Chapter 215: Mad dog Liu Peng

Today, the three shifts are in place, and the 10,000-word upload and update has been completed. Please support me with flowers and tickets.

Well, I hope so! Liu Peng thought to himself, nodded, and said that you should leave overnight. I'm going to board the plane this afternoon. At this time, I can't blame me for being cautious. If you are lucky, we can meet in Thailand. If you are unlucky, I will take good care of your family.

Brother, it was used or betrayed by the boss. Otherwise, why would you be nice to you?

"Boy, when you come back, you should report to me as soon as possible. Why did you come to see me now? If I don't call you, do you plan to be a cat all your life? It's really disorganized and undisciplined." Sitting leniently Behind the mahogany desk, Zhang Weiguo took out the majesty of the head, and stared at Li Jun with a sharp look, without a smile on his face.

"Father, I'm here, why are you still angry?" Li Jun said to him with a hilarious smile: "It was only a year after we agreed, and our contract has expired. Besides, I You have already overfulfilled the task, and you don't mention the reward of 1,800,000, how can you give it away as soon as you meet?"

"Nonsense. Even if we talked about one year, you can see for yourself what date it is today? December 25th, there are still two days before New Year's Day." Zhang Weiguo laughed secretly in his stomach, but still said to Li Jun coldly .

"That's not right. When I accepted the assignment, it was December 22 last year. Besides, this year is still a leap year. Why don't you count an extra month?" Li Jun sat on the sofa, arguing with Zhang Weiguo with his legs crossed. .

"This year is a leap year? Who are you kidding? Next year will be a leap year, okay? Are you sleepy?" Zhang Weiguo glared at Li Jun angrily, but he finally laughed angrily.

Li Jun patted his scalp and didn't know what he was thinking. After being stunned for a long time, he suddenly shouted and jumped up from the sofa: "What day do you say today is December 1991?"

Zhang Weiguo looked at Li Jun like a monster, and threw the pencil in his hand on the table: "No. 25, did you really take the wrong medicine or what?"

Li Jun stretched out his hand and slapped himself on the forehead in fear: "Hey, I'm really an idiot, such a good opportunity was passed in vain. It's too late, it's too late, I could have made a fortune. You took me to a place where birds don't **** in Hong Kong and made me forget everything."

After Zhang Weiguo heard Li Jun's words, his nose was almost crooked. That is Hong Kong, which is known as the Pearl of the Orient. Is that a place where birds don't shit?

Zhang Weiguo rolled his eyes at him angrily: "You kid was taken aback, what have you forgotten? It's only 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and I didn't plan to invite you to dinner. It's too late to do what you want."

"I'm in a hurry. The Soviet Union will be disbanded in four hours... uh... Well, I'll go first if I have something to do." Li Jun wished he could slap himself with a few big mouths. Can things be leaked in advance?

Sure enough, Zhang Weiguo stared at him and asked, "What did you say, do you say it again?" "I didn't say anything, I said I would invite you to dinner at night." Li Jun said with a smile.

"Boy, I'm not deaf. I heard you say something about the Soviet Union just now? Honestly, what news have you heard?" Zhang Weiguo stared at Li Jun and asked.

"That... that... I'm just talking casually. If you want to know the exact news, just keep your eyes on the TV. I guess you can see it in the second half of the night. Yes, you can here. Did you receive the Soviet Central Television?"

"Okay? What's wrong?"

"Well, lock that channel, don't sleep all night, maybe you will see it." Li Jun said, walking away. Zhang Weiguo shouted loudly from behind: "What are you doing? Don't forget what I told you just now."

"What, what did you say?"

"Participate in the action at night, don't you think you don't want to go?" Zhang Weiguo asked dissatisfiedly.

Li Jun said dissatisfiedly as he walked out: "You also use a bull's knife to kill chickens. I really convinced you. Don't worry, I will be there on time, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

Arresting a few arms dealers also wants me to go out in person? I really don't know what the police and armed police do? Li Jun walked out of Zhang Weiguo's office dissatisfied, and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket to answer the call.

When he heard the sound from inside, he never said that he was using the bull's knife in the wrong place. He trotted downstairs to the yard, opened the car door and sat in. Lin Sen shouted: "Go to the airport, be fast while ensuring safety, don't care about the red and green lights..."

Damn old man Zhang, he just boasted that Liu Peng had already handed over to the airport police station to handle it, and he was guaranteed to be foolproof. How could he take the hostages in a blink of an eye? Your **** hostage is ready, even if you hijack a plane and go to a foreign country, which muscle will hurt me?

However, the person you shouldn't kidnap is Zhang Yanan? It's not just me who refuses to agree. If brothers Zhang Yabei knew about it, they would have ripped off your skin.

To say that this piece of Yanan is unlucky enough. If you don't go to the airport early and don't go to the airport late, why did you pick up some customers at the airport just in time to arrest Liu Peng? Isn't this unfortunate?

