Ziyou underestimated their master's possessiveness, and inexplicably sympathized with their little highness, even though he didn't even mention this character?

He left silently, fearing that Jiuye would be killed if he said anything more.

Mu Qianxi asked: You don't like children?

It's enough that I like you! I only like you. Jiuye hugged Mu Qianxi tightly and said.

For a guy who was even jealous of elixirs, Mu Qianxi naturally knew what Jiuye was thinking, so just let everything take its course.

Yes, you have already kidnapped me. If you bring a baby with you when you find my father, the consequences will probably be more serious. It's better to take your time. Mu Qianxi said.

Jiuye was slightly startled and said: If it's raw rice and cooked rice, and I even have grandchildren, then I can be considered to have fulfilled my status.

Thinking about it this way, it is not impossible to accept a small one.

The Lord of Nine Nights, who has a great reputation and intimidates all the world, actually wants to create a baby to stabilize his position and gain fame. Now that he thinks about Ziyou's blessing, he is right.

Jiuye looked at Mu Qianxi, who was slightly startled and said: You...you don't really have such thoughts, do you?

Yeah! So you have to work harder for your husband. Jiuye said hoarsely.

Mu Qianxi felt that Jiuye was just using this as an excuse, and his real purpose was to satisfy his selfishness.

No matter how powerful his body was, he was so tired that he could not get up under the attack of Lord Nine Nights, which was like a violent wind and rain.

The steward received news from the Twilight Mercenary Group two days later. He said: Miss Mu, the Twilight Mercenary Group has taken over your mission to find the holy plant. Now they are in the Nanyu Forest in the south of the Xilian Mountains. Block, carry out a mission to obtain the skull of the Triangular Sky Python, which is an important material for refining top-level artifacts.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, Nanyu Forest? Stop by and have a look.

The entire Xilian Mountains is full of spiritual energy and is a good place for cultivation and experience.

Plus the scenery

Well, it is also a good place for a romantic vacation.

What? Miss Mu, are you going to Nanyu Forest? Nanyu Forest is a relatively dangerous place in the Xilian Mountains. There are many four-star and five-star mythical beasts there, and poisonous beasts gather there. Even inconspicuous spiritual beasts can be killed. It will kill people! the steward said.

I want to talk to the leader of the Twilight Mercenary Group, Yun Ji, about the mission in person.

If you really want to go, you can post a mission to hire a mercenary group and find a mercenary group that is familiar with Nanyu Forest to escort you. Although it is dangerous there, as long as you can afford the price, someone will take over the mission. He suggested road.

Mu Qianxi said: No need!

She is not afraid of the four-star beasts, but if it is five-star, she can make Invincible and the others take action.

As for poison, is it more poisonous than the animal poison in Nanyu Forest or her ghost doctor? This is impossible to say.

The steward knew that this girl was either confident in her own strength or had some other cards. He had already said everything that needed to be said.

Mu Qianxi was about to leave the camp, and Lin Yuan and the others followed him and said, Mr. Mu, let's escort you to the Twilight Mercenary Group!

You should know that I am going to the Southern Rain Forest. As mercenaries, you know the dangers there better than I do.

We know! But the gilded fruits in the Southern Rain Forest are easier to obtain. We also went with the Muda people along the way so that we can take care of them, they said.

You want to go together! Then let's go together! Mu Qianxi said.

When they left this forest, they were targeted, but the other party never made a move.

Lin Yuan frowned and followed Mu Qianxi to speed up.

After staying away from the camp for a while, a group of people rushed up directly

, surrounded them.

A team of nearly a hundred people looked intimidating.

Lin Yuan said: As expected, they are from your Evil Wolf Mercenary Group. Mr. Mu, be careful, we will kill them out.

Do it!

This result was within their expectations, so each of them was calm.

One by one, they attacked the enemy's vital points extremely quickly, trying to open a hole. ??

Bang bang bang! The gap in strength and numbers put Lin Yuan and the others at an absolute disadvantage.

Woman, it's too late for you to beg for mercy. What exactly did you do to my boss? Let his eyes recover immediately, and then apologize to my boss. A gloomy gaze stared at Mu Qianxi fiercely.

Mu Qianxi glanced at them coldly and said, Are you talking to me?

Several mercenaries grabbed Mu Qianxi, and in an instant, the dark elemental spiritual power in Mu Qianxi's body exploded.

You're just a first-level spiritual saint. Lin Yuan is so mean to you. I thought you were so powerful!

So what if you are a rare dark elemental spiritual master? The gap between you and us is too big.

Dark elemental spiritual power burst out, and Mu Qianxi said coldly: Sigh of Darkness!

Puff puff! Those who were close to Mu Qianxi were all blown away by the power of darkness.

Dark Light Blade!

Countless black light blades shuttled through the crowd, and each light blade accurately hit the members of the Wolf Mercenary Group, but did not hurt the others at all.

Mu Qianxi only used two moves to kill half of the Wolf Mercenary Group. They all looked at this first-order spiritual saint in disbelief.

Is a dark elemental spiritual master of the first-level spiritual saint level so defiant? She actually easily crossed the sixth level and killed her opponent in an instant.

Second Captain, we have never encountered a dark elemental spiritual master, so we don't know.

Let's go! Let's retreat quickly!

Two moves were enough to kill so many of them. If she were to make another move, he was afraid that their entire mercenary group would be wiped out.

Lin Yuan knew that Mu Qianxi was very powerful, but he didn't expect that she, who was clearly a first-order spiritual saint, was so strong that she didn't need their protection at all?

Mu Qianxi asked: Do you want to eradicate the root cause? If you don't cherish the opportunity, you are seeking death.

The last time he just took action to destroy their leader's eyes and asked Lin Yuan and others to avenge him and teach them a lesson, but this group of people came to continue to seek death.

Lin Yuan said: It is best to avoid future troubles, otherwise we will not be able to live in peace in the future.

Then chase him! Beat him up. Mu Qianxi said coldly.

They chased after them as quickly as possible. The Wolf mercenary group that suppressed them before could only flee in panic. They could never do such a thing before.

This is all because Miss Mu helped them!

Bang bang bang!

Second Captain, what should we do? They are trying to eradicate the root cause! We are in danger now, especially that woman, who is so strong and perverted. They said tremblingly.

How is that possible? That woman and some losers from the One-Star Mercenary Group want to kill us. Go ahead and dream! It will definitely be them who die.

It seems that the second regiment commander has already figured out a solution, which is great.

Along the way, we eliminated many slow runners from the Wolf Mercenary Group. This road looked familiar to Mu Qianxi, as if she had walked there before.

Ho ho ho! A roar of beasts came out, and at this time a figure passed over.

Hahaha! If you want to destroy our Wolf Mercenary Group, you just have to wait to be torn apart by the four-star beast!

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