Chapter 214: The little brother was used to betray

It must be said that Sima Tianhao's intuition is still very accurate. This person seems to be born with a keen insight. It is this kind of intuition and insight that has allowed him to win many dangers and save them from danger.

In the past few days, Liu Yueer has been busy every day from morning to midnight. Finally, she teamed up with the police in Hebei Province and Tianjin City to take down an extra-large smuggling gang. This group of people not only sells drugs, but also sells guns from Russia in the north and transfers them to Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand in the south. The profits are hundreds and thousands of times.

From 1990 to December 25, 1991, when the Soviet Union announced its disintegration, the former military power that was strong enough to rival the United States no longer existed.

In the late 1980s, illegal arms sales were no longer a secret in the Soviet Union. For personal gain, some Soviet officers and soldiers who participated in the war in Afghanistan and the staff of the law-enforcement agencies secretly sent thousands of weapons from the battlefield back to the country for sale. Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, due to the deteriorating social and economic situation, many "hot spots" appeared in Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, Abkhazia in Georgia, and along the Transnistrian River in Moldova. civil war. In the above-mentioned areas, residents of different political factions and ethnic groups often clash with blood for their own interests. In order to fight the civil war, illegal armed forces do everything possible to collect weapons and equipment.

In Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, the units belonging to the Fourth and Seventh Army Groups of the South Caucasus Military District have almost become weapons supply warehouses for illegal armed forces. It is extremely common for criminals to buy, steal or even **** Soviet (Russian) army weapons and equipment. In Moldova, officers and soldiers of the 14th Army also provided a large amount of weapons and equipment to the pro-Russian Transnistrian military organizations. The theft and sale of weapons is even more common in the Baltic states and Tajikistan. After 1991, many republics stopped appropriating funds to the local garrison. In order to maintain the normal life of the troops, some commanders had to sell the military supplies at their disposal. Local residents can drive home so-called "scrapped" armored vehicles for a little money. With the complete withdrawal of troops from Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States and the massive reduction of troops, the military warehouses and storage bases in Russia have reached a supersaturated level, unable to accommodate millions of weapons and equipment. Many of the withdrawn weapons and equipment had to be stored in the open air in temporary warehouses very close to settlements, which provided an opportunity for criminals. Criminals stole pistols, automatic rifles and machine guns from military warehouses and ammunition depots guarded by the Russian army, even including anti-tank rocket launchers, as well as "Moon" tactical missile launchers, and even more astounding, even combat and training aircraft , "Arrow-10" anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft guns, "Needle" man-portable anti-aircraft missiles, armored vehicles, T-62 and T-72 tanks, artillery and mortars (including 18 "Hail" BM-21 rocket launchers) , anti-tank missiles, "Hail" rockets, D-30 howitzers, up to 27 wagon bullets and spare parts for various weapons and equipment.

With so many weapons and ammunition, most of them are "exported", except that some are used locally at home.

As the economy of the former Soviet Union further deteriorated, even more sophisticated weapons and equipment were boldly stolen and sold. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for other countries that want to improve their weapons and equipment manufacturing level, no one will let it go in vain. Sima Tianhao, on the other hand, is a "private entrepreneur" who is tasked with state secrets and deals with some arms dealers.

But those Soviet arms dealers weren't all fools. When he purchased arms, in addition to those extremely valuable weapons and equipment, there were also many low-value pistols and rifles that had to be sold to him. If all these weapons were shipped back to China, then he would only be able to barely keep the capital, and the profit would not be large. On the contrary, if these weapons are transported a little bit southward and sold to Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar, the profits will almost catch up with the huge profits of drugs.

Naturally, Sima Tianhao would not miss this opportunity. So, while taking advantage of his favorable position to undertake secret missions, he opened the door to buy weapons with great fanfare in the border areas, while letting Liu Peng be the general manager of the newly established Pegasus Group. Clearly they were engaged in trade, but secretly they sold those rifles and pistols to Vietnam and other places.

Recently, Sima Tianhao has always felt a little uneasy, and has ordered Liu Peng to temporarily stop this trade, but Liu Peng could not resist the huge profit. They organized another batch of goods and prepared to board the ship from Sanhe Island Wharf in Jin City in the past few days.

After receiving the tip, the Capital Public Security Bureau, in order to prevent the gangsters from escaping, joined forces with Tianjin City and Hebei Province to jointly deploy defenses, trying to capture and catch them all in one fell swoop.

After listening to Sima Tianhao's words, Liu Peng immediately called his subordinates, but who knew that he only stayed at home for a day and still received news that his subordinate Cai Wen had an accident.

