117: The brothers and sisters of the Yang family are all Taiyi Jinxian, the divine power of the lotus lantern, Yuanshi Tianzun is coming! (Please complete the order, please pursue more!)

At the foot of Momoyama, a young man and a young girl came here.

They were suddenly Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

In the original book, the people who came to rescue her mother were mainly Yang Xi, because Yang Chan’s strength was so weak that she could not exert the power of the Lotus Lantern.

But it is different now. Both Yang Zhan and Yang Chan have achieved the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and the two of them are already the strongest in the world at this time.

Unless it is Sanqing, a strong person like the Western Second Sage, otherwise, Yang Zhan and Yang Chan’s words are invincible.

Therefore, with this kind of strength, they are bound to save their mother now.

The two did not hide their whereabouts at all, and came to Taoshan so openly and directly, and at the same time, the gods and Buddhas in the sky got the news immediately.

“Yang Jian and Yang Chan appeared.

“Did it come out in only three years? Master Yuding actually taught so quickly?”

Many people still don’t know that Master Yuding did not accept Yang Jian. They thought that the three years when Yang Zhan and his sister disappeared were actually spent by Master Yuding.

But he didn’t know that at this time, the real person Yu Ding was completely stunned.

“How did they get to Taoshan? Shouldn’t they come to learn from me first?”

Immortal Yuding’s face changed greatly, he seemed to realize something, and came directly to Yuxu Palace.

Teacher, “I haven’t met these two people yet! Yang Jian has not been accepted as an apprentice by me!”

Hearing the words of the real person Yuding, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, and immediately pointed to the calculation, but the strange thing was that he couldn’t see a little bit of information. The past three years seemed to be blank, and the safety could not be calculated. Yang Xi and Yang Chan both where to go.

And just when the gods and Buddhas were watching the play, a change came.


An extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Yang Zhan’s body. When they sensed this aura, everyone was stunned.

Because of this breath, it is the realm of Taiyi Jinxian!

“How can this be!”

Countless powerhouses in the world exclaimed, how can “Nine Seven Seven” be so powerful in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian?

You must know that in this lotus lantern world, the first echelon of strength is the Sanqing, the Western Second Sage, the Nuwa Sage, etc., and they are all Daluo Jinxian.

As for the second echelon, it is the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm! In this realm, it is the Jade Emperor, Zhen Yuanzi, Styx and so on.

In the third echelon, it is the new generation of powerhouses with the cultivation of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao. Except for a small number of people, the direct disciples of the teaching and interception are all of this kind of cultivation.

In other words, Daoist Duobao, Yun Zhongzi, etc. are special, and their cultivation strength is above the twelve golden immortals, but they are Taiyi golden immortals.

And at this time, Yang Zhan was actually the Taiyi Jinxian, which was directly comparable to the old-fashioned masters of the Three Realms!

It should be known that in their calculations, Yang Jian, who came out from the real person of Yuding, should be around Zhenxian and Xuanxian if he is strong. This is Yang Jian’s final strength.

This is indeed the case in the original work. In the Chenxiang period, Yang Jian, who has been a god of justice for many years, should be only in the realm of Jinxian if he is strong.

After all, the real Jade Ding at this time was only a golden immortal. If Yang Zhan had the strength of twelve golden immortals just by going out of the mountain, then why would this conferred god be necessary?

“Damn, who is it?

Yuanshi Tianzun’s anger rose in his heart. At first, the matter of Yaoji’s descent into the world was actually just the plan of the two Western saints.

Because of Fengshen’s words, it was handed over to Sanqing by Daozu Hongjun, and the West was reluctant to let their disciple Zhenling be on the list, but they couldn’t help but want to bite off a piece of fat!

After all, in the future Three Realms Orthodox Heaven, everyone wants to get involved.So in the end, the West came up with a solution, that is to start from the Jade Emperor, the Lord of Heaven, and they set their goal on the Jade Emperor’s younger sister, Yao Ji.

