Chapter 130: Ki Gong 0 zygote

The lighting in the bar is a charming and dim orange, and the faces of men and women look alluring in this light.

The area of ​​the bar is small but very clean and tidy. Through the narrow aisle, there are five or six small compartments divided by partitions as high as one person. Wooden table and a few chairs.

Some of the men drinking beside the table outside were already drunk and blurred, while some pretended to be drunk. They took the opportunity to put their hands around the girl's shoulders and put their hands into the girl's clothes to wipe some oil and water.

The soothing music made it impossible to hear what these people were whispering, and the whole bar was buzzing with human voices.

Li Jun asked for a glass of wine at the bar, walked to the empty seat in the inner corner and sat down, and took a slow sip. It had a faint and clear feeling. It was not difficult to drink, but it was not as refreshing as liquor should be.

"Handsome guy, do you want me to have a drink with you?" As soon as the glass was put down, a girl who was very revealing came over and sat beside Li Jun with a whimper. The snow-white skin exposed under the black vest appeared a little flushed under the orange light.

"Thank you, I like to drink alone." Li Jun flatly declined, but the girl stared at Li Jun and asked, "Are you from China?"

Li Jun smiled strangely: "How do you know?"

"Giggle, when you say Japanese, there is a hint of Beijing in the back of your voice, but you can't feel it yourself." The girl smiled very nicely, and the two little tiger teeth slightly opened the gap between the two purple lips, which was very charming. That kind of beauty.

"Are you from China too?" Li Jun also asked with a smile when he heard him talking to himself in Chinese.

"Well, I'm from Shanghai, an international student at Tokyo University." After speaking, a faint bitterness suddenly appeared on the girl's face: "You don't look down on me, in fact, many domestic girls go to school during the day. , I will come out at night to find a part-time job..."

"Haha, why do you have to explain it? The clean people are clean, the dirty ones are clean, as long as you have a clear conscience." Li Jun is very disgusted with domestic girls who come out and then study abroad in the name of serving others dishes, not to mention The work that accompanies the wine to the girl in front of you?

I don't know what's going on, but now some girls yearn for life abroad. Even if they come out to clean toilets and streets for others, they think they are better than in China. In fact, the picture is a false name, so that the family can speak proudly: "My child is in the * country!"

There are also some girls who broke out through fake marriages with foreigners. The days here are dark and dark, and when they go back, they are afraid of being laughed at, so they have to grit their teeth and hold on.

Even on the street that Li Jun walked through just now, in the small houses with red lights, there are not a few people who use **** to earn living expenses. Far away from their hometown, everything can be released, and they can go back in a few years. Buying a house and buying a car, the life is full of beauty, but what if you have been bitten by a dog for a few years? There are not a few girls who hold this kind of thinking. No one can change this.

In the end, I still asked for a glass of wine for her, and there was only so much that could help her. Listening to the birds singing in the house, it is not bad to have someone who can speak the native language to chat with you.

However, things often turn out to be unexpected.

Just as Li Jun finished drinking a glass of wine, he reached out and touched the note that he had put in his trouser pocket when he was taking wine at the bar. When he was about to stand up and leave, three men at the next table suddenly held a drink to accompany him. The girl was pulling and touching again and again, yelling scoldingly in her mouth. The girl who was touched screamed and her face changed a bit.

The girl who accompanied Li Jun whispered in a flustered voice, "This is my classmate. I came out on the first day today. Maybe the sinner, I'll go take a look."

Not long after the girl walked over, she leaned on a man's shoulder and said something with a smile. The man suddenly stood up and slapped her in the face. Li Jun's face immediately sank.

Just as Li Jun got up and was about to walk over to see what was going on, he saw a pretty little girl standing up like a porcelain doll on the table by the window at the door, pointed at Li Jun and said, "Hey, you How did you become someone's boyfriend, and you didn't dare to stand up when your girlfriend was beaten?"

I? girlfriend? Li Jun couldn't help but feel a little ironic, this little girl doesn't seem to be stupid or stupid, how come she doesn't speak with a bit of poise?

However, the explanation at this time will only make others feel timid, so they have to stand up and walk over and ask, "What's going on?"

The girl who accompanied her said with a crying voice: "These gentlemen have been drinking too much, so I have to ask my sister to accompany them on the stage. We only accompany the wine and do not do this kind of business. I explained it to them many times. They didn't want to, and they said we came out to sell..."