Cai Wen was arrested by the police three days ago on suspicion of reselling guns and ammunition. "Why did you tell me?" Liu Peng complained anxiously to another subordinate Wu Liang who came to report the letter. "Boss, I just found out. We just came back from the northeast a few days ago according to your arrangement. This batch of goods is very large, and we have assembled three wagons. I came back with the goods, and I couldn't get in touch with Cai Wen when I arrived at Sanhe Island. I was afraid that something had happened, but I found his father the night I returned to the capital, and after listening to him tell me, I learned that Cai Wen was caught by the police on the spot because he sold ten pistols to a buddy, and he is now in the third detention center "This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. Cai Wen is Liu Peng's effective subordinate, and he has a share in many things that he has done. Recently, in order to organize the shipment of this batch of goods, Liu Peng asked him to go to the front station on Sanhe Island and arrange to contact everything about unloading and loading. Things, he knows too much about what he has done. He has been arrested for three days, and he has nothing to do. Is this boy holding it hard or the police have grasped the whole situation and are waiting for his big problem. What about fish on a skewer? You must know that you are the only one who has single-line contact with Cai Wen. "How did you do Cai Wen?" "It's still the old way, because I wanted to ask him where the truck stopped. Before I came back, I got in touch with him once. After returning from the Northeast, from the unloading of the truck to the delivery to the warehouse arranged by him. Everything was normal, but I didn't see his shadow, so I called his phone, but I couldn't get through, I knew something might have happened. Then I went back to the capital overnight and found his father, it was him Dad told me, and said that Cai Wen in his family has always been a good boy, it is impossible for him to do such a thing, he must be wronged." "Has your phone been dealt with?" Liu Peng looked at Wu Liang and asked.

"I already threw it away, and now I have the one I just bought." Wu Liang said hurriedly. Liu Peng nodded, doing their business sometimes requires cunning rabbits. It's not just where to live, but also how to get in touch. Like Liu Peng himself, he has several mobile phones, and he communicates with his subordinates. Sometimes he uses different phones to contact him, just to be prepared that he will not be implicated in the event of an accident.

"Boss, what should I do now? The warehouses where our goods are stored are all the warehouses that Cai Wen looked for. He knows the place..." Wu Liang asked anxiously.

I know what to do? Liu Peng got a little angry when he heard it. He wanted to lose his temper, but he knew it wasn't Wu Liang's fault. For a while, his mind was a little confused. In his heart, he said that Sima Tianhao had the name of a foresight, and he had already smelled a dangerous smell the day before yesterday, so it was no wonder that he had to go out to avoid it.

However, if this matter involves him, then it is not a matter of going abroad for a while, and if he fails, he will never want to come back again in his lifetime.

This business has been in business for almost a year, and it has been smooth sailing. Why did something happen? The key now is whether Cai Wen will speak out about himself. The people from the Municipal Criminal Investigation Team are not jealous, and it is difficult to guarantee that Cai Wen will not speak out about himself. Even if you live abroad for a lifetime, that is much better than being caught and locked up for the rest of your life, right?

However, this time the business has taken up a lot of his own blood, so it is a pity that it is gone. In order to specifically dump the black goods of Lao Maozi's Far East, just opening up the underground passage from Russia to the country is a huge expense for me. If I leave, will all of this be lost?

Even foreign channels can still be used, but where to get the goods out is still a headache. Going to North Korea is absolutely unavoidable. Going to the Western Xinjiang or the Tianshan Mountains? That is simply more difficult than climbing the snowy mountains and crossing the grass in those days. Alas, when is this all, I still want to make money and realize the preservation of value. Xiaoming will talk about it later.

"In this way, you will immediately load the cargo and transport it to the open sea. I will contact the buyer immediately and ask them to pick up the cargo in advance. Then we will meet in Thailand and consider the future path." Liu Peng said calmly. At this time, Sima Tianhao must not be contacted anymore. One more person who knows about it will be more dangerous. Who knows if the police have monitored his phone?

Liu Peng's brain is running He thinks this is a good way.

Cai Wen has only seen Wu Liang, and he has a one-line connection with Wu Liang. Every plan and every order of his own is also given to him through Wu Liang. Even if he couldn't stand the torture of the police, he would only recruit Wu Liang.

Now that Wu Liang is fine, it means that Cai Wen has not recognized anything yet.

"It should be fine for the time being." Liu Peng told Wu Liang about his thoughts, and Wu Liang was relieved, and said, "I'm just afraid, I almost went in! I'll go back overnight tonight, and I'll go to sea as soon as possible. By the time the police reacted, we were already watching a ladyboy show in Thailand, haha..." Well, I hope so! Liu Peng thought to himself, nodded, and said that you should leave overnight. I'm going to board the plane this afternoon. At this time, I can't blame me for being cautious. If you are lucky, we can meet in Thailand. If you are unlucky, I will take good care of your family. Brother, it was used or betrayed by the boss. Otherwise, why would you be nice to you?

Today's second update is delivered, and there is another update tonight. There are recommendations and popularity. You Long will go out today and sit in front of the computer without moving the code words to see how many tickets and flowers you can receive. Friends who support Youlong are also working hard, and take out all the flower tickets you have accumulated! ! You Long here to say thank you first.

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