Chapter 129: Policewoman arrested (2)

Ximen Feixue immediately turned back angrily and gave this rude guy a fierce look! It was a man of medium stature, wearing a pair of large sunglasses, and carrying a black password box in his hand. After hitting Ximen Feixue, he didn't look back at all, and walked straight to a car parked on the side of the road. (www.VoDtw.coM)

Ximen Feixue sighed inwardly: "Who said the Japanese are educated? This man is not very good. The scenes of bowing when he sees people in the movie are all fake!" She turned around and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, a harsh roar of motorcycles came from behind!

Just as Ximen Feixue turned his head, he saw a motorcycle rushing towards the man at an astonishing speed! The two people on the motorcycle were dressed in black tights and wearing face masks, and they could not see men, women and children. The driver in front was sitting very low, his nose almost on the handlebars, and the man in the back was slightly hunched, a shiny machete in his hand. Before the man with the password box could react, the motorcycle had already rushed in front of him! !

The target of the two was obviously the password box in the man's hand. When the man realized it, he saw the motorcycle speeding past him, the knife gleaming, blood splashing, and Ximen Feixue heard a shrill scream. One of the man's right hand, connected to the password box, had already reached the hand of the man with the machete.

Time seemed to freeze for a few seconds, and everyone—the pedestrians on the street and Ximen Feixue were stunned, and then the pedestrians screamed loudly and ran around.

The motorcycle behind her roared closer and closer to her. Only then did Ximen Feixue wake up from the shock. She didn't have any weapons by her side, and she didn't know what to do. However, out of a policeman's habit, she still lifted her skirt, her left foot was on the wall by the road, her body was spinning, and her snow-white right leg had already swept towards the two people in the car.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", Ximen Feixue only felt a pain in her toes, and her body was overturned by a strong shock. It turned out that the man had put the password box up in an emergency to block Ximen Feixue's kick. Ximen Feixue's kick and the impact of the motorcycle were all counterattacked by the password box. No wonder Ximen Feixue felt pain in his feet.

Ximen Feixue didn't expect this result. He was squatting on the ground and rubbing his pink toes. He didn't expect the motorcycle to fly back. Through the helmet, Ximen Feixue could see the fierce light in the eyes of the driver in front. It seemed that the two were provoked by Ximen Feixue's meddling.

The motorcycle rushed towards Ximen Feixue who was squatting on the ground like a madman, and Zhao Yunan who was following behind Ximen Feixue shouted two steps away. He also imitated Ximen Feixue just now and flew with a kick. To the two people on the motorcycle!

It's a pity, Xiao Zhao's skill is obviously much lower than that of Ximen Feixue! His legs hadn't swept the two people down, and the man sitting in the back seat had the same arm. With a flash of white light, Zhao Yunan had already screamed and fell to the ground. On the right leg, a **** arrow splattered from the torn trouser leg.

Without waiting for Ximen Feixue to stand up, the man who cut Zhao Yunan nimbly stretched out his hand, stretched his fingers, and grabbed the top door of Ximen Feixue with the sound of the wind.

"This is no ordinary robber!" It was only at this time that Ximen Feixue vaguely understood that what the other party had just done was just a prelude before the actual drama, and that the person these two really had to deal with was actually himself.

This can be seen from the orientation of the opponent's grasp. The opponent's arm is slightly bent, and the five fingers are open, and he has sealed all the directions of his dodging. He is obviously a martial arts master. Even if such a person can come out to rob, there is no need to deliberately expose Xingzang with a knife.

Ximen Feixue's guess was right, and the scene of coming home further confirmed her thoughts. The other party grabbed Ximen Feixue's hair, and the body didn't even shake at all, so the man had already lifted her up and placed her sideways on the car.

With the roar of the car, the car flew like an arrow from Xuan Xuan, and it did not stop after several streets. It wasn't until I smelled the salty smell brought by the sea breeze and heard the sound of the waves hitting the rocks that the car slowed down.

It wasn't until the motorcycle came to a complete stop that the man who grabbed Ximen Feixue raised his hand and threw her off the motorcycle.

Ximen Feixue rolled on the ground for seven or eight meters before the man's strength was eliminated. He stood up from the ground and just took a stance to prepare for the final struggle. He watched the man sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle slowly. When the hood was lifted, Ximen Feixue couldn't help being stunned!

The mask on the man's face was torn off, and Ximen Feixue immediately froze! This fierce and cruel guy turned out to be a beautiful woman! It's just that the expression on this beautiful woman's face was full of coldness and an indescribable taste, like sarcasm. Such as mockery!