It turned out that after Liu Peng sent Wu Liang away, he had booked a plane ticket at 4:30 p.m. to fly to Thailand. However, when he walked into the airport lobby to change his boarding pass, he was stopped by two uniformed airport police officers. Liu Peng had a ghost in his heart. When he saw the police, he immediately knew that the situation was not good, and turned around and ran towards the hall door.

Originally, there were two policemen behind him. When they saw him running over, they just wanted to stop Liu Peng's way. Who knew that the couples around him were frightened or what? The front blocked the way of the two policemen.

Liu Peng rushed out of the gate of the waiting hall, only to see that there were four or five police cars under the steps in front of the gate. A group of policemen had just gotten off the police cars, and they had not yet formed a siege to him.

He was thinking about how to escape the police's sight when suddenly a roar of a motor came from far and near. In the blink of an eye, a BMW car appeared in the field of vision, driving over from the other end of the parking lot. Slowly stopped at a position not far from the steps.

The corner of Liu Peng's eyes jumped, and he couldn't help looking at the BMW that had stopped. I saw the driver got out of the car and opened the rear door, and a beautiful woman dressed with taste came out.

She was a woman with excellent charm. Under the dignified and elegant clothes, the wonderful curves of mature women emerged. She wore a pair of gold glasses on her fair cheeks, and her temperament seemed intellectual and elegant.

How could it be her? Seeing this familiar figure getting out of the car, he couldn't help but move his steps and slowly leaned over.

Although Liu Peng couldn't figure out why Zhang Yanan appeared at the airport at this time, his intuition felt that only this woman could be his savior at this time.

As he approached Zhang Yanan slowly, he secretly calculated in his heart that with his own efforts, knocking Zhang Yanan out is just a blink of an eye. The whole process will not cause much movement unless someone is standing by the car, You won't notice what's going on here.

Zhang Yanan also walked towards Liu Peng accompanied by the driver, and the distance between the two was slowly approaching...

As the distance between the two sides approached, Zhang Yanan also recognized who the man was approaching. She was stunned for a moment, and was about to say hello to the other party when she saw a loud shouting and noise coming from behind Liu Peng.

She couldn't help but stop and saw a group of people suddenly rushed out of the exit of the waiting hall. In front were two young men, one tall and one short, running desperately, and behind them were six or seven burly men in police uniforms chasing after them.

"Stop him...he's a criminal, stop him..." The policemen shouted as they ran, and the policemen who had just got out of the car also surrounded the two young men who were running in front.

"No, something happened, Sister Yanan, hurry up! Hurry up and hurry up..." Liu Peng's reaction was not so quick. Beside Zhang Yanan, he reached out and grabbed Zhang Yanan and ran to the car.

The driver looked at Liu Peng and wanted to stop him, but he heard Zhang Yanan ask, "Why are you here, what's going on?"

Seeing that this person and Zhang Yanan were acquaintances, the driver could not help but let down his guard. Seeing that Zhang Yanan had been pulled by Liu Peng and ran to the car, the driver also ran to the car.

"Liu Peng, don't run, stop!" Seeing that a group of police officers suddenly poured out around him, they surrounded him from all sides. Liu Peng suddenly pulled out a large, sharp fruit knife from his body, and the bright, bright blade more than half a foot long rested on Zhang Yanan's neck.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her." Zhang Yanan was stunned for a moment, forgetting to struggle at all, staring blankly at Liu Peng's grim face, his body froze, anger and fear displayed under the golden mirror. wink. At the same time, the surrounding police officers had already chased a very close distance, but now they all stopped.

"Put the knife can't escape, put down the knife..."

The driver who was following Zhang Yanan was even more angry, with angry flames in his eyes, his iron fists clenched tightly, and his feet moved slowly in an attempt to approach Liu Peng.

" is you. Don't come here! Otherwise, I will kill her...don't come over!" Liu Peng roared wildly, the veins on his forehead burst out, and the As soon as the fruit knife tightened, a bloodstain appeared on Zhang Yanan's smooth neck.

"Wow..." Zhang Yanan cried out in pain, her face was blue and her lips were white and she couldn't stop shaking, her original demeanor and temperament disappeared.

The driver had to stop. The police officers also all stood still, but the black muzzles of the guns were already flat in their hands.

"Don't force me to kill... Don't force me..." Liu Penghong looked like a mad dog, his left arm firmly controlled Zhang Yanan's body, and his right hand aimed the knife at Zhang Yanan's throat. His men hid behind the woman, pulling her to a corner against the wall.

It was a concave dead corner in the parking lot. There were thick walls on the back and left, and several rows of vehicles were parked on the right. Between the vehicles and the wall, a space of more than ten square meters was formed.

This is the only location where there are no police officers. Liu Peng was obviously afraid of being shot in the back, so he dragged the hostage and moved over vigilantly, his back against the wall. Every time he took a step, the police officers followed suit. The two sides confronted each other, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.

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