The aura of the terrifying four-star beast shocked them all.

The members of the Wolf Mercenary Group were chased and beaten by them, but they had no choice but to know that there was a four-star beast here, so they deliberately angered it and caused trouble to the east.

Not only did he provoke the four-star beast, but he also sprinkled medicinal powder in their direction, which could make the beast go crazy.

Lin Yuan showed a solemn look on his face and said, I didn't expect that he would trick us like this. Damn it! Miss Mu, there is no powder on you, please leave immediately.

Mu Qianxi said: Don't worry, this mythical beast looks familiar to me.

A fire-eyed giant ape appeared in front of them. Lin Yuan and the others twitched their mouths wildly, they looked familiar! Aren’t spiritual beasts of the same species generally similar?

The angered Flame Giant Ape rushed over. It was provoked by that human and wanted to kill.

Unexpectedly, it caught a glimpse of a purple figure, and all the hair on its body stood up nervously.

Mu Qianxi felt that this divine beast looked familiar, but to her, this giant flaming ape was an existence she would never forget.

Why is it her!

How dare she take action after seeing Mu Qianxi? Being a beast with your tail between your legs is the secret to survival.

The ferocious fire-eyed giant ape restrained its aura and stopped attacking people, which stunned the members of the Wolf Mercenary Group. You must know that this is one of the most hot-tempered spiritual beasts in the Silian Mountains.

Mu Qianxi said: The group of people who came before deliberately led you to deal with me. Well! You know what to do, right?

Those people in the Wolf Mercenary Group were really weak, and Mu Qianxi didn't even bother to take action.

Since they hired this guy, let him do it for him.

Everyone else was stunned. Was she ordering this four-star beast?

The second regiment leader sneered, is this woman stupid?

Unless the animal tamer tames the mythical beast, let

People make contracts and become the masters of mythical beasts to make them obedient.

When the fire-eyed giant ape heard Mu Qianxi's words, the violent aura that had been suppressed exploded even more terrifyingly.

The people in the Wolf Mercenary Group were secretly delighted. Although they didn't know why the Fire-Eyed Giant Ape calmed down before, now because of this woman's words, he became violent again. They were just waiting to be beaten to pieces by the Fire-Eyed Giant Ape!

The giant flame ape jumped up and ran towards the people of the Wolf Mercenary Group.

Now the fire-eyed giant ape is particularly angry. These human idiots dare to provoke even a pervert to seek death.

Forget about provoking it, why do you plan to meet this monster again?

This human girl is definitely its nightmare. Unless it kills these humans, it will be difficult to calm its heart, which is about to stop from being frightened.

Ah! A scream came from the front.

A four-star divine beast that is comparable to a powerful spiritual master, and some medium-strength spiritual saints. It is not easy for it to kill them.

Lin Yuan and the others were all dumbfounded. What on earth is going on?

Miss Mu, you...can you control the divine beast? This is impossible!

Mu Qianxi said: I didn't control it, I just said hello to it and let it do something.

If you want a mythical beast to be obedient, you don't have to tame it or make a contract.

Another way is to defeat the mythical beasts and defeat them in a way that will make them unforgettable forever.

The fire-eyed giant ape is naturally the latter.

It was once a sparring partner of Mu Qianxi. It was attacked by Mu Qianxi with the spiritual power of four elements. It was scarred and hairy and burned bald. It was as miserable as it could be.

After that fight, it vowed that it would rather fight a ninth-order spiritual saint than a first-order spiritual saint in the future, because it encountered a first-order spiritual saint with a nightmare level.

If the Wolf Mercenary Group dared to provoke such a dangerous spiritual beast, they would naturally have to be mentally prepared for their entire army to be annihilated.

They failed to divert the trouble to the east, but instead caused trouble and burned themselves, causing their mercenary group to be completely destroyed.

The fire-eyed giant ape was very ferocious, which frightened Lin Yuan and the others.

I thought it would retreat and attack them, but I didn't expect that this ferocious beast suddenly became as timid as a mouse and ran away with its tail between its legs.

It doesn't want to fight with that monster again! ??

Such an unbelievable thing happened, and everyone felt that Mu Qianxi was more and more mysterious.

The journey was calm and calm, because Mu Qianxi had already walked the first part of the road, and the three-star and four-star beasts were far away from the route they had taken.

The other spirit beasts also heard the news, and all of them were smart enough not to wander around here.

This is the Xilian Mountains! After walking for a long time, I didn't even see the shadow of a spiritual beast. It was really incredible.

When they got better after walking through that section, a spiritual beast jumped out and attacked them.

Fortunately, they are all spiritual beasts that they can deal with.

They were picking up the spiritual beasts, and Mu Qianxi collected the elixir by the way.

The closer to the Southern Rain Forest, the more rain there is, and all kinds of elixirs grow very well.

Miss Mu, are you also interested in ordinary elixirs? You must know that the first mission of Miss Mu is to find the holy plant. The ordinary elixir here is very different from the holy plant.

If ordinary elixirs are used well, they can also cure diseases and save people. Rare things are valuable, and sacred plants are rare.

He even has power and consciousness, but the effect of basic elixirs cannot be underestimated.

They were about to enter the Nanyu Forest. Lin Yuan and the others successfully found the Liuguang Fruit, a large round fruit like the sun.

Miss Mu, let's collect the streamer fruit first to complete the task we received this time.

They are lucky. This streamer tree is full of fruits. If they can pick them successfully and complete the task, they can get a good reward.

Bang! At this moment, a burst of energy swept over.

A team suddenly appeared, looking at Lin Yuan and the others, I know it's not easy for your one-star mercenary group to travel all the way to the outskirts of the Nanyu Forest to find Liuguang Guo, but we are interested in these, so we want them! You guys! You can take one to hand in the mission, and don’t think about the extra ones.”

It was obviously them who discovered it first, but these people let them take one as if it were a charity, which is simply disgusting.

Everyone in Lin Yuan's team was so angry that they gritted their teeth, and these people were from the Two-Star Mercenary Group.

They are not guys like the Wolf who have just been promoted to two-star expansion, they are a two-star mercenary group with long experience.

In the border areas and the Xilian Mountains, this kind of treasure grabbing is extremely common, where only the strong have more say.

Although Miss Mu is powerful and mysterious, they just met by chance. She can easily take down the Wolf Mercenary Group, but she cannot rely on others to solve everything.

As the leader of the group, he cannot act on his own initiative, but must consider the entire mercenary group.

What's wrong? Don't you want to? they raised their eyebrows.

Lin Yuan clenched his fists, feeling unwilling to give in. Others were also unwilling to give in.

Someone said: Boss! How about we fight it out, how much can we grab? It's better than being cowardly and aggrieved like now.

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