Looking at the young woman in black, Ximen Feixue seemed to be stunned. She knew this woman, it was Sakurako Yamamoto who was chased down a cliff by Li Jun on Lantau Island.

The two women looked at each other quietly like sculptures, and didn't speak for a long time. In the end, it was Ximen Feixue who held back his surprise and said, "You are not dead, are you still alive?"

The corner of Yamamoto Yingko's mouth sneered even more intensely. She glanced at Ximen Feixue with her eyes and said slowly, "Are you disappointed? Since I am not dead, you are not far from death!!"

Following her voice, seven or eight men in black came out of the small iron house by the sea, all of them staring at Ximen Feixue, without a trace of expression on their faces.

The person riding in front also took off her helmet at this time. Under her mask was an amazingly beautiful face with delicate snow-white skin, round almond eyes under her curved eyebrows, and a high nose bridge. Tall, with a ruddy mouth, a waterfall of black hair draped over his shoulders, he is slightly taller than Ximen Feixue, although not as plump and attractive as hers, but it is also bumpy and extremely attractive.

The driver was also a woman, who looked a few years younger than herself, with a faint smile on her face, and the whole person looked as delicate and lovely as a porcelain doll carved from pink and jade. Ximen Feixue rubbed her eyes suspiciously. It was hard to believe that such a delicate and beautiful little girl just started driving like crazy?

"Invite Officer Ximen to the house, and we'll get on the boat in a while." After Yamamoto Sakurako finished speaking, the men slowly surrounded her.

"Yingzi, it's over, it's not fun at all." The little girl who was driving seemed a little unfinished. How about a test?" After speaking, she put away her motorcycle and walked to Ximen Feixue with a smile.

Ximen Feixue kept watching her approach, and she was still more than three meters away, which was the best distance for her to attack. The girl raised her right foot and did not stop, but Ximen Feixue had already jumped up like a leopard...

However, when she saw that the girl's little snow-white hand greeted her like waving an orchid, she felt that she was a little too risky.

This little girl with a pure smile on her face is far from being as simple as her appearance suggests.

As the girl's arms danced, Ximen Feixue suddenly felt as if the leg he kicked out was being supported by someone, and he was no longer able to control himself, soaring into the sky, his thighs drove his whole body to fly up, like The spinning top generally can't stop the rotation of its own body.

This time, Ximen Feixue flew higher than any other time.

Her body is spinning, spinning... As she spins higher and higher...

While dizzy, Ximen Feixue seemed to see a white yacht coming towards him from the blue sea. Immediately afterwards, her body began to land, and she could clearly hear the laughter of the girl below with her slap in the face: "Sister, you are flying so high..."

At this time, Ximen Feixue had only one thought in her heart: She is not human at all, she is a standard little witch!


Although Li Jun came to Japan for the first time, the memory of his last life was very different from what he saw now, and many things were different from what he remembered.

Walking on the streets of Tokyo in the dark of night, there are large advertisements posted outside the shop windows on both sides of the alley, and a woman with a wooden fan on her head wears a strong lipstick and looks very quiet, it is really an indescribable It feels funny.

Through the bright large glass, you can look directly at the **** and thighs of the ladies inside. In addition to the tempting store name, the dark and ambiguous store sign light box also has a phone number written on it. This is somewhat similar to domestic roadside shops.

The light box of the one in the alley that is closest to the outside street seems to be a little more sophisticated than the other ones. Like other massage parlors, there are two or three women standing beside the light box, dressed quite well. Men passing by the alley would ask "マサジですか? (Would you like a massage? in a low voice, so small that it could only be heard within one or two meters.

This is completely different from what Li Jun saw when he came to Tokyo in the 21st century.

Ignoring the women's inquiries at all, Li Jun walked hurriedly across the street, turned a corner, and walked into a brightly lit and clean side street, a crooked side street with neon advertising lights of bars on both sides. Flickering light and dark, people walk through the streets, laughing and cursing, making this little street that was lifeless during the day as excited as smoking "marijuana".

Walking into a small store door, there is a bar on the left side of the bar. A man with long hair stood in the bar. When he saw Li Jun coming in, he greeted Li Jun with a smile in Japanese.

Looking around, the dim light in the bar can be seen. There are more than ten long wooden tables of different sizes in the small room. There are already many men and women around the table holding wine glasses and pouring slow drinks.

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