He Lianran said angrily: This kid is just spoiled by his family! If he is spoiled like this, he doesn't know what trouble he will cause in the future?

You are a scholar with low cultivation, so I won't beat you! I just want to beat him today to let him know what jokes are not allowed. He Lianran clenched his fists, and veins popped out on his hands.

Yin Sizhan said: If General Helian is unwilling to give up, I will take him out of the military camp.

As soon as these words came out, everyone gasped.

The general and the military advisor had a conflict today, and the dispute actually reached this point.

The military advisor actually said that he would quit the military camp because of a little cousin who was causing trouble.

The general is good at fighting, and the military advisor is good at planning and deploying troops. This Zhenbei military camp is indispensable! ??

The surrounding atmosphere was simply frozen. He Lianran didn't expect the military advisor to make such a decision. He didn't know what to say at all?

He unclenched his clenched fists and said: The imperial doctors in the palace can't do anything. I am too naive to really believe it.

General Helian turned around and left immediately.

Mu Qianxi said lazily: I'm so tired! The general is so fierce. He has been chasing me for so long. My little arms and legs are very tired.

After hearing her words, everyone vomited blood. If it weren't for the clear day and the military advisor was there, they would have put a sack on this brat and beat him up.

Mu Qianxi walked into Yin Sizhan's camp under the attention of a group of unkind-looking soldiers.

What? Mr. Feng is playing tricks on you. He doesn't understand medical skills at all. This is impossible, he doesn't look like such a person, He Lianyue said in surprise.

Yin Sizhan gave Mu Qianxi a random pseudonym, Feng Xi.

You don't know what that brat said? I was so angry that I vomited blood, and that brat Yin Sizhan still defended him so much

. I just wanted to teach that kid a lesson, and I didn't want to beat him up cruelly, but he actually threatened me with quitting the military camp. If he hadn't been smart enough, I would have beaten him up and told him to get out with that brat. He Lianran said furiously.

Yue'er, I don't care. There has been no war recently. I am going to take you to the capital to beg Your Majesty. Maybe there is a way. I can hand over everything...

No! He Lianyue said.

This was tantamount to telling Donghuang straightforwardly that they knew all the dirty things he had done secretly.

When the time comes, what awaits them is not an antidote, but death.

As long as you have a chance, try it. I won't let you wait to die like this! He Lianran said firmly.

General Helian packed his bags and prepared to leave the next day. That night, an uninvited guest came to Helian Yue's yard.

He Lianran looked at the visitor and said with a dark face, What are you doing here? Are you trying to trick me again? Get out of here! You are not welcome here.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's lips, and she said: General Helian, I apologize to you for what happened during the day. I was a little skinny. But now, I am indeed here to detoxify Miss Yue.

Whether you have medical skills or not is a question. If I ask you to detoxify Yue'er, I'm afraid you will cause new problems!

Dad! Let Mr. Feng and the military advisor come in! He Lianyue's voice came from the room.

Yue'er, I'm going to be so angry with this brat today. You...why are you talking to her?

He Lianyue looked at her father tenderly and said, Dad, I had doubts before. Master Feng and the military advisor are here tonight. Do I understand why?

You two just want to help us.

Help? Are you sure you're not causing trouble?

He Lianyue replied: I believe Mr. Feng does have the medical skills to cure my illness, but once the capital knows that I am safe and sound, I am afraid they will investigate me and even more doubt my father. In the future, our relationship The situation will be worse than it is now.”

If I was cured quietly and no one found out, everything would just be the same as before.

Yin Sizhan said with a smile: Miss Yue is right. If you want to save people, you won't be in greater danger. That would be like saving in vain. That's why we came up with the daytime incident.

He Lianyue said: That's not all. Now some people in the army feel that you and your father don't get along. If you don't get along, it's not a bad thing for some people. It would be better to check and balance the power in the army and make the capital city feel more at ease. Kill two birds with one stone. The military advisor is indeed very talented and good at planning.

Just some small tricks. Yin Sizhan said calmly.

He Lianran couldn't turn his head for a while, but he soon smoothed it out.

He widened his eyes and said, So that's it. You young people have gone through so many twists and turns, but you didn't know to remind me earlier.

Mu Qianxi said jokingly: General, if I had told you about your acting skills earlier, it would probably not be that real. How would anyone believe it then?

Your acting skills are very good, I feel inferior to you. Thinking about how he was deceived by this boy today, he didn't see through it at all, and felt that he had lived a long life like a dog.

Thank you for the compliment, General! Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

I hope your medical skills are as good as your acting skills! General Helian said angrily.

Of course it's many times better, don't worry about this! Mu Qianxi smiled and took out a few bottles of medicine and said


Drink them all!

I also took these pills.

Others only take one or two pills, but this has seven or eight bottles!

Is it okay for my daughter to take so many pills at once? He Lianran asked.

They are all good elixirs for the body. How could something happen? Calm down.

After taking the elixir, He Lianyue felt warm all over and her breath became smoother.

Mu Qianxi took out a few medicine needles and said, Next, detoxify!

Puff puff! Several medicine needles were inserted into He Lianyue's acupuncture points.

Half an hour later, Mu Qianxi closed the needles.

For three days in a row, your poison will be cured. After that, I will give you some potions. You will be in the same state as everyone else after drinking it. Even if the alchemists from the Donghuang Palace come, there will be no clues. Mu Qianxi smiled.

Thank you, Mr. Feng! He Lianyue said gratefully.

You said that Yin Sizhan is very smart and wise. In fact, Miss Yue is also very powerful. Take good care of yourself and provide advice to your father! In case he is deceived, and is prone to anger, it will be bad if he gets angry.

You brat! You are the most irritating person I have ever met. How dare you say that! General Helian was furious.

After Helian Yue received one treatment, her health improved a lot.

He Lianran also knew that this boy was really capable, but he still couldn't help but get angry when he saw this boy.

His daughter was about to recover. Before General Helian could be happy enough, an urgent battle report was sent to the military camp.

General, the Guisha tribe has burned, killed, and looted countless villages and towns on the border of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, and now they are attacking a city.

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