Princess You has an amazing talent in cultivation since she was a child. She has also been to Lingtiantai and her cultivation speed is far faster than her peers. She can definitely win.

Take this! Mu Qianxi stuffed a bottle of potion into Princess You.

You can't trust me?

Yes! Do you have any opinions? Mu Qianxi said lightly.

Princess You was furious. This guy was definitely the person she hated the most.

When everyone was on stage, a hand suddenly grabbed Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qianxi dodged to avoid it.

The man said aggressively: What treasure did you just give to your princess? Let me see.

Here, who do you think you are? Mu Qianxi said coldly.

The other party narrowed his eyes dangerously and said: As expected of Princess You's servant, he is as arrogant as her!

If he couldn't get it, he would just use brute force.

Mu Qianxi ducked slightly, and the man said: The speed is quite fast, but it is only the eighth level of the Spiritual Saint.

In this selection, what is more important is the ability of the crown princess candidate?

Attendants can be brought along, but they can only be spirit masters and below.

Under such conditions, most beauties who have the conditions will use the peak spiritual saint.

If you don't reach the peak, it's completely holding you back.

When he attacked Mu Qianxi again, Mu Qianxi simply punched him away.

Without using his spiritual power, he easily broke through the opponent's spiritual defense with just one punch using his arm strength.

Kacha! The man's ribs were broken, and his whole body flew out like a rag.

Poof! A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the unfortunate guy fainted.

The eyes of others widened, As expected of the person brought by Princess You, he was able to defeat a peak spiritual saint with just his physical strength.

This girl is so fierce.

When the beauty is practicing up there, it is inevitable that the attendants will test her for the details.

From the beginning of the competition, Bei Gongjue was already paying attention.

Of course, the commotion among the attendants was not worthy of his noble attention, even if there was a person with amazing physical strength.

In his eyes, these people were as inconspicuous as dust.

His eyes fell on the blooming beauty, but there was no wave in his eyes.

What a talented person like him pursues is to become the strongest supreme. No woman in this world can match him.

The day's competition is over, let's test the results next.

Mu Ruyue, number one. Mu Linlang looked indifferent, as if all this was expected by her.

Such a proud appearance makes many women extremely jealous.

Our position as the crown prince of the Beigong Dynasty must not be taken away by that person from the Donghuang Dynasty.

It doesn't matter if it's not number one, Princess You just barely managed to stay in the top ten.

A violent murderous intent flashed in her eyes, and she wished she could poison all the women who were blocking the road in front of her.

Give you the potion. You don't need it. Otherwise, how could you let that woman get first place? Mu Qianxi said calmly from behind her.

Is the potion that powerful? Princess You was dissatisfied.

Since I said to help you, you have to believe me. If you are arrogant and fail to become the final winner, you know the consequences. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Your Highness, that Mu Ruyue... someone said coldly.

Mu Linlang is just as arrogant and wants to overwhelm everyone with her beauty, so she shows it without reservation.

With his own talent, he never imagined that he would become the focus of Bei Gong Jue's attention.

Bei Gongjue said slowly: No rush! Qian Xi wants to attend my concubine selection ceremony so much, so of course she must perform well. In fact, I also wanted her to be my crown princess before. But now she If mother notices her, she will not have that fate. How far can she go? Anyway, I have laid a dragnet. As long as she comes, she will definitely not be able to escape.

Mu Linlang felt a chill on her back, as if a poisonous snake was staring at her.

Mu Linlang was very proud, This group of people is incompetent and they will never be able to defeat His Highness.

Now there are still five thousand beauties left. The elder who presided over the concubine selection ceremony said: Ladies, please move to the Spiritual Arts Pavilion with me.

In front of the Spiritual Arts Pavilion, the elder said: Here are the top spiritual techniques of the Beigong Dynasty royal family. There are five floors in the Spiritual Arts Pavilion. The higher the level, the higher the spiritual techniques. You need to choose a spiritual technique and complete it within seven days. learn.

Those who haven't learned it will be eliminated! The higher the level of the spiritual skills learned, the higher the ranking will be.

Generally speaking, the first two items of this concubine selection ceremony are extremely mild, comparing with the speed of cultivation and the ability to learn spiritual skills.

The Spiritual Arts Pavilion opened, and countless women rushed into the Spiritual Arts Pavilion.

Everyone wanted to perform well, but after reaching the third level, everyone's expressions changed slightly after seeing those magical skills.

Most people are sure that there is absolutely no way for them to learn the third-level spiritual skills in seven days. If it takes a month, it will be easier.

Instead of choosing an advanced spiritual skill and learning it without failing and being eliminated, they might as well learn a simpler one.

Most people think so, of course there are some arrogant and noble women among them.

They didn't even look at the spiritual skills on the lower floors until they

Go to the fifth floor.

Mu Qianxi followed Princess You and naturally walked to the fifth floor.

Just want to have a high ranking.

Of course, I don't want those women to look down on me. I must be the strongest. Princess You said confidently.

On the fifth floor, someone blocked the way.

Our young lady has the fifth floor all to herself. You guys are not that talented? Just stay on the fourth floor peacefully!

Mu Qianxi glanced at them coldly. These were Mu Linlang's people.

It seems that Mu Linlang plans to get first place in every competition and become Beigong Jue's crown princess with the most perfect results.

It's just that they both have a deadly feud. Mu Linlang is so stupid that she wants to marry Bei Gongjue!

Princess You said angrily: A stinky woman from the Donghuang Dynasty dares to be arrogant here, take the initiative for this county, blow them down, and let them know whose territory belongs to the Beigong Dynasty.

Princess You is arrogant and domineering, and the talented girls in Beidi City are very difficult to deal with her. At this time, being provoked by outsiders, everyone shares the same hatred.

Fuck me!

The beauties who participated in the election maintained their own identity and had to save their energy to understand the spiritual skills. Naturally, they would not take action. This was a fight between the attendants.

None of the people Mu Linlang brought were vegetarians, and they were inseparable for a while, but...

Poof! Mu Linlang's men, who were fighting with others, began to spray black blood one by one. They were poisoned.

You... you bitches, you actually poisoned my people. Mu Linlang said angrily, a dangerous aura erupting from his body.

Qin Yunluo smiled lightly and said: Princess You's poison skills are getting more and more powerful. She even poisons people without anyone noticing, causing them to suffer a loss.

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