They said: Okay...

They didn't want to be thrown away, so everyone tried their best to chase.

He tried his best to follow the Twilight Mercenary Group for a while.

Hey! This group of people is not bad. Although the level is a little lower, they have good perseverance and can keep up with me for so long. These people in the Twilight Mercenary Group started discussing.

Your speed is too slow. Yun Ji said.

Lin Yuan and the others tried their best and even kept squeezing their potential, but the gap between them and those powerful mercenaries made it extremely difficult for them to catch up.

The Twilight Mercenary Group completely disappeared from their sight. Lin Yuan and the others walked heavily and panted one by one: Captain, we are not strong enough, we are too weak, so we lost the pursuit.

Mu Qianxi was collecting elixirs at this time and said calmly: As long as you did your best, you did a pretty good job and did not embarrass our Guiye mercenary group.

But Nanyu Forest is so big. If we lose track of them, we may never be able to catch up with them. Lin Yuan and the others said in annoyance.

If they were stronger and faster, would they be able to keep up?

Don't worry! They can't run far, so let's rest where they are. There are no dangerous spiritual beasts here, it's very safe.

Yes, leader!

Although the people in the Twilight Mercenary Group were fast, they were not within the detection range of her soul power. It was not difficult to find them.

At this time, the people of the Twilight Mercenary Group slowed down and said: Captain, you have completely moved away from them. If you don't keep up, you should have given up.


Hahaha! Have you noticed that the leader treats that girl very differently? The entire mercenary group is as close as brothers, even the leader, so they joke very freely.


? This was the first time someone dared to stuff medicine into the leader's mouth like that, and he looked very beautiful! Completely kill the female mercenaries and the rich lady who were pursuing the leader in an instant.

Stop talking nonsense, the boss has a fiancée. The boss has been in love for so many years, so he won't change his mind!

Yun Ji glanced at these joking guys and said: She is indeed a bit special, but she is not interested in me. She has high vision and is interested in Prince Beigong.

Also, I don't have a fiancée! I only have a sister, so don't spread rumors outside. Be careful that I will avenge you personally. I wonder if you can bear it?

There was a warning look on his face.

They all covered their mouths and didn't dare to say any more. They could make jokes about the boss, but when he got angry and they dared to continue teasing without scruples, they would be in trouble.

On the surface, the leader of the group, Ji Yue Qingfeng, looks more perfect than those young masters of some powerful forces.

On the surface, he has a good temper, but he is actually a very irritable, extremely irritable, and domineering master.

It's true, and it's a bomb that can't be detonated.

Yes, yes! It's my sister. They nodded.

Lin Yuan and the others saw Mu Qianxi taking out the elixir that she had collected casually on the roadside. In the blink of an eye, bottles of crystal clear potion appeared in front of them.

This is a potion! Are these potions sold by the Ghost Doctor's House? they asked in surprise.

In the past, no one in Xuantian Realm accepted potions.

With the development of the Ghost Doctor Building, even ordinary people have accepted the existence of potions.

That's right! Take this potion after you have rested. It will increase your speed. Try to see if you can catch up with them.


After swallowing the elixir, they felt that their bodies became much lighter, and a purple figure quickly flew out.

Follow me!

What made them find it incredible was that when they were trying hard to catch up with Mu Qianxi, one by one they broke through while chasing.

The first level spiritual saint becomes the second level, the second level becomes the third level, and the third level becomes the fourth level.

That potion is not as simple as increasing the speed at all, right? It can also improve strength.

Such potions can be bought at the Ghost Doctor House, and the price is not low.

Captain! Their voices trembled.

You are the first members of the Guiye mercenary group. Since you have followed me, Mu Qianxi, I will not treat you badly. You were supposed to be promoted, but because of the lack of training resources and many hidden injuries on your body, your meridians were blocked and your promotion was slow. Once these problems are solved, you will naturally advance to the next level. Mu Qianxi said calmly.

They all showed surprise. They saw with their own eyes that the group leader quickly refined the potion. The effect was so powerful, it was so unbelievable!

When she first entered Xuantian and established the Xuantian Ghost Medical Building, Mu Qianxi's medicine refining skills were naturally not that powerful.

After such a long period of time in the Hell Realm and the Three Realms, her medicine refining level has also improved linearly, and such small problems are really easy to solve.

Captain, I feel that you are underestimating your talents by leading our mercenary group here. You should become the number one alchemist renowned throughout Xuantian Realm and become a being that surpasses the ghost doctor.

Mu Qianxi had a smile on her face.

Her subordinates had a fascination-like confidence in her.

My level of alchemy is already very high, and it is difficult for me to meet my opponent. Being a mercenary is just a new beginning, which is more challenging. And don't I want to capture Yunji? An alchemist will not let him Only a leader of a mercenary group whose strength is comparable to his can convince him that he agrees to help me, Mu Qianxi said.

Take down Captain Yunji?

Help her with errands?

Everyone is also thinking wildly, and they are very curious about why the boss is so obsessed with Captain Yunji?

After their strength was improved, they were faster. Mu Qianxi could use her soul power to sense where the people in the Twilight Mercenary Group were. In addition, they had slowed down in front, so the distance between them was getting closer and closer. Getting closer.

At this time, Yun Ji, who was already approaching the target, suddenly stopped. Someone asked: Captain, did that beast find us?

No! They are catching up. Yun Ji replied.

How is that possible? The people in the Twilight Mercenary Group were a little surprised.

It's been so long since they've gotten rid of those people behind them? Why were you caught up again?

Speed ​​up! We're about to fight that guy. We can't let them get close.


Before they even got close to the mission target, they were caught up by Mu Qianxi and the others.

Yun Ji said: Don't come near this side anymore, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

Mu Qianxi replied: Understood, we will definitely bear the consequences and will not let you take responsibility, but it is necessary to learn how to fight with you, so...

Mu Qianxi's stubbornness made Yunji helpless, and then Mu Qianxi said: It's here, you are visiting again, and it has chosen to attack you.

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