The coach Bai Hu controls the core of the entire army, and all the fighting spirit gathers together to form a white tiger shadow.

As a contractor of the Xuantian Beast King, the powerful shadow that has been condensed now has a bit of the Xuantian Beast King's style.

Roar! The tiger roared up to the sky with a fierce momentum, and that part of the undead army had been suppressed.

Rumble! A thrilling hard shake, the vast spiritual power collided and burned crazily.

The tiger division and the undead army fought fiercely, and the surrounding air was filled with a chilling fighting spirit.

Mu Qianxi was on the other side, using the potion of life as the most effective combat equipment to deal with the undead soldiers in front of her.

Bang bang bang! Mu Qianxi's side took the lead and Bai Hu and Xuanwu were not slow at all. The guys blocking the road were finally cleared away.

While they were fighting, Mu Fengyun had already figured out the general situation of the ruins of the Six-Star Legion.

He said: The weapons depot should be over there.

Well! Let's set off quickly. Mu Qianxi said.

I don’t know when those two groups of people will find out and come in? Must the treasures here be evacuated before they come in so that they can't catch anything?

The weapons depot was also heavily guarded, facing fierce attacks from these undead armies.

They are stronger and will face a dangerous battle next.

Outside, the top formation masters of the major four-and-a-half-star forces took action and activated the formation, and the six major forces from the two camps were teleported in.

Boom! They who came in later received the same treatment and were surrounded by the undead army.

Boom! They also noticed the sound of fierce fighting ahead, and their faces darkened.

It seems that they are on that side, and there is probably a treasure there. This side must be fought quickly. The treasure that belongs to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor cannot be allowed to be taken over by some snakes and rats.


The movement at the entrance also made Mu Qianxi's face look solemn, They are coming faster than expected, so we must speed up.

Boohoo! Countless potions shot out, and the enemy's approach gave them a sense of urgency.

If the undead army in front is not dealt with, the situation of powerful enemies approaching from behind will be extremely disadvantageous for them.

Boom! With their efforts, the obstacle in front finally disappeared, and the door to the weapons depot opened.

Mu Fengyun said: Don't go in yet, there is a mechanism inside. Qinglong, you go in first and try it.

Yes, foster father! As a killer, he has been trained in dealing with various hidden weapons, so he is the most suitable candidate.

The battle ahead has stopped, and these difficult undead armies have not yet been resolved.

There were six four-and-a-half-star strong men gathered together, so it wasn't too difficult to deal with them.

However, the cohesion of this army is too strong, and it also carries the aura of death.

Even if these strong men have strong individual combat capabilities, it is difficult to defeat them in a short time.

Qinglong tested out the hidden weapons inside, and under the guidance of Mu Fengyun, he led his other men to dismantle all the mechanisms inside.

Mu Fengyun said: You can go in now.

There are all kinds of powerful weapons in the arsenal. These weapons were considered normal for the six-star forces many years ago, but now, every one of them is extremely precious.

There are so many that their army can use them.

Their army is definitely not as good as the five-star Donghuang Dynasty, but with the six-star

The legion's equipment can narrow the gap between them.

Mu Fengyun said: Put them all away.

Mu Qianxi's soul power dispersed, and she could already feel a group of strong men approaching.

It turned out that they found that they could not defeat the undead army as soon as possible, and they did not want them to seize the treasure, so they sent some people to kill them.

The guards at the weapons depot were eliminated by them, so they approached unimpeded along the way.

Mu Qianxi said: I will lead people to stop them first.

It turns out to be a weapons arsenal. The weapons of the Six-Star Legion are all good things! If they are presented to His Majesty, Your Majesty may be happy to help me break through to the divine level. The leader of the Red Star Sect looked forward with burning eyes.

First come, first served. We want the contents of this weapons depot. Why don't you find a place where the elixirs are stored? Mu Qianxi blocked their way and said.

Even if the elixirs provided by the Six-Star Legion were, Mu Qianxi believed that the elixirs from the Ghost Doctor Building would not be worse than theirs and would be enough to provide to White Tiger's army.

All the treasures in the ruins of the Six-Star Legion belong to us. We want the weapons, and we also want the elixirs! Ghost Doctor, are you sure you want to be our enemy? the leader of the Red Star Sect said solemnly.

Obviously you are too domineering, I have already given in, but you are so greedy.

Hegemony, we are powerful enough to crush you. We want them all. It's normal. Since you are in the way, I'll deal with you first, ghost doctor! The Red Star Sect leader flew towards Mu Qianxi like a ghost.

The ghost doctor is an extremely important person in the ghost doctor building, and the person who takes over her ghost doctor building does not dare to make a mistake.

Moreover, this group of people was able to reach the weapons depot so quickly even though they were not very powerful. It must be because the ghost doctor had some special method to deal with these undead armies.

Bang! Prepare

The arm of the Red Star Sect leader who attacked Mu Qianxi was held by a hand with domineering power.

Bang! His arms exerted force, and the Red Star Sect Master flew out and fell hard to the ground, kicking up countless dust.

Mu Fengling said coldly: What the hell? You dare to bully my Xi'er by bullying the young.

It seemed like it was just a slight flick, but Mu Fengling used his hidden strength. The Red Star Sect Master was paralyzed all over and his face turned ugly.

Except for the ghost doctor, everyone else was killed.

How dare you! Mu Qianxi's four elements exploded, and everyone in the Ghost Doctor Building took action immediately.

Qinglong also came over, and a group of killers secretly assisted Mu Qianxi and the others.

Xuanwu's people also took action. Those weapons were very valuable, which made him, a money fan, very excited, but he knew very well that the ones who needed them most were Boss Baihu and the others.

Boom! The three teams competed with the four-and-a-half-star forces.

The poisons in the Ghost Doctor Building are completely free of charge. The killers killed people quietly, and the artifacts and armors that Xuanwu's subordinates piled up with money were not easy to deal with.

Even if they couldn't be driven back, they still couldn't get even close to the armory.

Baihu and the others finally collected the many weapons inside. Tianzhi heard the movement outside and said, Everyone should get a set and try the power of these treasures we got.

Yes, Captain.

A full set of combat equipment was put on from beginning to end, and the dark black armor carried a sharp and murderous aura.

Bai Hu said coldly: Fight!

In an instant, people from the Scarlet Star Sect and other forces felt a bloody evil aura coming towards their faces.

A team stepped out neatly from the weapons depot, giving people a sense of danger.

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