The first thing the Zhenbei army needs to defend against is the Beigong Dynasty, followed by some restless border forces.

The Xuantian Realm is vast. At the junction of the two dynasties, in addition to the Xilian Mountains occupied by the divine beasts, there are also many four-star forces growing wildly in the cracks and checks and balances between the two dynasties.

Among them, the Guisha tribe is a relatively difficult four-star force. It is considered to be an upper-middle level among the four-star forces and occupies a vast desert.

They are familiar with the terrain, and even if they commit something, they will disappear without a trace as soon as they dive into the desert.

The troops sent to pursue them either got lost in the desert or were ambushed. After repeated battles, they did not gain much benefit.

Whoever allowed them to take advantage of the right time and place, they would also use various poisonous things in the desert to refine poison.

This time the Guisha tribe is becoming more and more unscrupulous. They could be allowed to indulge in it before, but now they must be eradicated. Donghuang was furious.

Send orders to He Lianran and Yin Sizhan, if they can make the Guisha clan disappear, I will definitely reward them heavily.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The Guisha tribe ran away after robbing and killing everyone, leaving behind this border city in chaos, with the smell of blood and cries everywhere.

Mu Qianxi and the others also came, and General Helian's veins popped out on his forehead as he shouted angrily: This group of beasts.

Yin Sizhan obviously calmed down a lot, and quickly ordered: Count the number of casualties, the number of missing people, and place the injured separately according to the severity of their injuries.

He Lianran said: I hope Your Majesty will no longer tolerate them. Even if I die in the desert, I can't let these beasts go unpunished.

Yin Sizhan said in a low voice: Wait a minute! The order will come soon. Donghuang sent me here to help General Helian wipe out the four-star forces that committed crimes.

In the past, they just grabbed resources. The Donghuang Dynasty is vast and has a lot of resources, but they have very few cultivation resources in the desert. In addition, it is difficult to attack, so Donghuang can still tolerate it, but this time they have expanded and made trouble. It's impossible for Donghuang to endure such a big situation. Yin Sizhan's eyes were cold.

In fact, what should have been tolerated long ago was just that some civilians were suffering and a lot of manpower was lost, so Donghuang decided to let it go.

He doesn't respect the emperor who loves and cares for his people, but he is always thinking about the imperial power and hegemony. He really has no qualifications to be the emperor.

I'll go to the seriously injured area. Mu Qianxi said.

Without Donghuang's order, General Helian cannot send troops without authorization. He needs to save people first.

Those who were seriously injured and on the verge of death only suffered severe external injuries, which was not difficult for the ghost doctor to solve at all. He quickly stabilized their lives and recovered from their injuries quickly.

They said in shock: What a miracle doctor!

There is such a miracle doctor in the military camp of Zhenbei Army.

Thank you to the miracle doctor for saving my life.

Since the Zhenbei army placed the wounded, no one has lost their lives. This is definitely something they did not expect.

You kid can finally do something good. General Helian said.

After the wounded settled down, General Helian learned some bad news.

What? Most of the kids in the city are missing, and in every other town.

Yes, most children under three years old were taken away, as well as some pregnant women.

He Lianran frowned, looked at Yin Sizhan and said, Military advisor, what are they going to do?


Yin Sizhan said: It's definitely not a good thing. Send spies there first. These cancerous people from the Guisha clan dare to attack children.

Maybe their Guisha tribe is short of people and wants to add new blood. Maybe those children are safe for the time being. He Lianran said.

It is true that the Guisha tribe has a low fertility rate, but they have never arrested people outside because they value the purity of their blood. This speculation was rejected by Yin Sizhan.

Soon, news came from the other side of the capital. This time Donghuang was also very effective. He ordered General Helian to destroy the Guisha tribe and sent some helpers to them.

There was also a prince from the royal family, the Tenth Prince, who seemed to be no different from an ordinary playboy.

I'm just here to show off my military exploits. Don't worry, even if the Guisha clan is wiped out, the ones who will have the greatest contribution will be the military advisor and General Helian! The tenth prince said with a smile.

My lords are very powerful. Your Majesty sent you here because you are familiar with the Wuhai Desert. Please go to the desert to explore their location first. Yin Sizhan also gave orders to these helpers unceremoniously.

The spies in the military camp are not very powerful. How can they be as useful as these spiritual masters? After all, so many children have been captured and there is no way to delay them.

