Yin Sizhan said: Do you admire Prince Feng Yun very much?

Of course, don't you admire such a legendary figure? After all, you admire your adoptive father so much, he will never be worse than your adoptive father. Mu Qianxi said.

Yes! Of course. Yun Ji said without hesitation.

We are so familiar, why don't you tell me where he is now? Mu Qianxi asked.

Yun Ji's face showed a tangled look, and Yin Sizhan said: Sorry, this is top secret. You can't tell anyone without the permission of your adoptive father.

Mu Qianxi was a little disappointed and said helplessly: Okay then! I'll withdraw first.

She has also caused quite a stir in Xuantian Realm. Dad may have noticed it a long time ago. The reason why she did not show up may be because she has other things to do or has difficulties.

Wait until she is cured and ask the person. Maybe he will tell her if he is in a good mood!

Yun Ji looked at Mu Qianxi's leaving back and said, My adoptive father obviously likes Qian Xi so much, why didn't he tell her that he is actually...

The adoptive father must have his concerns. We can't interfere without authorization. The most important thing now is to get the adoptive father out of pain and have a healthy body. Yin Sizhan also couldn't guess what his adoptive father was thinking. They will never do anything that is not allowed.

Yin Sizhan added: As far as I know, Mu Qianxi was very interested in Prince Fengyun when she first appeared in Xuantian Realm. She went through a lot of effort to meet her adoptive father and asked about his whereabouts and her whereabouts. The identity shouldn’t be simple, but they definitely won’t be enemies.”

Mu Qianxi moved away from the camp, and she muttered, Yin Sizhan, that vixen, can't say anything, but it looks like they know Dad very well! Why don't we ask Yun Ji next time...

Compared to Yin Sizhan, Yun Ji is easier to fool.

Forget it, since it's a secret, it's better not to embarrass them.

Mu Qianxi could never have guessed that she had actually met that man a long time ago, nor could she have imagined that he didn't want her to know his identity for various reasons, but he did everything he could to protect her from being free in the Xuantian Realm.

From the frontier of the Donghuang Dynasty to the Beigong Dynasty, Mu Qianxi's appearance changed again.

The Ghost Doctor Building's intelligence network is already quite good in Xuantian Realm. It collects information from all parties, but there is nothing Mu Qianxi wants.

Mu Qianxi stopped temporarily at a medium-sized ghost doctor's building. Using the holy plants in hand and the new fruits and grass of life given by Xiao Guo'er, she refined new potions and asked people to send them to White Tiger and Suzaku. .

Master, there is an invitation from a family that refins medicine. Please take a look at it. Someone sent an invitation to Mu Qianxi.

One of the major medicine refining families in the Beigong Dynasty, a four-star power, the Lan family. Mu Qianxi said in a low voice.

They sent an invitation letter to the Ghost Doctor Building, saying that they wanted to invite the ghost doctor to come and exchange alchemy skills. If the ghost doctor was not available, he could also send a chief alchemist there.

It is said that the Lan family is about to open the alchemy tower, which is a rare opportunity for alchemists.

The four-star alchemy family obviously knows that Ghost Doctor is a difficult master to deal with. In view of the fact that the people who dealt with Ghost Doctor before did not end well, not only is Ghost Doctor extremely powerful and mysterious, but his master is even more terrifying. God-level alchemist.

Not to mention that the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce has in-depth cooperation with the Ghost Doctor Building. They dare to deal with the Ghost Doctor Building to let Chen Xi

If the Chamber of Commerce loses money, the newly appointed Chairman Wan Qi of Chenxi Chamber of Commerce will definitely be furious and offend the richest power. Even the medicine refining family will feel a headache.

Mu Qianxi got to know the situation of the Lan family, and she said: I don't think highly of the Lan family's strength. There are not many powerful alchemists. The alchemy tower seems to be very weak in improving me. I just send a few... I’ll go over there personally and let them test it out.”

The person standing in front of Mu Qianxi twitched his mouth wildly, Master, if the Lan family knew that you looked down upon you so much, they would probably fight for you.

With her current alchemy level, no one in a family of four-star alchemists can be her opponent.

Young Master Bai Ze has also been invited. The Lan family's medicine refining tower is quite useful for him.

Well! Bai Ze has been busy with various things. He feels sorry for not being able to spare much time to improve his alchemy skills. He can take advantage of this opportunity.

The ghost doctor's refusal was as expected by the Lan family. The Lan family said: This ghost doctor's building does not even have a star rating. It is as arrogant as a five-star power. The ghost doctor has also been refusing to see anyone. , I don’t know whether I’m dead or alive?”

