Boom! The terrifying and fierce power burst out, and the two sides began to fight.

Even if they are not the main masters of the two forces, they are the top four and a half-star forces after all, and they are not that easy to deal with.

At this moment, a cold voice came.

You still dare to look down on people when you are just a lackey. Firstly, you don't have the blood and backbone of a mercenary, and secondly, you don't have the intelligence and wealth of a businessman. I think you are jealous!

I, the Ghost Doctor, will also join in and defeat them.

Boohoo! The Ghost Doctor Building took action, and countless hidden weapons exploded out.

Bai Hu said: Qian Xi!

Oh! You actually praised me for being smart, I will take it seriously. Xuanwu said with a smile.

The people from the Twilight Mercenary Group and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce were not that easy to deal with. Coupled with a ghost doctor who was good at using poison and hidden weapons, these aggressive lackeys of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty were defeated.

They didn't expect that someone else would join in with no good intentions.

It's a group of killers!

Su Yiqing's people also took action, and for a while they couldn't resist.

Aren't you Beigong Dynasty people going to take action? Are you going to let this group of unscrupulous guys in?

The people from the Beigong Dynasty replied: Of course we won't let them in, but we don't want to help you either? We feel good about seeing you frustrated.

The two dynasties are not a cooperative relationship, because they have reached the same plan because of their interests, but they will not help others when they are in trouble.

Bang bang bang! This group of people in the Donghuang Dynasty were miserable.

Those who were seriously injured, those who were assassinated were assassinated, and those who were poisoned were no longer a threat to them.

You guys from the Donghuang Dynasty are so useless. You can't deal with a group of these guys. It seems we have no choice but to take action. The guys from the Beigong Dynasty mocked.

They were about to take action when they instantly felt a drop in the air.

An extremely powerful force came down.

Black robes were flying in the air, and Mu Fengling struck down with his sword, knocking them away and knocking them to pieces, clearing an unobstructed path for Mu Qianxi and the others.

The person who took action was naturally Qian Xi's second uncle.

The next moment, Mu Fengling carried his eldest brother on his back, and Mu Qianxi said, Follow me!

Xuanwu and Baihu were stunned, it was their adoptive father, and his adoptive father was still safe and sound, great!

They followed without hesitation. Now Mu Fengyun had determined where the main tent was?

As for those people from the Beigong Dynasty who were blown away, they could only eat ashes in the back. The remaining defeated soldiers from the East Emperor Dynasty said: You still have the nerve to laugh at us? They are a bunch of trash, and they can't even block a single move from them.

Damn it! Who is that man in black clothes? He has such domineering power.

Chase! Chase quickly! Stop them.

Mu Qianxi and the others passed through the camp, with the pursuers chasing after them.

When they were about to be caught up, Mu Fengyun said: There! Get in! Quick!

Swish, swish, swish! A group of people rushed into the camp at lightning speed.

The pursuer behind sneered: Are you desperate? You actually hid in the tent. Isn't this letting us catch a turtle in a jar?

When they rushed into the camp, they didn't see even a single person.

What's going on? I saw them rushing in with my own eyes. I can't be wrong.

Is it a cover-up?

There is a problem here, please hurry up and inform the sect leader.

When entering the camp, Mu Fengyun discovered a formation.

He said: Bifang!

A ghost-like young man floated out, understood his meaning tacitly, and then opened a teleportation array.

They were teleported from the camp to a very vast training ground. This is the true appearance of the six-star ruins.

Suddenly, a small team rushed towards them.

There are still soldiers from the Sirius Legion stationed here. Bai Hu was slightly startled.

No! Mu Fengyun said.

Their bodies contain the aura of death. I'm afraid they are controlled by the aura of death. Mu Qianxi had a solemn expression on her face.

The next moment, Bai Hu said: Form up a formation and face the enemy!

The masters around Xuanwu also dispersed, and the next battle was inevitable.

Hahaha! The leader took action, I'm saved. A wild laugh came, and a ball of black energy rushed out from the Xia Clan Master.

Mu Qianxi looked at the guy and said, Really? You are no longer of any use, so you can disappear.

The next moment, the power of life erupted from that guy's body, completely turning its body condensed with the power of death into nothingness.

Before it disappeared, it was completely unbelievable. Mu Qianxi said: Wouldn't this ghost doctor save something?

After getting rid of this evil guy, they then tried their best to deal with this army of death.

They used the bodies of former Sirius Legion soldiers to fight with them.

Their offensive is very fierce, and they are not afraid of death at all. They are extremely difficult to deal with.

At this time, a group of people rushed into the camp, You said that someone entered here and disappeared. Among them were people from the Dawn Chamber of Commerce, the Twilight Mercenary Group, the Ghost Doctor Building, and a killer organization.


What a bunch of rubbish. They can't even handle such a small thing.

There are still some experts with forces like them, and some people have seen a problem.

There aren't many valuable things in these camps. I don't think this is the real place of the six-star ruins. The real place is hidden deeper. And the reason why they disappeared may have been teleported away. Please invite the formation master.

Go and invite me immediately!

The formation master came and affirmed: There is indeed a formation here, and it has been used. This formation is a bit mysterious. I need to study it for a while.

They still need some time to study. Compared with Mu Fengyun and A Gui joining forces to break the formation, it is still far behind.

As the leader of an army, Bai Hu will never admit defeat when facing this same powerful team.

The offensive that his army broke out became stronger and stronger, and they blasted towards them violently.

Boom! Terrible power burst out, causing the surrounding ground to tremble violently.

Mu Fengyun's eyes darkened and he said, A ghost!

Boohoo! Countless medicine needles fell to the ground in pieces, as Mu Fengyun and A Gui were arranging their formation.

Countless rays of light cyan light rose into the sky, trapping some of the dead soldiers.

Boohoo! The next moment, Mu Qianxi also hurriedly took action, found the place where the death gas leaked out, and was hit.

Pfft! The air of death in those who were attacked was purified, and the bodies of these warriors no longer became puppets of the air of death.

Bai Hu, leave this side to us! You and Xuanwu deal with the rest. Mu Qianxi said.

Bai Hu smiled and said: Of course, it will be done smoothly.

The adoptive father is still watching, and they must not embarrass the adoptive father.

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