Secretly used means to lure Yao Ji to the mortal world, and then dispatched a Buddhist disciple Yang Tianyou, and finally used some means to gain Yao Ji’s heart.

In this case, you can use Yao Ji to successfully infiltrate your own people into the interior of the heavenly court, and eventually even control the power of the heavenly court, with Yang Tianyou as the pedal.

But unexpectedly, all these plans were discovered by the Jade Emperor.

Furious, the Jade Emperor finally dispatched the heavenly generals to kill Yang Tianyou.

However, because of the West’s interference, Yang Jiao, the elder brother of Yang Jian and Yang Chan, was killed by the heavenly soldiers. Therefore, even Yaoji, who already knew the truth, could not forgive the Jade Emperor for a while, and was immersed in the grief of losing his son. after.

The follow-up plot continued to deepen the misunderstanding. The Jade Emperor’s son, Shi Jinwu, was secretly confused by the two Western saints, and kept chasing and killing Yang Jian and Yang Chan, and finally was killed by nine!

At this time, it was the Jade Emperor who suffered the most. On one side were his sister and nephew, and on the other were his nine sons who had been killed. The Jade Emperor did not kill Yang in the end, but he had already restrained himself greatly.

Of course, at the moment, nothing has happened yet.

Fomen’s plan only reached the level of scheming Yaoji, but when Yang Jian’s three brothers and sisters were born, they were very extraordinary, and they were already targeted by the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Apart from the dead Yang Mosquito, Yang Jian was favored by Chan Jiao and prepared to become a disciple of Master Yuding, the guardian of Xuanmen.

As for Yang Chan’s words, it is because the mother Nuwa has taken a fancy to it, so she will obtain the supreme treasure such as the lotus lantern. Otherwise, no matter how you think about it, she should not be a weak Yang Chan, who has obtained the supreme treasure of the lotus lantern. Treasure it.

These truths, the current Yang Jian does not know yet, but Lin Tian already knows.

At a critical moment, Lin Tian would tell Yang Jian. After all, if he told him the truth when he was cultivating, the hatred in his heart would be instantly dissipated, which might affect the mood of cultivation.

Therefore, after Yang’s cultivation is successful and his wish is fulfilled, if he tells Yang Jian about it, the impact will be smaller.

It was originally the guardian of the Xuanmen, but now he has been cut off, and he has even been cultivated to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, which makes Yuanshi Tianzun feel that he has lost a lot.

After all, he doesn’t think anyone is stronger than himself, so he believes that Yang Zhan’s strength at this time is all his own talent!

Originally, it was predicted that Yang Zhan had the aptitude of a golden immortal, and Yuanshi Tianzun was very satisfied. The words of a strong golden immortal would be enough to be the future spokesperson of Chanjiao in the heavenly court.

But he didn’t expect that Yang Xi actually had the aptitude of Taiyi Jinxian, which made Yuanshi Tianzun very angry. If he knew who the person who cut Hu was, he would certainly not easily forgive him.

One after another, the fiery red sun lifted directly into the sky, and then the figure of Ten Golden Crows appeared in the void. In the Lotus Lantern World, the Jade Emperor had a son, and he was still ten gold.

In the orthodox prehistoric world, the Golden Crow only has Di Jun and Taiyi. The Jade Emperor has never been the Golden Crow. The Jade Emperor in this world does not seem to be Jin. Otherwise, Yang Jian, the son of Yao Ji, would not have the characteristics of the Golden Crow.

“Yang Jian, I didn’t expect you to dare to appear!”

Shi Jinwu looked at Yang Zhan in front of him and shouted loudly.

The Ten Golden Crows used to hunt down Yang Jian and Yang Chan, and the Ten Golden Bows at that time were unimaginable opponents for Yang Jian.

