The Evil King Addicts to Pets: Ghost Doctor and Mad Concubine

Chapter 3039 Fierce Battle with the Prince

They are mercenaries and are never afraid of fighting.

Powerful enemies can stimulate their potential even more.

The next moment they took action, a pitiful scream came from the distance.

An incredible voice sounded, Why? We are obviously so far away from her, why are we still poisonous? This is so abnormal.

A prince and a prince who met before had learned from the past. Although they brought in reinforcements, they did not dare to move forward rashly.

They felt that if they stayed far away from Mu Qianxi, they would not be poisoned!

What they thought was quite beautiful. In front of the ghost doctor who was a wind element, this distance was nothing?

What should be poisonous is still poisonous.

Uncle, help!

I'm dying!

An angry roar came out, Mu Qianxi, don't think that His Highness the Crown Prince looks at you differently. Are you so bold and reckless that you dare to touch even our Beigong royal family?

This person, who is considered to be the most famous among the Beigong royal family, is a prince, Prince Yang.

I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will naturally make them regret their mistakes. Do you really think that I, Mu Qianxi, am so easy to bully? If I were bullied by you like that, where would your Highness the Crown Prince's face be? ?Because you, the Crown Prince, can't do anything to me? Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows.

Prince Yang's eyes flickered, and then he showed a serious smile.

No matter what kind of relationship you have with His Highness the Crown Prince? If I can win over a woman that even His Highness the Crown Prince can't win over, that would be a good thing.

Mu Qianxi teleported and approached Prince Yang, the Flame Dragon Soul-killing Sword already raised high.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: You don't even have the strength of Bei Gongjue, what are you daydreaming about?

Feng Tian Kill! Mu Qianxi shouted coldly.

Boom! There were loud noises.

When it was released, the astonishing fire element would burn Prince Yang who was protecting his spiritual body.

This sword is absolutely extraordinary, and your combat power is indeed very strong. Prince Yang said sinisterly.

Yes! It's not difficult to kill you with this sword. The dark element exploded, and countless dark light blades appeared.


Bang bang bang!

The spirit master's strength is so difficult for Mu Qianxi, she is only a sixth-level spiritual saint!

They have never doubted Bei Gongjue's vision. This woman is really difficult to deal with.

If she can't be subdued, she must be dealt with. If she becomes Bei Gong Jue's person and the two monsters join forces, Bei Gong Jue will definitely be even more proud.

There are many people in the Beigong Dynasty royal family who are so different from Beigong Jue in terms of ability but they can't control their ambitions and dream of things that don't belong to them.

Two seniors, let's do it! No matter life or death, it's a pity that this girl is so beautiful, who makes her too unruly. Prince Yang said gloomily, and the murderous aura around him became stronger.

Do you think you are the only one who has help? The corners of Mu Qianxi's mouth curved slightly, and three terrifying auras burst out.

Her contracted beasts are Xiao Hong, Wudi and Xiao Momo.

Nowadays, Xiao Momo's strength is comparable to that of a mid-level spiritual master, while Xiao Hong and Wuwei's strength is comparable to that of a high-level spiritual master.

With the addition of these three helpers, Prince Yang's helpers were all isolated, and he still had to face Mu Qianxi alone.

Whoosh! Countless medicine needles were as fast as lightning, approaching Prince Yang at extremely tricky angles.

Prince Yang said: I actually contracted three such

Powerful contract beast, you really make people look at you with special eyes!

Compared to Bei Gong Jue, Prince Yang's talent for cultivation was reduced to dregs by abuse, but compared to others, his ability was not bad.

He used powerful spiritual skills, and the spiritual power like a tide roared towards Mu Qianxi, trying to imprison Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi used the spiritual power of the wind element to slip out smoothly with the assistance of the power of space, without letting Prince Yang succeed.

Hide! How can you still hide? I want to see how long you can hide?

His spiritual power surged again, and the terrifying power wanted to continue to entangle Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi jumped into the air, the icy cold air hit her, and the water elemental spiritual power exploded.

Bang bang bang!

A fourth elemental spiritual master, how could such a perversion exist in this world? Prince Yang cursed in his heart.

His eyes were cold, and he waved the long sword in his hand, and countless dark red sword lights struck Mu Qianxi overwhelmingly.


This sword energy is not an ordinary sword energy, it has extremely strong corrosive power, and the surrounding air carries such an atmosphere.

Pfft! After a few sounds, it hit.

As a result, Mu Qianxi's arms were still as white as snow, with no scars except for a few holes in her clothes that had been corroded.

He took a deep breath, How is that possible?

Mu Qianxi said: I thought it was such a powerful artifact from the Yin people, but it's just like this!

Knowing that her physical defense could hold her back, Mu Qianxi let go of her hand again and attacked him fiercely.

The four elements of spiritual power burst out wildly, and the light was extremely dazzling.


There is a huge gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves. This battle has

Gotta fight.

She has a huge advantage in physical defense and speed, so she is confident that she will kill this guy.

As for the others!

The Twilight Mercenary Group and the Ghost Night Mercenary Group were short of manpower and their strength was quite different, so the alien plants broke out after receiving the order from the city lord.

The blood-red thorns took root on the ice and snow and danced wildly, becoming a nightmare for the enemy and restraining many enemies.

They were injured by the bloody thorns and were scarred, and countless blood dyed the white snow red.

The people in the Twilight Mercenary Group were shocked. Some of the teenagers who usually looked like the little brothers next door turned out to be such ferocious and bloodthirsty aliens, transforming in the blink of an eye.

The people in the Beigong Dynasty royal family were also confused, This is a strange plant, a bloody thorn, one of the most ferocious and bloodthirsty strange plants! There is no such thing in the Xuantian Realm. It doesn't matter if a woman owns three contracted beasts. She can actually tame alien plants and use them for her own use.

I'm afraid they can't think of it? Mu Qianxi raised a city full of exotic plants.

Whether they are aliens or humans, they are comrades-in-arms.

After such a powerful comrade burst out with fierce fighting power, their morale was boosted.

They pinned down most of the enemies, and defeated the rest individually.

The Beigong Dynasty royal family will not be an obstacle to them, but will only become a grindstone for the two mercenary groups.

Huh! Prince Yang exhaled a thick breath.

Continuous fighting is an extremely big challenge for him who is pampered. His spiritual energy is consumed very quickly. Even if there are elixirs to replenish the situation, the situation is not very optimistic?

On the other hand, Mu Qianxi's breath was stable. She was obviously the one who was bombarding the four elemental spiritual skills like crazy, but she didn't show any sign of excessive spiritual power consumption?

In disguise? It must be a disguise!

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