Princess You said proudly: That's natural. You know how powerful I am. You bastards had better quit as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

She was not the one who poisoned her without knowing it, but she knew who it was?

Do you really think that because you poisoned my attendant, you will definitely win? Mu Linlang's body erupted with stronger spiritual power fluctuations than all of them.

The women present frowned, this woman was much stronger than them.

Princess You is not afraid, you must know that she is a very powerful helper.

She obviously hated Mu Qianxi to death and was tortured to death by her, but Princess You had a mentality in her heart that as long as Mu Qianxi was here, nothing would be a problem.

Do you want to do something? Who is afraid of whom? Anyway, there are many of us. Let's see what good it will do to you if we waste them all?

And you guys, what do you have to be afraid of? Your people are responsible for beating her, and I'm responsible for poisoning her. I'll see if it kills her?

Mu Linlang's eyes were like ice knives, and she wanted to cut Princess You into pieces with a thousand knives.

It would be very disadvantageous for her to spend less time studying spiritual skills. She snorted coldly and turned around and ignored her.

Princess You said arrogantly: Look! She is really afraid. In the Beigong Dynasty, no one dares to go against this princess.

Mu Linlang's face was cold. This damn woman would have died hundreds of times if she were in the Donghuang Dynasty.

Putting aside the fighting, the most important task of these beauties now is to study the spiritual skills in the spiritual arts pavilion.

There are some very powerful exercises here, and they all started to choose.

Princess You whispered: Xiao Qian, which technique should I choose?

Don't you think you are very powerful? Mu Qianxi said lightly.

I've always been good at poison techniques, and I'm not very good at practicing spiritual skills, so I want you to give me some advice. I don't want to lag too far behind those women.

Mu Qianxi's soul power swept over and pulled out a few books of exercises. After looking at them for a while, she said, This book is the most powerful exercise here. If you learn it within seven days, you will definitely become famous.

Great! Princess You took the magical skill to look at it.

After looking at it roughly, his face fell instantly, This... I can't learn this in seven days! Let's try something a little bit slower!

They picked out the inferior ones. If you change them, you can only replace them with inferior ones.

Princess You was unconvinced, No, no! You can't be any slower than him. How quickly can you learn it? Why don't you teach me?

Mu Qianxi took the spiritual skill and said, Stay over there!

This is a fingering book, and it can be considered a superior spiritual skill if placed on the top floor of the Beigong Dynasty Spiritual Arts Pavilion.

However, compared to the spiritual skills she had practiced to learn about the inheritance of eternal artifacts, they were far behind, and it would be easy for her to learn them.

After half an hour passed, Mu Qianxi said: You've learned it, now you follow my guidance. If you can't learn the first level in one day, you can jump down from here! I'll change people, and that Qin Luo The clouds look pretty good.”

Princess You's eyes widened, have already learned it, right?

Do you still want to learn? Mu Qianxi said coldly.


Princess You worked very hard for one day.

Because she knew that if she didn't learn, this cruel woman would really kill her to change her target.

She didn't want to die before leaving the army.

Princess You couldn't sit still after learning the first level of this skill.

, ran directly to the others and made a fuss, trying to disturb their mood with sinister intentions.

Except for Princess You, among the beauties on the fifth level, no one has successfully cultivated the first level. Even Mu Linlang still lacks the finishing touch.

Seeing Princess You's arrogant look, she was so angry that she died.

At this time, Qin Luoyun asked gently: Princess You, if you can master such a difficult skill so quickly, there must be some secret, right?

Ha! The attendants you brought here are useless. My attendants are omnipotent. They can learn such magical skills very quickly and they are also very good at teaching others.

Princess You is poisonous, and her brain is not very good, so she was easily tricked into saying something.

As a result, pairs of eyes turned to Mu Qianxi, who had been staying with Princess You. ??

Qin Yunluo walked up to Mu Qianxi and said, This girl seems to be very knowledgeable in the study of spiritual skills. Can you help me check out this technique?

Can you take a look at my technique?

And mine...

The others were not willing to lag behind, Princess You was furious, You are still shameless! She is mine.

Mu Linlang sneered and said: Ha! You women from the Beigong Dynasty are really ridiculous. You can't learn spiritual skills on your own, and you actually asked a lowly servant to teach you. It seems that you are all a bunch of lowly things.

Mu Linlang finally successfully reached the first level of cultivation at this time. Her ridicule made the faces of these beauties become a little colder, and even Mu Qianxi's eyes became a little colder.

Mu Qianxi said: I can teach you, and I guarantee you will learn it! But what's the benefit of doing this to me?

Xiao Qian, you are mine... Princess You was annoyed.

Mu Qianxi glanced at her lightly, even if she jumped in anger,

He did not dare to threaten Mu Qianxi not to teach others.

Qin Yunluo said: I have a red moon blood jade here, I don't know...

Qin Yunluo thought that this thing was a treasure that ordinary attendants would never get in their lifetime, but Mu Qianxi looked down upon it at all.

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, Miss Qin, if this is your sincerity, then forget it, right?

The women looked at this proud woman. She had an ordinary appearance, but her temperament was outstanding and dazzling.

In front of her, they all felt like they were eclipsed.

Qin Yunluo said in a good temper: Then you don't know what Miss Xiao Qian likes?

Take out the most precious poisons and elixirs from you. If I'm satisfied, I'll teach you. If not, you can withdraw. Mu Qianxi said calmly.

This is like a lion opening its mouth! She is just a servant, can she afford the most precious thing among them?

Princess You said: Did you hear that? I see that you don't have any treasures on you, so get out of here! Don't disturb my time to learn spiritual skills.

Princess You knew how powerful Mu Qianxi was, and wished that these women would let go, so that she could take the lead.

Princess You's attitude towards Mu Qianxi was strange, which made Qin Yunluo even more guessing.

It seems that this girl is not an ordinary attendant of Princess You, but more likely a secret expert secretly assigned to her by the princess.

Otherwise, Princess You would definitely scold her and not allow her to teach anyone, but now Princess You dare not contradict her at all. The always vicious little witch became well-behaved in front of this girl.

Qin Yunluo made up his mind, took out many precious elixirs and said, These are the most precious elixirs in my body. I wonder if Miss Qian Qian has any that she likes?

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