The young man who slapped her just now sneered and drank: "Am I wrong, you see, aren't all you Chinese people doing this kind of business in Japan?"

Li Jun sank his face: "Sir, don't you think it's a bit too much for you to say that?"

"Excessive? Hahaha..." The man opened his mouth and laughed loudly: "You are also from China, right? Look at the street in front of you, which singing and dancing parlor and massage parlor don't have girls from your country? You are inferior. The nation is all lowly women..."

"Bang..." Before he could finish his words, Li Jun had already punched the young man, knocking the young man over the table and hitting the opposite wall. The bridge of his nose was also broken, and his mouth was full of blood. .

Several of his other accomplices immediately clamored and touched the wine bottle on the table, shouting and smashing at Li Jun. The girl who said Li Jun was timid just now slapped her hands and shouted, "Hit, hit hard, and then knock them down..."

The girl was very pretty, but she didn't seem to have any scheming.

Li Jun didn't have time to look at her again, and while waving it, two more young people fell out. These people are just ordinary people who have drunk too much, and have no fighting power at all. Li Jun's punches and kicks could not be resisted there, and soon they all fell to the ground, holding their faces and wailing.

"Call the police, the **** Chinese dare to bully us Japanese here and let him go to jail..." A few Japanese people at other tables who were drinking almost couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted loudly for the boss to call the police and arrest him. .

The boss was still smiling, waved his hands and said, "Everyone sees my face, so don't call the police, it will affect the business of the small shop, more things are worse than less things, the drink money just now is mine, everyone don't want it Let's make trouble again, okay?"

"No, are you **** still Japanese? Call the police, you must arrest this Chinese who beat people." The man shouted and refused to give up.

Li Jun snorted coldly, walked over, grabbed his arm, and lifted him from his seat with a slight effort: "Aren't you going to call the police? Anyway, I beat someone, and I don't care about you." As he spoke, he waved it out and threw the man near the bar.

The man landed on the ground with a slap, and it took a long time to stand up while covering his waist: "Call the police, if you don't call the police again, all the consequences will be at your own risk. Be careful when I smash your bar."

The little girl who slapped her hand just now walked up to her with a smile, reached out and touched the phone in the corner of the bar: "Here, let me see what the police can say when the police come? If you want me to tell you, you should be beaten." The other person answered the phone, and the little girl walked to Li Jun's side, looked left and right, shook her head at Li Jun and nodded: "Well, eldest brother's kung fu seems to be very good, can we all in a while? Compare?"

Li Jun smiled at her: "You're wrong, I don't know much about kung fu at all, I just have more strength, but I don't dare to compete with you."

"You lie, you are obviously good at kung fu, don't think I can't see it. No, you must have a test with me, wait for the police to come and I will send you away, let's go out and find a place where no one has a test, you Even if you lose, no one will know." The little girl said while grabbing Li Jun's arm.

Li Jun can finally see it now, this little girl is not a fool, mainly because she is not deep in the world. She may be the child of some rich family, and she may rarely touch the outside world, and everything seems very fresh. His face was full of curiosity.

The efficiency of the Japanese police is really high. It didn’t take long for the phone to be put down here. A police car arrived at the door of the bar. Two policemen opened the door and walked in. They raised their faces and asked, “Huaxia who beat people. Where are people?"

Li Jun took a step forward and said coldly, "I am."

One of the policemen looked at Li Jun, and then at the three or four young men lying on the ground, and asked in disbelief, "You injured so many serious people?"

The little girl said to the police: " Big brother is handsome and has great skills. I don't want to watch the police solve the case now, you can go, big brother and I still have something to do. Woolen cloth."

Another policeman looked at the beautiful little girl and asked with a smile, "Are you with him? Your boyfriend hurt someone and must go back with us for treatment."

The girl said seriously: "I'm not his girlfriend, and my big brother and I just met. My name is Yuriko, and I now order you to leave here immediately."

"You... ordered us to leave here?" the policeman who asked her question asked in disbelief. The little girl nodded solemnly: "Well, I... Yuriko Jigong, I have the right to order you to do anything."

"Jigong..." The policeman just said two words. The policeman next to him grabbed his arm and took two steps back. He raised his hand and saluted Yuriko Jigong in fear. He said loudly, "Yes, I'm sorry to bother you, we'll leave now."

After speaking, the two policemen really turned around and walked out.

Li Jun looked at Yuriko beside him with some curiosity, and thought to himself who this little girl was, but she couldn't see that she was still very powerful!

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