Be careful! The Ghost Doctor Building is still something that cannot be underestimated. Head Lan warned.

Hmph! They don't want our face. Some people give us the Lan family's face. Even Master Bai Ze, the genius alchemist, is here.

Everyone was having this medicine-refining exchange at the Lan family, and Bai Ze naturally stood out. Although he didn't have much time to refine medicine, he made rapid progress with the guidance of some notes left by Mu Qianxi.

The same goes for the alchemists in the Ghost Doctor Building. Faced with everyone's praise, they said humbly: Where? Where? Our ability is not as good as one ten thousandth of the original poster.

Many people couldn't help but roll their eyes, it's so pretentious!

They are definitely not pretending to be humble, but they were severely beaten by the poster. They are completely different from the poster.

The top 100 people in this alchemy exchange are eligible to enter the alchemy tower. The Lan family's alchemy tower has a long history. It contains many experiences left by senior alchemists and some lost prescriptions. Can I get it? Personal opportunity.

Because it has been too long, the recent opening of the Medicine Refining Tower has been unstable, and some disciples are even trapped in it and cannot get out. If you want to go in, you need to sign a contract. If you encounter danger after entering, it has nothing to do with our Lan family. If If you are not willing to take this risk, you can choose to give up. The head of the Lan family said.

They had also heard about this matter, and they had lost many of the Lan family's alchemy geniuses before.

Everyone understands the principle of seeking wealth through danger, and they also feel that they will not be so unlucky, so they signed a contract. Even if something happens to them, their power cannot cause trouble to the Lan family. This is their fate.

Bai Ze frowned slightly. The Lan family's approach made him suspicious. He also didn't want to give up this opportunity and chose to go in.

The Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower is indeed a bit old, and it looks very historical from the outside. The head of the Lan Family said: If anything happens, just crush the jade token and you can come out. I wish everyone a good opportunity in my Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower. It’s been a smooth road.”

Thank you so much, Master Lan!

Master Lan's generosity allows me to have such a good opportunity.

On the third day after they entered the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower, Mu Qianxi received urgent news that something had happened on the Lan Family side.

White Pond! Yin Sizhan said: Do you admire Prince Feng Yun very much?

Of course, don't you admire such a legendary figure? After all, you admire your adoptive father so much, he will never be worse than your adoptive father. Mu Qianxi said.

Yes! Of course. Yun Ji said without hesitation.

We are so familiar, why don't you tell me where he is now? Mu Qianxi asked.

Yun Ji's face showed a tangled look, and Yin Sizhan said: Sorry, this is top secret. You can't tell anyone without the permission of your adoptive father.

Mu Qianxi was a little disappointed and said helplessly: Okay then! I'll withdraw first.

She has also caused quite a stir in Xuantian Realm. Dad may have noticed it a long time ago. The reason why she did not show up may be because she has other things to do or has difficulties.

Wait until she is cured and ask the person. Maybe he will tell her if he is in a good mood!

Yun Ji looked at Mu Qianxi's leaving back and said, My adoptive father obviously likes Qian Xi so much, why didn't he tell her that he is actually...

The adoptive father must have his concerns. We can't interfere without authorization. The most important thing now is to get the adoptive father out of pain and have a healthy body. Yin Sizhan also couldn't guess what his adoptive father was thinking. They will never do anything that is not allowed.

Yin Sizhan added: As far as I know, Mu Qianxi was very interested in Prince Fengyun when she first appeared in Xuantian Realm. She went through a lot of effort to meet her adoptive father and asked about his whereabouts and her whereabouts. The identity shouldn’t be simple, but they definitely won’t be enemies.”

Mu Qianxi moved away from the camp, and she muttered, Yin Sizhan, that vixen, can't say anything, but it looks like they know Dad very well! Why don't we ask Yun Ji next time...

Compared to Yin Sizhan, Yun Ji is easier to fool.

Forget it, since it's a secret, it's better not to embarrass them.

Mu Qianxi could never have guessed that she had actually met that man a long time ago, nor could she have imagined that he didn't want her to know his identity for various reasons, but he did everything he could to protect her from being free in the Xuantian Realm.

From the frontier of the Donghuang Dynasty to the Beigong Dynasty, Mu Qianxi's appearance changed again.

The Ghost Doctor Building's intelligence network is already quite good in Xuantian Realm. It collects information from all parties, but there is nothing Mu Qianxi wants.

