At this moment, Yun Ji actually said something unexpected.

Yun Ji said: We have to give up on this mission.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Yuan Jue laughed, Hahaha! Yunji! Yunji, did you think you were so capable? I didn't expect you to succumb in the end.

There is another reason why I don't accept this mission. It's not that our mercenary group is not strong enough and I'm afraid of not being able to complete it. If you, Yuan Jue, want to get this mission, you have to fight for it yourself. It has nothing to do with our Twilight mercenary group. Yun Ji That perfect face became cold and solemn.

Lin Yuan and the others looked at Mu Qianxi and said, Miss Mu.

What did they hear? Captain Yunji actually wanted to refuse Miss Mu’s heavenly mission.

You must know that the deposit for this task is 100 million. If Twilight takes this task and then gives up, double compensation will be required.

This little money is nothing to Twilight, but this is the first time Twilight has given up on a task after accepting it.

What? You, Twilight, are actually giving up on a 300 billion mission? Zhou Yang and others were also shocked.

It is obviously a timeless task, even if it is difficult to complete, it is something worth bragging about. Why give up and compensate so many Xuanjing.

This is beyond your control, disappear from my presence immediately.

Yunji, it seems we can't reach an agreement! Since we can't reach an agreement, let's solve everything with our fists!

Zhou Yang took the initiative and struck first.

Several strong men under him cooperated with Zhou Yang in a tacit understanding, and dangerous spiritual power burst out from each of them.

Boom! There was a sudden thunder, and Yun Ji took action.

He only made one move and sent Zhou Yang and the others flying backwards.

Bang bang bang!


This power of thunder and lightning

It was very domineering. These guys who were also ninth-level peak spiritual saints had some places on their bodies that were chopped into charred black.

In other words, the failure of the previous attack did not hurt the woman at all. It was not because of his lightning element problem, but because of the problem of the woman herself.

And his injuries...

Pfft! Zhou Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was shocked: Yunji, that's not right! You were injured and poisoned in the previous battle with that sky python. You couldn't even deal with a first-order spiritual saint before. How can you burst out with such strong power now?

This makes no sense, is so abnormal.

You are cheating!

Others were also extremely happy and said: That's right! The captain's injuries seem to have completely recovered, and his aura is much stronger than before. These guys are just trivial to the captain.

Mu Qianxi said: He suffered a small injury and was just a little bit poisoned. It was resolved quickly. He is very capable of fighting now. You must be very scared now!

Then, Mu Qianxi said to Yun Ji: Although my way of buying and selling by force is very wrong, who told you not to believe me? Now you know the benefits!

It was the medicine that the girl gave to the group leader that made him recover.

I'm afraid that's true. After all, the leader used to take the same healing pill as us. We are still like birds now, and the leader can already show off his power.

Zhou Yang didn't expect that Yun Ji would have anyone to help him. He said sternly: So what if he recovers? He hasn't fully recovered yet. We still have ways to deal with you.

There are many of them, and each one of them is at its peak strength. They are not the Twilight servants who suffered a loss on the side of the Sky Python.

People from the Corps can compare.

Bang, bang, bang! Seeing their leader being surrounded by this group of people, they became anxious. Someone suddenly thought of something and said, Girl, are you still selling medicine?

As long as there is a recovery pill that is effective enough, if their leader can recover as fast as they can, so can they.

Mu Qianxi said: Don't you need it? Don't you suspect that my elixir is poisonous? Why are you rushing to buy it now?

Before, we treated a gentleman with a villain's heart. We asked the girl not to take it to heart. We have sincerely regretted it.

For the sake of your sincerity, let's sell it! Ten thousand Xuan Crystals each. Mu Qianxi said.

The senior mercenaries of their Twilight Mercenary Group were not poor, but they were also frightened by the price of this healing pill.

Ten thousand, this is too expensive! .??.

Could it be that the one you forced to sell to the group leader is so expensive? The group leader will definitely be very angry.

Mu Qianxi said: Yunji is so good-looking that I would sell him a piece of Xuan Jing! If you have him who is good-looking and pleasing to my eyes, it will be cheaper.

They were helpless one by one. Forget about those women who were obsessed with the leader because of his appearance, why did this girl sell medicine because of her appearance?

They felt that even if they rebuilt themselves, they would not be able to look better than the group leader, so they could only pay the money for the medicine in distress.

Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand.

Soon after taking the elixir, they could clearly feel the changes in their bodies.

They were shocked and said: The effect of this medicine is amazing.

It's even more amazing than the elixir from the Ghost Doctor's House!

Ten thousand Xuanjinghua is worth it!

Everyone in the Twilight Mercenary Group has recovered their strong combat effectiveness.

Zhou Yang and his group no longer have the confidence to be arrogant.

Each of them was severely beaten by the Twilight Mercenary Group and fled in panic. The Twilight Mercenary Group won.

Mu Qianxi said: If you buy it with me earlier, you can get rid of them faster. You just don't believe that you forced me to buy and sell by force. The elixir has been sold to you. Pay the price! You are good-looking. Xuan Jing is enough.”

Yun Ji looked at Mu Qianxi with a sullen face and said, Ten thousand! This leader doesn't want to live on his reputation.

What a pity! People like you can obviously rely on your face to make a living, but you have to rely on your strength to become a mercenary. Mu Qianxi said with a smile.

What's the matter with you coming to see my Twilight Mercenary Group? Yun Ji asked.

It was definitely not an accident that they would meet here, but she came to them on purpose.

When she thought that this guy was going to refuse her high-priced mission, she put aside the matter of finding Shengzhi for the time being, but said: Well! I want to hire your mercenaries to destroy the Beigong Dynasty and the Donghuang Dynasty. How about it? ?”

Mu Qianxi's words almost made all of them eyes pop out in shock. Where are they? who are they? Are they hallucinating?

Lin Yuan almost fell down after hearing this. Didn't Miss Mu want to talk about the mission to find Shengzhi? Why did it suddenly rise to such a terrifying level?

Yun Ji said indifferently: Are you kidding me? I'm not interested in striking an egg against a stone. As a mercenary, I like to take risks, but I don't like to seek death.

Okay! This task is more difficult to complete, so let's change it to another one! Help me tie Prince Beigong to me, and keep it intact.

There was silence all around because they were too shocked to speak.

Lin Yuan and the others opened their mouths. This was even more exaggerated than her setting a 300 billion mission to find Sheng Zhi!

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