Mu Qianxi was not pretending, she said: Seeing that your spiritual power is no longer able to support you, why don't you consider buying some potions from me? The price is definitely affordable.

After Mu Qianxi drank a bottle of elixir, Prince Yang's face turned completely dark. He found that the other party's spiritual power seemed to have become stronger.

The four elemental skills blasted towards Prince Yang with unparalleled power. Prince Yang hurriedly summoned an armor to withstand Mu Qianxi's attack.

Then he started to counterattack, and Mu Qianxi blocked the fatal attack with the black wing shield.

Boom! A loud noise came out, and he found that the opponent's defensive artifact was only slightly stronger than his.

The battle has been a stalemate. The defenses of both sides are amazing and therefore useless to the other side. This battle is inextricably fought.

At this time, at the other end of Beiling Realm, someone came to report: Your Highness, Mu Qianxi and Prince Yang are fighting.

Bei Gongjue played with a lily of the valley flower in front of him and said, Oh! If Qian Xi can get rid of all that bunch of trash, they won't be an eyesore in front of me.

Beigong dared to touch the lily of the valley, but the others stayed far away, as if the lily of the valley was growing in the abyss. If they took a step forward, they would be shattered to pieces.

A little pollen sprinkled on the person behind him and said, Go! Bring Mu Qianxi over. I'll wait for her here.

Yes, Your Highness! A figure disappeared instantly, and there was a faint and cold floral fragrance in the arc it traced.

It's just a weak aroma but it carries a very strong medicinal power. If an alchemist smells it, he will be very surprised.

Han finally settled down after entering the Beiling Realm. It's good. If Mu Qianxi dares to come, then she is destined to be mine. I think you will be very surprised when Han Han wakes up. After all, she is very interested in you. It's very special. Bei Gongjue murmured to himself.

An attack cannot break through a Spirit Lord.

Mu Qianxi's poison was effective, but Prince Yang didn't know when he was poisoned, and his strength was declining.

Covered in darkness, Mu Qianxi's dark elemental skills are very dangerous.

You actually poisoned me! Prince Yang said through gritted teeth.

Yes! Do you have any objections? It's useless to have objections. You are already defeated.

The Yanlong Soul-Killing Sword was swung out, and instantly there were several bloody wounds on his body.

He was at the end of his strength and could only let Mu Qianxi slaughter him.

He hoped that others would come to help, but others were too busy to take care of themselves.

Bang bang bang!

This battle was not as easy as before. Some people were exhausted and some were seriously injured.

The end result was gratifying, they won.

Bang bang bang! A man fell down.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: You members of the Beigong Dynasty royal family are coming to trouble us one by one. Obviously you feel that you are too idle, very good! How about you do something to help us with something!

You're dreaming! Let us help you, you figure...


A gust of wind swept by, and before Prince Yang could finish his words, he was slapped hard by the wind. He spit out blood and his teeth fell to the ground.

It's okay. I know that all of you are noble, arrogant and disobedient. I have many ideas? Come and try. A sneer appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's mouth.

The method she said was to use poison, and some of the royal family members who had been poisoned before had collapsed.

Spare us! We really don't

Dare you, I will definitely not lie this time! absolute! The prince is about to cry. When the poison breaks out, the feeling is really worse than death.

Prince Yang, who had just experienced this for the first time, couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and said, You...what exactly do you want me to do?

Mu Qianxi said: First, collect more ice and snow inheritance tokens.

You don't need to say this, this is our purpose!

In order to prevent you from being unwilling to make progress, we now accept the ice and snow inheritance tokens you are carrying. Mu Qianxi smiled and had all their tokens taken away.

Asshole! What are you trying to rob? You are here to cause trouble on purpose! You are deliberately going against our Beigong Dynasty royal family. Prince Yang roared.

You can't do anything even if it's intentional? Listen to my second thing calmly. The second thing you are willing to go against is to make trouble for others! Make trouble for Bei Gongjue. Mu Qianxi said.

Beigong Jue is powerful, has many masters around him, and controls the power of Beigong Dynasty. If we trouble him in Beiling Realm, wouldn't we be seeking death? Prince Yang said.

Anyway, you have already sought death once, are you afraid of doing it a second time? Mu Qianxi said jokingly.

They cursed in their hearts. Before their defeat, they had never thought that this group of people would be so difficult to deal with! What a mistake.

Actually, you are also jealous in your heart. What are you afraid of? To put it bluntly, I am giving you the courage to do the things you want to do but don't dare to do. A faint smile appeared at the corner of Mu Qianxi's lips, and soon they became jealous. More and more uncomfortable.

Courage was forced out by poison, and they could only agree in humiliation.

We know, aren't they just two things? Detoxify quickly and stop! Stop! they wailed.

The nightmare-like poisonous attack finally stopped, Mu Qianxi said: The poison has not been completely cured yet, you'd better do as you please.

They had to heal their injuries quickly. Mu Qianxi left without talking too much to them, and went to a quiet place to treat the seriously injured people.

As expected of the ghost doctor, this medical skill is so powerful. The spiritual masters who recovered quickly said excitedly.

Of course! Do you think the reputation of my Ghost Doctor Building is all false? Mu Qianxi said proudly.

After recovering from their injuries, the ice and snow inheritance tokens that Prince Yang and his party received did not disappoint them at all. There were so many of them, it was a great harvest!

After Mu Qianxi's vigorous purification was completed, everyone took advantage of this great opportunity to practice. With enough spiritual power, several seniors advanced from intermediate to high-level spiritual masters.

Yun Ji also successfully became a second-level spiritual saint. As for Mu Qianxi, he also stepped up from the middle-level spiritual saint to the high-level spiritual saint and became a seventh-level spiritual saint.

Everyone had a smile on their face and everyone had a good harvest.

Mu Qianxi said: Let's go and use all means to find Shengzhi.

Mu Qianxi was slightly startled by the faint fragrance of flowers in the air. This was the scent of Sheng Zhi.

Mu Qianxi flew out with the rapid movement of the wind element, and the others hurriedly chased after him.

Shengzhi didn't find it, but saw an ordinary-looking young man.

He said coldly: Miss Mu should be disappointed when she sees me?

The aura of Shengzhi is so obvious, and I'm not the kind of person who believes that pie will fall from the sky. But your aura of Beiling Jiutian Suzuli is real. It seems that Bei Gongjue knew where it was from the beginning? And you He belongs to him, does he have anything to say to me? Mu Qianxi said straightforwardly.

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