This young man's calm and composed order caused displeasure among the spiritual masters, but he did not refuse and said: Okay, the reason why the Guisha tribe exists is because our majesty does not want to waste energy with some little people. Now they provoke Your Majesty, you will naturally disappear completely.

Military advisor, just wait for me to come to you with the head of the Guisha tribe leader! Let's make an agreement first. If we do it, all the credit will belong to us and the tenth prince.

Yin Sizhan said calmly: Then let's wait until everyone can do it.

The five-star Donghuang Dynasty is a behemoth, and the Donghuang Dynasty wants to be destroyed even less. Once it is accomplished, the credit is not small.

Boy, how dare you look down on me, just wait and see! they snorted coldly.

The group of people set off quickly. The tenth prince looked at Mu Qianxi next to Yin Sizhan and said, This is your little cousin from the Feng family. He looks very similar to Military Master Yin.

Yin Sizhan did everything right, and since Mu Qianxi was allowed to stay in the military camp, his identity and everything was settled.

I heard that the murderer of my eldest brother also disappeared near the military camp, and then Mr. Feng appeared in the military camp. What a coincidence! Mu Qianxi disappeared without a trace, and Donghuang suffered a great loss. fury.

Anyone who is suspicious must be investigated. Mu Qianxi is obviously also suspected. The tenth prince is testing them.

Yin Sizhan said calmly: If the tenth prince doubts me, he can directly ask his majesty to call us back to the imperial capital for investigation.

The military advisor can't leave now. We have to rely on you to deal with the Guisha tribe! The tenth prince smiled.

But His Highness has great confidence in your people. Yin Sizhan replied.

The tenth prince was no match for the military advisor, so naturally he couldn't detect anything.

Mu Qianxi and Yin Sizhan knew about the Guisha Clan. No one knew about the Guisha Clan's headquarters because it was mobile and under the desert.

Even if they caught someone and asked them, they might have moved away, and then they would have to wait for a series of ambushes.

The group of spiritual masters were unlucky as Yin Sizhan expected, and thanks to their high strength, they saved their lives.

But it was very miserable to be seriously injured and poisoned. The first thing the Zhenbei army needs to defend against is the Beigong Dynasty, followed by some restless border forces.

The Xuantian Realm is vast. At the junction of the two dynasties, in addition to the Xilian Mountains occupied by the divine beasts, there are also many four-star forces growing wildly in the cracks and checks and balances between the two dynasties.

Among them, the Guisha tribe is a relatively difficult four-star force. It is considered to be an upper-middle level among the four-star forces and occupies a vast desert.

They are familiar with the terrain, and even if they commit something, they will disappear without a trace as soon as they dive into the desert.

The troops sent to pursue them either got lost in the desert or were ambushed. After repeated battles, they did not gain much benefit.

Whoever allowed them to take advantage of the right time and place, they would also use various poisonous things in the desert to refine poison.

This time the Guisha tribe is becoming more and more unscrupulous. They could be allowed to indulge in it before, but now they must be eradicated. Donghuang was furious.

Send orders to He Lianran and Yin Sizhan, if they can make the Guisha clan disappear, I will definitely reward them heavily.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The Guisha tribe ran away after robbing and killing everyone, leaving behind this border city in chaos, with the smell of blood and cries everywhere.

Mu Qianxi and the others also came, and General Helian's veins popped out on his forehead as he shouted angrily: This group of beasts.

Yin Sizhan obviously calmed down a lot, and quickly ordered: Count the number of casualties, the number of missing people, and place the injured separately according to the severity of their injuries.

He Lianran said: I hope Your Majesty will no longer tolerate them. Even if I die in the desert, I can't let these beasts go unpunished.

Yin Sizhan said in a low voice: Wait a minute! The order will come soon. Donghuang sent me here to help General Helian wipe out the four-star forces that committed crimes.

In the past, they just grabbed resources. The Donghuang Dynasty is vast and has a lot of resources, but they have very few cultivation resources in the desert. In addition, it is difficult to attack, so Donghuang can still tolerate it, but this time they have expanded and made trouble. It's impossible for Donghuang to endure such a big situation. Yin Sizhan's eyes were cold.

In fact, what should have been tolerated long ago was just that some civilians were suffering and a lot of manpower was lost, so Donghuang decided to let it go.