Mu Qianxi stopped temporarily at a medium-sized ghost doctor's building. Using the holy plants in hand and the new fruits and grass of life given by Xiao Guo'er, she refined new potions and asked people to send them to White Tiger and Suzaku. .

Master, there is an invitation from a family that refins medicine. Please take a look at it. Someone sent an invitation to Mu Qianxi.

One of the major medicine refining families in the Beigong Dynasty, a four-star power, the Lan family. Mu Qianxi said in a low voice.

They sent an invitation letter to the Ghost Doctor Building, saying that they wanted to invite the ghost doctor to come and exchange alchemy skills. If the ghost doctor was not available, he could also send a chief alchemist there.

It is said that the Lan family is about to open the alchemy tower, which is a rare opportunity for alchemists.

The four-star alchemy family obviously knows that Ghost Doctor is a difficult master to deal with. In view of the fact that the people who dealt with Ghost Doctor before did not end well, not only is Ghost Doctor extremely powerful and mysterious, but his master is even more terrifying. God-level alchemist.

Not to mention that the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce has in-depth cooperation with the Ghost Doctor Building. They dare to deal with the Ghost Doctor Building to let Chen Xi

If the Chamber of Commerce loses money, the newly appointed Chairman Wan Qi of Chenxi Chamber of Commerce will definitely be furious and offend the richest power. Even the medicine refining family will feel a headache.

Mu Qianxi got to know the situation of the Lan family, and she said: I don't think highly of the Lan family's strength. There are not many powerful alchemists. The alchemy tower seems to be very weak in improving me. I just send a few... I’ll go over there personally and let them test it out.”

The person standing in front of Mu Qianxi twitched his mouth wildly, Master, if the Lan family knew that you looked down upon you so much, they would probably fight for you.

With her current alchemy level, no one in a family of four-star alchemists can be her opponent.

Young Master Bai Ze has also been invited. The Lan family's medicine refining tower is quite useful for him.

Well! Bai Ze has been busy with various things. He feels sorry for not being able to spare much time to improve his alchemy skills. He should seize this opportunity.

The ghost doctor's refusal was as expected by the Lan family. The Lan family said: This ghost doctor's building does not even have a star rating. It is as arrogant as a five-star power. The ghost doctor has also been refusing to see anyone. , I don’t know whether I’m dead or alive?”

Be careful! The Ghost Doctor Building is still something that cannot be underestimated. Head Lan warned.

Hmph! They don't want our face. Some people give us the Lan family's face. Even Master Bai Ze, the genius alchemist, is here.

Everyone was having this medicine-refining exchange at the Lan family, and Bai Ze naturally stood out. Although he didn't have much time to refine medicine, he made rapid progress with the guidance of some notes left by Mu Qianxi.

The same goes for the alchemists in the Ghost Doctor Building. Faced with everyone's praise, they said humbly: Where? Where? Our ability is not as good as one ten thousandth of the original poster.

Many people couldn't help but roll their eyes, it's so pretentious!

They are definitely not pretending to be humble, but they were severely beaten by the poster. They are completely different from the poster.

The top 100 people in this alchemy exchange are eligible to enter the alchemy tower. The Lan family's alchemy tower has a long history. It contains many experiences left by senior alchemists and some lost prescriptions. Can I get it? Personal opportunity.

Because it has been too long, the recent opening of the Medicine Refining Tower has been unstable, and some disciples are even trapped in it and cannot get out. If you want to go in, you need to sign a contract. If you encounter danger after entering, it has nothing to do with our Lan family. If If you are not willing to take this risk, you can choose to give up. The head of the Lan family said.

They had also heard about this matter, and they had lost many of the Lan family's alchemy geniuses before.

Everyone understands the principle of seeking wealth through danger, and they also feel that they will not be so unlucky, so they signed a contract. Even if something happens to them, their power cannot cause trouble to the Lan family. This is their fate.

Bai Ze frowned slightly. The Lan family's approach made him suspicious. He also didn't want to give up this opportunity and chose to go in.

The Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower is indeed a bit old, and it looks very historical from the outside. The head of the Lan Family said: If anything happens, just crush the jade token and you can come out. I wish everyone a good opportunity in my Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower. It’s been a smooth road.”

Thank you so much, Master Lan!

Master Lan's generosity allows me to have such a good opportunity.

On the third day after they entered the Lan Family Medicine Refining Tower, Mu Qianxi received urgent news that something had happened on the Lan Family side.

White Pond!

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