Okay! I promise you. Mu Qianxi agreed readily.

As for forming a mercenary group, she really has no experience.

She once knew that there was a powerful mercenary organization in modern times.

They are involved in most of the news that shocks the world.

The leader of their mercenary group is a veritable supreme emperor who dominates the myth of the entire mercenary world.

Unfortunately, she had only sold medicine to his mercenaries before, and had no contact with the mercenary emperor, so she didn't know much about him.

You actually agreed so quickly. Do you know how difficult it is? It took me ten years to reach this point. Yun Ji said.

It won't take me that long. First, I have money. Second, I have pills. Third, I have powerful men with secret techniques and so on. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

You can only create some high-level spiritual saints with unstable foundations, rather than powerful mercenaries. Yun Ji frowned slightly.

That's what you said. Then I'll think of another way. It's you who made the request. If I do it, you can't go back on it!

Naturally! He felt that a woman would never be able to accomplish this.

Maybe by the time she reached that point, he would have accomplished what he wanted to do.

It's just that the water in the mercenary world in the west is too muddy, and it's no longer what it used to be.

His every move is being watched, and he doesn't have much free time to deal with it.

It would also be nice if someone could take care of it secretly.

Captain Yunji, if you become the mercenary king, can you accept a mission from me and kidnap Prince Beigong to me intact? Mu Qianxi really wanted to kidnap Beigong Jue and wanted to make sure that the little prince was kidnapped. Is Bai good or not?

It's just that it's not easy to tie him up. After all, he has a very high status, is very powerful, and has many tricks.

Still relying on

Xiaobai's body was used to make her scrupulous and not let others tie her up.

Yun Ji said: Prince Beigong and the princess of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty have broken off their engagement. Recently, the entire Beigong Dynasty is preparing to choose a fiancée for Prince Beigong. If you want to get close to him, you don't need to use rough methods like kidnapping. So. You may be elected because of your talent and appearance.”

What? It was not surprising that Bei Gongjue and Mu Linlang would break off their engagement, but they actually found Bei Gongjue a wife again.

It doesn't matter how many wives Bei Gongjue finds, but they are Xiaobai's bodies.

Seeing that Mu Qianxi wanted to kill the Beigong Dynasty immediately, Yun Ji said: I heard that the Prince of Beigong has gone into seclusion again, so I am just looking for candidates among the people, and I am planning to wait until the Prince comes out of seclusion before making a decision.

Mu Qianxi said: I will definitely complete your request as soon as possible, destroy that Yuan Jue Qingcang, and make you the unparalleled mercenary king. I can make you break through the Spirit Lord, and then you can take advantage of me. Kidnap him before he chooses his concubine.

You care about Prince Beigong! But he is not a good person, and your eyesight is not very good. Yun Ji said.

Who cares about him anymore? You have a bad look. Mu Qianxi said angrily.

Yun Ji's eyes told Mu Qianxi that he thought she was telling the truth.

Mu Qianxi and Yun Ji went back, and the mercenary of the Twilight Mercenary Group asked curiously: Boss, what were you talking about with that beautiful girl? Hehehe, were you talking about love?


Miss Mu, what's the result? Lin Yuan and the others asked with concern.

Yunji wants me to form a mercenary group. I must catch up with them in strength before I am qualified to discuss cooperation with him.

. Mu Qianxi replied.

How can this be?

You must know that the Twilight Mercenary Group has developed for ten years, and it took ten years to reach its current situation, and their rise is impossible to achieve.

Nowadays, the strength of the four five-star mercenary groups is balanced, and almost all the powerful mercenaries have joined their ranks.

Lin Yuan said: What does Miss Mu mean?

Of course I agreed, how could I give up just because of this difficulty? Mu Qianxi replied.

Can we join Mr. Mu? Although our strength is not high, we will definitely work hard. Lin Yuan asked.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, You're very welcome.

From now on, our mercenary group will be disbanded. You can choose to join the Muda people, or you can choose to quit.

There are only about ten people in their mercenary group, and everyone has a good relationship with them. They all agree with Lin Yuan's decision and have no objections.

Lin Yuan said: Since Mr. Mu wants to set up a mercenary group, he needs to give it a name and register it after we leave here.

Mu Qianxi was asked to choose a name, which stumped Mu Qianxi.

She frowned slightly and finally decided: Then let's call it the Guiye Mercenary Group?

This name sounds scary, not bad! Lin Yuan and the others laughed.

Mu Qianxi just chose the name at random. She remembered the Ghost Doctor Building and Jiuye, and it just came together.

The Twilight Mercenary Group was about to set off. Mu Qianxi followed with others and said: Now I am also the leader of the mercenary group. These people are all members of my Guiye Mercenary Group. See if you are going I’m going to carry out the mission and I’m going to take them to learn.”

This newly established mercenary group is completely the weakest one-star mercenary group, far away from his

The requirements were vastly different.

Yun Ji said: Our mission is in the inner area of ​​Nanyu Forest. There are poisonous and dangerous spiritual beasts everywhere. Do you want to die with a one-star mercenary group?

Since I dare to take them with me, I naturally have a way to save their lives. Your Twilight Mercenary Group didn't buy the road anyway, so you go ahead! I won't disturb you. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

Yun Ji looked indifferent and ignored Mu Qianxi, but said: Let's go!

They moved forward, and Mu Qianxi and the others were indeed following behind. She said: This is a rare opportunity to observe their words, deeds, pace, how to understand the dangers around them, and their formation...

Mu Qianxi indeed brought them here to steal the master, and there were so many elixirs in Nanyu Forest.

Now that we’ve reached the outer perimeter, let’s go inside and take a look around!

Lin Yuan and the others did not miss this rare learning opportunity.

They were a little confused at this time, why hadn't they thought of such a method before?

Of course, no one dares to do it.

If Mu Qianxi hadn't helped the Twilight Mercenary Group before and had an appointment with Yun Ji before, she would have been shot away by them long ago.

The gazes of the young mercenaries behind them became more and more intense. The mercenaries of the Twilight Mercenary Group felt that their clothes would spontaneously combust under their gaze.

What's going on with this group of people? Could it be that you fell in love with them?


Yun Ji said: Speed ​​up. If they can't keep up, don't worry about them.

Yes! Everyone speeded up.

Although you are very enthusiastic about studying, you still don't know how to restrain yourself. Now you are disgusted and run away! Follow up quickly. Mu Qianxi said.

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