry again, I can't go against my own will. I...

Mu Fengyun raised his hand and wanted to take a picture.

It turns out that not only Huang Jiuye, but also the kid he raised covets his daughter, and he can't bear it.

I originally wanted these brats to poach Lord Jiuye, but now that I found out that someone really has such intentions for Xi'er, Mu Fengyun didn't want to...

Father! Others were shocked. The foster father wanted to punish Suzaku because he was unwilling.

It seems that the adoptive father really cares about the adopted sister. Do they really want to pretend to agree to appease the adoptive father?

Bai Hu and the other eight people were in various tangles in their hearts. They were all geniuses with their own strengths. They were grateful to their adoptive father, but they also had their own ideas?

Dad, I heard that this guy Suzaku is here.

Mu Qianxi was a little nervous when she heard that Zhuque was coming, for fear that Zhuque would reveal her secret.

After all, she did hide something from her father about what happened in the prison world and the three realms.

Dad! Suzaku's brain suddenly shut down while he was kneeling on the ground.

The others also looked at Mu Qianxi and Mu Fengyun with blank expressions.

Mu Qianxi said: Dad, haven't you told them yet?

Mu Fengyun replied: I was planning to tell them and give them a surprise! But none of them seem to like my Mu Fengyun's daughter very much, right?

Others had black lines on their faces. Foster father, you didn’t say anything at all before, okay?

They naturally prefer their close friend Mu Qianxi to a sworn sister who was born from heaven.

Pursuing her and pleasing her are even more contradictory. How could you think of Qian Xi, your adoptive father's biological daughter?

Mu Fengyun said: Let me introduce you again, this is my daughter, Mu Qianxi!

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: Well! Then let me introduce you, I am Mu Qianxi, the daughter of your adoptive father.


Qinglong felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Thinking about how he had assassinated her before and had all sorts of bad attitudes towards her, his brows were about to furrow into a canyon, and he became even more silent.

Chongming smiled brightly and said, Then why don't you hurry up and call me your adopted brother?

What a beautiful idea! When you can surpass me in refining weapons and beat me in strength, I might consider it. Mu Qianxi said.

Agui floated to Mu Qianxi's side lightly and said, Great, Qianxi and we will be a family from now on.

The ghost-like young man had a hint of popularity. Mu Qianxi's eyes flashed with warmth and she said, Well! We are a family.

A jade token flew out, and Xuanwu said: I didn't expect that the adopted sister was you. This is a meeting gift. From now on, you can spend the money of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce as you please, and I will never have any objections.

Mu Qianxi took the token and said, You should have been like this a long time ago! You were too presumptuous before and it was easy to get old.

Who asked you to hide your identity? I, Xuanwu, am still very generous to my adoptive father and sister. The corners of Xuanwu's lips raised slightly.

Chongming said sadly: Why are you not so generous to your brothers? Partiality!

Too many brothers, but only one sister, don't you know? Xuanwu shrugged.

Mu Qianxi said: Ha! Blame me for hiding my identity. I've been looking for the father for so long. Why don't you tell me where Prince Fengyun is? Blame me!

That's not because the adoptive father didn't want others to tell him. They looked at each other, but they didn't dare to recruit the adoptive father, so they had to admit it themselves!

Bai Hu and Yin Sizhan walked up to Mu Qianxi and performed a standard military salute.

Qian Xi, we have thought about it many times, what would our adoptive father's biological daughter be like? Now we know that his adoptive father has a daughter who is worthy of being proud and loving with all his heart and soul. From now on, we will be as loyal as we are to our adoptive father. You, protect you! Bai Hu and Yin Sizhan said firmly.

I should have guessed it a long time ago. Xi'er worked so hard to find someone, and her adoptive father loved someone so much. It turns out... Bai Ze murmured in a low voice.

Bai Ze smiled gently at Mu Qianxi and said, That's great!

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: Yeah! Yes! It's great. I am also very happy to meet you guys before I find my father!

The one who was most confused was Zhuque. Zhuque stood up and said: Sister Xi'er is the daughter of my adoptive father. Sister Xi'er is really my precious sister. I...

Mu Fengyun said coldly: Since you know she is my sister, then stop thinking about it, or I will break your legs!

The corners of other people's mouths twitched slightly. So this was the reason why the adoptive father wanted to beat Suzaku before?

Suzaku is also bold!

But, foster father, you clearly asked us just now! I agree, I agree to foster father's proposal! Suzaku said with a bright smile, like a seductive vixen.

Mu Fengyun said: Now I have changed my mind. My previous proposal is cancelled! The first one is Bai Ze. Not only has Bai Ze developed his own power very well, he has also formed an alliance with the Ghost Doctor Building!

Of course, what determines his final victory is that he was the first to connect with Xi'er, which allowed me to meet Xi'er so quickly. He deserves a lot of credit! Mu Fengyun admired Bai Ze very much. He was once the weakest child second only to him. , it’s great to be where we are today!

Of course, you are also very good, I am very satisfied! These children are very good, and they get along well with Xi'er and have a tacit understanding.

Okay! You go out! Suzaku stays. Mu Fengyun said.

Others couldn't help but look at Suzaku with sympathy. His adoptive father loved Qian Xi so much that he dared to directly attack the Lord of Nine Nights. Suzaku directly exposed his thoughts and his adoptive father seemed to want to give him a profound education.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, Dad, can I stay?

Seeing that her father wanted to keep Suzaku, Mu Qianxi had a very bad feeling.

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