It is worth mentioning that the Jade Emperor in this world has ten sons, from the big golden crow to the youngest little golden crow.

In addition, there are seven daughters! They are the seven fairies known to the world.

As for the Seven Fairies and Ten Golden Crows, they are half-brothers and sisters!

The Seven Fairies are the daughters of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother! The Queen Mother is only the stepmother of the Ten Golden Crows! (In the encyclopedia)

Therefore, it can be guessed that the ten golden crows are the children of the Jade Emperor and a golden crow, which can explain why the jade emperor is not a golden crow, but gave birth to ten golden crows.

“Ten Golden Crows, if you don’t want to die today, let them go.”

Although the strength of the Ten Golden Crows is good, the most powerful Great Golden Crow is only in the Golden Immortal realm, and it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

Yang Jian is the strength of Taiyi Jinxian’s cultivation at this time, so he is naturally qualified to say such words.

When King Kong Shi was about to get angry, Da Jinwu stopped them, and Da Jinwu looked at Yang Jian in front of him and said in a deep voice.

“With your strength at this time, we naturally cannot stop you.”

“But if you insist on doing this, the superpowers in the world will take action. With your talent, if you practice hard for thousands of years, you may be able to aspire to the honor of the superpowers in the world.”

“So leave quickly, and what happened today will not happen.

In fact, the Ten Golden Crows are not bad, but as the sons of the Jade Emperor and the princes of the heavenly court, they naturally have to abide by the laws of heaven.

In the original book, Da Jinwu died for his own younger brother, and he could even plead for the Seven Fairies, but because of his identity, he was too abiding by the rules of heaven.

Yang Zhan frowned, if it looked like this, he could only kill it.

With his current strength, beheading ten golden bows is nothing but an easy task.

At the same time, the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court couldn’t sit still.

After all, if Yang Xi and Shi Jinwu are talking, one is his nephew and the other is his son. If they fight both, they are actually fighting their own family.

The Jade Emperor decided to take action now, at least to avoid the result of brother cannibalism.

But at this moment, two figures appeared in the heaven.

When he saw these two figures, the Jade Emperor’s expression changed greatly.

“You two, you are too much!”

Here “is the Heavenly Court, the orthodox of the Three Realms appointed by the Taoist ancestors. You trespassed in the Lingxiao Palace, are you ignoring the rules of heaven?”

It was the two Western Saints who came here. Although the development of the matter exceeded their layout and they did not succeed in gaining the opportunity to encroach on the Heavenly Court, they caused trouble for the chanting and the Heavenly Court, and it was a benefit in disguise.

So the two finally came out to stop the Jade Emperor. After all, the matter of plotting Yaoji was exposed before, and they were already enmity.

The key is that the Jade Emperor’s strength is unable to pose a threat to them, that is, because of the Lord of the Three Realms, who is in control of the Heavenly Rule, they cannot do anything to the Jade Emperor.

“Your Majesty, Pindao and the two just want to discuss one or two things with His Majesty.”

The quasi-daoist said with a smile.

The Jade Emperor’s face was ugly, and he looked in the direction of the Tusita Palace.

After all, Yang Xi is the layout of Yuanshi Tianzun. Although Yang Jian is a Taiyi Jinxian at this time, if Yuanshi Tianzun can subdue him, it will be a great benefit to Sanqing.

After all, this is a golden immortal of Taiyi, and there are not many in the entire Sanqing sect.

At the foot of Taoshan, seeing that Yang Xi was about to behead the Ten Golden Crows, the Jade Emperor couldn’t be in a hurry…

But at this moment, Yao Ji, who had never taken action, suddenly changed her complexion, and then said directly to Yang Jian.

“Second brother, leave it to me here, you go save your mother first.”

Yang Mu’s sudden speech was actually because of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian transmits a voice to Yang Chan and asks her to trap the Ten Golden Crows with a lotus lantern, no need for a killer.

