Captain! The expressions of the others changed drastically.

Who is this woman? Just give their boss some elixirs, what if he gets poisoned?

Everyone in the Twilight Mercenary Group was worried.

This was the first time he had the courage to sneak attack him like this, so fast and unexpectedly, anger flashed in Yun Ji's indifferent eyes.

Suddenly, the whole person was like a domineering and fierce tiger, rushing towards Mu Qianxi.

Boss, you are still injured.

Mr. Mu, be careful, Captain Yunji is a ninth-level peak spiritual saint.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and Mu Qianxi instantly avoided Yun Ji's attack, but Yun Ji's attack failed.

After all, Yun Ji was already injured. If the opponent was an opponent whose strength was comparable to Yun Ji's, it would not be surprising at all to be able to avoid his attack.


For a moment, everyone was stunned.

That's a first-level spiritual saint!

Only the first level! A spiritual master of this level will probably not even be seen in the Xilian Mountains, unless a big force pulls the younger generation out for training.

Even if our leader is injured, his attack cannot be avoided by a first-order spiritual saint! What happened?

Mu Qianxi not only avoided it, but also fought back, Sigh of Darkness!

The dark element exploded, rare dark power, dark spiritual skills collided with the wind element.

Bang! Both parties took a step back.

Is this really a first-order spiritual saint? It's a lie.

Her strength is a bit weird, but plucking hair from a tiger's head is very dangerous. The boss is not just a wind elemental spiritual master!

Boom! A loud noise came out, and Yun Ji used the thunder element skill.

The silver thunder turned into a silver tiger and roared towards Mu Qianxi. In fact, it was so fierce that it frightened Lin Yuan and the others.

Captain Yunji, Miss Mu does not mean any harm, please be merciful!

Facing the terrifying thunder and lightning attack, Mu Qianxi had no intention of dodging and let the lightning strike directly!

Everyone else was shocked. Wasn't this girl very good at hiding before? Why don't you hide now?

Yun Ji was also slightly stunned. He could feel that this woman had no ill intentions towards him, but she just made him angry by stuffing medicine into his mouth without his consent.

This move of his is not weak. If this woman didn't avoid it, she would be scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

Boom! Thunder and lightning enveloped Mu Qianxi, who looked indifferent.

After seeing the strong winds and waves, the attacks from the thunder elemental masters were like drizzle to her.

Mu Qianxi still stood upright calmly, as if the powerful thunder and lightning were a harmless breeze to her.

There was silence all around, and she was completely fine.

Mu Qianxi said: This thunder and lightning power is very pure, very domineering and fierce, but it is a little weaker than Bei Gongjue's thunder and lightning element...

Who do you think you are? You dare to compare Prince Beigong with a rough guy like Yun Ji. And how could you have seen Prince Beigong's thunder and lightning power? came a cold voice.

The people of the Twilight Mercenary Group entered a state of high alert, and these people chased after them.

Mu Qianxi raised her eyebrows slightly and said, Oh! Your pursuers are coming. You fight slowly while I move aside.

The members of the Twilight Mercenary Group smiled slightly

A slight twitch, if they hadn't suddenly appeared to stop them, they wouldn't have been caught up so quickly.

Mu Qianxi really stepped aside. The target of that group of people was the Twilight Mercenary Group, and they didn't take Mu Qianxi's unexpected appearance seriously.

Lin Yuan said to Mu Qianxi, Miss Mu, that one seems to be Zhou Yang, the second commander of the Yuan Jue Mercenary Group.

Oh! Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

Will Captain Yunji and the others be okay? There are many fans of Yunji in this team, and they are very worried about their safety.

Don't worry! None of these guys can compete with Yun Ji! Mu Qianxi laughed.

Soon, a group of people all looked at Mu Qianxi. Although she stepped aside, she was not far away from them. She never deliberately lowered her voice when she spoke, which was not heard by everyone.

Zhou Yang stared at Mu Qianxi with sinister eyes, Hahaha! Another brainless woman who has fallen in love with Yun Ji. Now that they are all seriously injured and poisoned, how can they be our opponents?

The members of the Twilight Mercenary Group also had smiles on their faces. Looking at the confidence in their leader, this girl really liked the leader very much, so she used this method to chat with the leader.

When neither others nor his team members had confidence in him, this strange woman whom he met for the first time was so confident in his abilities.

Yun Ji was slightly startled, his previous anger disappeared, and he didn't care about what this woman had done before.

Yun Ji said coldly: If you don't want to die, get out immediately!

Even now, Captain Yunji, you are still so stubborn. In fact, we don't want to fight you to the death. As long as you promise our leader one thing, we will let you go today. Zhou Yang said.


Not interested! Yunji didn't even bother to listen to their requests, which made them particularly angry.

Someone has entrusted you with a mission worth 300 billion to find Shengzhi. I want you to give up this mission, and find the entruster to admit that the Twilight Mercenary Group is incompetent and unable to complete this mission, and let the entruster entrust us Yuan Jue The mercenary group completed this mission.

Yun Ji didn't want to hear it, so Zhou Yang still said this request in a cowardly manner.

Every mercenary in the Twilight Mercenary Group was staring angrily at Yuan Jue and the others, trying to kill without giving a nod. However, they were humiliating the Twilight Mercenary Group and obviously wanted to destroy their Twilight Mercenary Group. reputation.

If they agree, their strongest mercenary group will definitely become the object of ridicule.

The members of the Twilight Mercenary Group are all proud and will never accept such a thing even if they die.

They said one by one: Captain, we will fight them!

Even if you die, you will be buried with them.

Our Twilight Mercenary Group will never compromise with the enemy.

Their words are extremely sonorous and powerful, and their beliefs are firm, which is worse than being unforgiving. This is the quality of the mercenaries of the strongest mercenary group.

They are extremely strong both in terms of strength and character. Such a team is really good.

Lin Yuan and the others seemed to be infected by this group of mercenaries and felt ashamed. Compared to Twilight's mercenaries, they were really far behind.

Needless to say, there is a huge gap in strength. Their perseverance to fear no life or death and move forward courageously is far behind them.

To become the mercenaries of their dreams, they really have to work harder and harder and gain more experience.

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