The Evil King Addicts to Pets: Ghost Doctor and Mad Concubine

Chapter 3075 The divine tripod smashes the door

Yin Sizhan came over personally and said: Qian Xi, you still need to take action on this matter. I sent people to try, but the medicine refining tower has not responded. Fortunately, we can still confirm that Bai Ze is still alive.

Leave immediately! Go to Lan's house. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

Lancheng is very lively now, because the families of alchemists from all over the world are here.

Alchemists who are qualified to enter the alchemy tower have top-notch talents among the three-star and four-star forces, and are also highly valued.

Now if something happens to a group, their family members cannot ignore it.

The Lan family seemed to have foresight and took out the contract they signed and said: My Lan family has warned me a long time ago that if we have the opportunity, we will be safe. The medicine refining tower is the symbol of our Lan family medicine refining family. If such a malfunction occurs, we will not It’s very heartbreaking.”

The contract was signed in advance, which made me suspect that your Lan family had known for a long time that something would happen to the medicine refining tower. Someone pointedly said.

It was a slender man in white, with a very ordinary appearance but very pleasing to the eye, and a pair of deep eyes that should not be underestimated.

Your Excellency is!

I am Bai Ze's brother. My brother is very qualified in refining medicine. Now that something has happened to the Lan family, even if we sign a contract, this matter will never stop! Yin Sizhan said aggressively.

Yes! Something happened to some of the great alchemists in our Ghost Doctor Building. If it weren't for the invitation from your Lan family, nothing would have happened. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

She did not disguise herself, and appeared in the realm of the Beigong Dynasty with her true face.

Although she had a big quarrel with Bei Gongjue and the Donghuang Dynasty, not everyone in the Xuantian world knew who she was?

They all looked at the girl in front of them. She was extremely beautiful, had a good temperament, and was unattainable.

She represents the position of the Ghost Doctor Building. The Lan family wants to get rid of the responsibility with a contract, but the Ghost Doctor Building does not agree.

Yin Sizhan was in charge of the negotiations and mobilized other family members

, the head of the Lan family is about to become bald.

If the military advisor represents Wen, the Ghost Doctor Building side will use brute force.

Mu Qianxi's eyes were cold and she said to the head of the Lan family: The head of the Lan family, you also know that the business of our ghost doctor building is very good, and the worst thing is not the money, right?

The head of the Lan family was slightly startled, what does this little girl mean? Will the Bilan family make more money by showing off their ghost doctor building now?

We can afford to pay enough to let the major killer forces in Xuantian Realm do things for me. If I pay a high price and designate them to assassinate the Lan family, how many of you think the Lan family can survive? Mu Qianxi's lips curled up. A sneer made Master Lan's face turn livid.

You ghost doctor building is too arrogant! Head Lan said angrily.

Others were also slightly startled. Since the Ghost Doctor Building established its footing a few years ago, it has only sold medicine to make money and has not participated in the battles between major forces. It has been keeping a low profile.

Now that the representative of the Ghost Doctor Building is threatening the Lan family, everyone is reminded that the backstage of the Ghost Doctor Building is very tough and they have been arrogant and domineering in the past.

So what? Our Ghost Doctor Building is rich!


That's right! We in the Ghost Doctor Building also have a lot of poisons. If we accidentally poison the Lan family with some poison that you can't handle, don't blame us, the Lan family! Of course, you can't find any evidence and can't blame us!

This was definitely a naked threat, and the head of the Lan family was already shaking with anger.

He felt bitter, he would not have invited the ghost doctor if he had known it.

Yin Sizhan said: Master Lan, please give me an explanation. The contract is indeed valid, but losing relatives and friends will inevitably make people do some irrational things. How strong is the Ghost Doctor Building? The entire Donghuang

Everyone knows about the dynasty.

The head of the Lan family has been forced to do nothing by them. He said: I really don't know! If someone can open the alchemy tower and restore it to normal, our Lan family is willing to provide free elixirs to his power for ten years.

A four-star force provides free elixirs for ten years, which is a very considerable amount, and everyone is very excited.

Come on! Who cares about the pills from your Lan family? Mu Qianxi said.

The head of the Lan family was so angry that he vomited blood. This was so disrespectful to the Lan family.

What do you want from the Ghost Doctor House?

If it is opened, your Lan family will provide our Ghost Doctor Building with thirty years of elixir for free. Others can do whatever they want.

Thirty years! Master Lan frowned.

Mu Qianxi said calmly: Are you not satisfied? Fifty years.

Thirty is thirty years!

No! Fifty years means fifty years. If you don't want to, I'll go back!

The Ghost Doctor House simply sent such an annoying little girl to torture them, weren't they just a few ordinary alchemists? It's not like the ghost doctor is trapped inside. How could it be unreasonable to use this excuse to treat the Lan family like this?

He couldn't let this little girl go. Maybe she would spend a lot of money to hire a killer as soon as she left the ghost doctor's building. Their move was really a trick.

Okay, fifty years is fifty years.

Only the Ghost Doctor House does not care about the Lan family's elixirs, but other forces still do, so only the Ghost Doctor House chooses the elixirs.

For a time, all the major forces sent experts to show off their skills.

There is indeed a big problem in the medicine refining tower. No one can solve it, and everyone is very discouraged.

Those alchemists cannot be saved.

Yin Sizhan checked at Lan's house

After reading the classics about the medicine refining tower, he said: I think this medicine refining tower is too old and lacks power. As for why people are trapped here? You will only know if you go in.

Master Lan, can't you find anything to say? Mu Qianxi asked.

He really doesn't know much.

I'll try it tonight! The longer it takes, the more dangerous Bai Ze will be. Use a more violent method!

Late at night, Mu Qianxi went to the medicine refining tower.

She sacrificed the Cauldron of Eternity, and only then did Yin Sizhan realize that the so-called more violent way was to just smash the door.

Is this okay?

This medicine refining tower is a divine tool, and so is my medicine cauldron. The medicine refining tower is far inferior to my medicine cauldron, so why don't you try smashing it? If it doesn't work, I have other magic tools. And that magic weapon is not ordinary. An artifact, but an eternal artifact.

I just don’t know if he will collapse if he knows that she uses his body to break down the door.

Boom! When the Eternal Cauldron hit the door, a force suddenly penetrated the entire medicine refining tower.

The decaying medicine refining tower seemed to have awakened from the dead silence, and Mu Qianxi could clearly feel this change.

Um! Life is quite awesome!

This smash also shocked the entire Lan family, and many people rushed over.

The head of the Lan family asked: What happened?

What's wrong?

Little girl, don't think that you can act like this because you have the Ghost Doctor Building as your backer? You even smashed the door of the medicine refining tower. Can you do this? If the problem of the medicine refining tower worsens and the people inside completely lose the chance to come out, you You must take full responsibility. Head Lan scolded.

Master Lan, you are so good at throwing the blame! You said smashing the door won't work, but how do you know if you haven't done it before? Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows.

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