He doesn't respect the emperor who loves and cares for his people, but he is always thinking about the imperial power and hegemony. He really has no qualifications to be the emperor.

I'll go to the seriously injured area. Mu Qianxi said.

Without Donghuang's order, General Helian cannot send troops without authorization. He needs to save people first.

Those who were seriously injured and on the verge of death only suffered severe external injuries. This was not difficult for the ghost doctor to solve. He quickly stabilized their lives and recovered from their injuries quickly.

They said in shock: What a miracle doctor!

There is such a miracle doctor in the military camp of Zhenbei Army.

Thank you to the miracle doctor for saving my life.

Since the Zhenbei army placed the wounded, no one has lost their lives. This is definitely something they did not expect.

You kid can finally do something good. General Helian said.

After the wounded settled down, General Helian learned some bad news.

What? Most of the kids in the city are missing, and in every other town.

Yes, most children under three years old were taken away, as well as some pregnant women.

He Lianran frowned, looked at Yin Sizhan and said, Military advisor, what are they going to do?


Yin Sizhan said: It's definitely not a good thing. Send spies there first. These cancerous people from the Guisha clan dare to attack children.

Maybe their Guisha tribe is short of people and wants to add new blood. Maybe those children are safe for the time being. He Lianran said.

It is true that the Guisha tribe has a low fertility rate, but they have never arrested people outside because they value the purity of their blood. This speculation was rejected by Yin Sizhan.

Soon, news came from the other side of the capital. This time Donghuang was also very effective. He ordered General Helian to destroy the Guisha tribe and sent some helpers to them.

There was also a prince from the royal family, the Tenth Prince, who seemed to be no different from an ordinary playboy.

I'm just here to show off my military exploits. Don't worry, even if the Guisha clan is wiped out, the ones who will have the greatest contribution will be the military advisor and General Helian! The tenth prince said with a smile.

My lords are very powerful. Your Majesty sent you here because you are familiar with the Wuhai Desert. Please go to the desert to explore their location first. Yin Sizhan also gave orders to these helpers unceremoniously.

The spies in the military camp are not very powerful. How can they be as useful as these spiritual masters? After all, so many children have been captured and there is no way to delay them.

This young man's calm and composed order caused displeasure among the spiritual masters, but he did not refuse and said: Okay, the reason why the Guisha tribe exists is because our majesty does not want to waste energy with some little people. Now they provoke Your Majesty, you will naturally disappear completely.

Military advisor, just wait for me to come to you with the head of the Guisha tribe leader! Let's make an agreement first. If we do it, all the credit will belong to us and the tenth prince.

Yin Sizhan said calmly: Then let's wait until everyone can do it.

The five-star Donghuang Dynasty is a behemoth, and the Donghuang Dynasty wants to be destroyed even less. Once it is accomplished, the credit is not small.

Boy, how dare you look down on me, just wait and see! they snorted coldly.

The group of people set off quickly. The tenth prince looked at Mu Qianxi next to Yin Sizhan and said, This is your little cousin from the Feng family. He looks very similar to Military Master Yin.

Yin Sizhan did everything right, and since Mu Qianxi was allowed to stay in the military camp, his identity and everything was settled.

I heard that the murderer of my eldest brother also disappeared near the military camp, and then Mr. Feng appeared in the military camp. What a coincidence! Mu Qianxi disappeared without a trace, and Donghuang suffered a great loss. fury.

Anyone who is suspicious must be investigated. Mu Qianxi is obviously also suspected. The tenth prince is testing them.

Yin Sizhan said calmly: If the tenth prince doubts me, he can directly ask his majesty to call us back to the imperial capital for investigation.

The military advisor can't leave now. We have to rely on you to deal with the Guisha tribe! The tenth prince smiled.

But His Highness has great confidence in your people. Yin Sizhan replied.

The tenth prince was no match for the military advisor, so naturally he couldn't detect anything.

Mu Qianxi and Yin Sizhan knew about the Guisha Clan. No one knew about the Guisha Clan's headquarters because it was mobile and under the desert.

Even if they caught someone and asked them, they might have moved away, and then they would have to wait for a series of ambushes.

The group of spiritual masters were unlucky as Yin Sizhan expected, and thanks to their high strength, they saved their lives.

But it was very miserable to be seriously injured and poisoned.

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