Although Yang Chan doesn’t know what Lin Tian’s purpose is, the past few years of getting along with Lin Tian’s careful teaching made her believe in Lin Tian’s words very much.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, but nodded and didn’t think much about it, because Yang Chan’s strength at this time could even be said to be not much weaker than him, so it was easy to deal with Qianjinwu.

“Yang Jian, stop!

Ten Golden Crows roared loudly and wanted to stop Yang Jian, but at this moment, Yang Chan directly summoned her own lotus lantern.



With a coquettish shout, the precious lotus lantern of the supreme congenital spiritual treasure burst into a dazzling divine light.

In the setting of the world view of the lotus lantern, the lotus lantern is the first magic weapon in this world. After all, it can be seen just by looking at the name of the world, and the lotus lantern can be understood as the treasure of qi transportation.The lotus lantern that erupted with terrifying power directly shook the Three Realms.

In the Ma Palace, Saint Nuwa suddenly looked in the direction of the Three Realms.

“When we were discussing the conferring of gods, the three little guys of the Yang family suddenly appeared.”

“There are no disciples under this seat, so I can only reincarnate the spirit beads and give Yang Chan the treasure lotus lamp, so that they can participate in the consecration of gods on behalf of this seat.”

“In the end, I didn’t expect that the little girl back then would actually have such strength now.

At this moment, as Yang Chan used the lotus lantern, all beings in the Three Realms knew that not only Yang Zhan had become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but even Yang Xi’s younger sister Yang Chan had become a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

This is not good. You need to know that this lotus lantern is the most powerful magic weapon in the world! Taiyi Jinxian’s cultivation base can already exert its sufficient power.

With the lotus lantern, Yang Chan can even leapfrog.

Seeing the power of the Lotus Lamp explode, Yang Chan did not kill the Ten Golden Crows, but trapped them in it.

This made the Jade Emperor, whose complexion changed greatly, immediately stunned. He was in shock. After all, according to normal circumstances, Yang Mu, who had the revenge of killing his father, would definitely kill the Ten Golden Crows directly!

“Could it be that it was arranged by Yang Chan and the people behind Yang Jian? Since it is a powerful person, then he must know the truth of everything.”

“He asked Yang Chan not to kill my ten sons, obviously he didn’t use Yang Zhan and Yang Chan as pawns, but he really cared about them so that he would avoid making them make big mistakes.

The Jade Emperor thought so, but it was similar.

After all, if Shijin Zhenwu was killed by Yang Jian, then their family and the Jade Emperor would lose the possibility of understanding. This may be the reason why the Jade Emperor and Yang Zhan still couldn’t deal with it in the Chenxiang period.

Even if he knew the truth, the Jade Emperor would not forgive Yang Xi, after all, nine of his sons were killed!

The things that the Jade Emperor can think of, can naturally be thought of by the most powerful people in the Three Realms. At this time, everyone is in a state of confusion, constantly guessing who is behind Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

After all, there are only so few Da Luo Jinxian in the world, and there are not many words for Taiyi Jinxian!

But no matter who it is, there is no motivation to help the Yang family brothers and sisters. 5.4! Because there is no benefit at all, after all, not everyone wants to participate in Fengshen. If one is unlucky, Taiyi Jinxian will fall.

But no matter how he thought about it, Yang Xi came to the top of Taoshan, and he also saw his mother who was suppressed on the top of Taoshan.


When Yaoji saw Yang Jian, her face changed greatly. During these days in Taoshan, she knew everything because her mind was calm.

After all, as the Jade Emperor’s younger sister, she actually knew clearly that although the Jade Emperor obeyed the rules of heaven, he was not rigid!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was something wrong with her encounter with Yang Tianyou.

But is it useful to say so much? Even if it is really just a calculation, but his son Yang Jun is true! Yang Xi died because of heaven, so it is useless to say anything. The pain of losing a child has made Yao Ji give up living hope.

Now that I persist, I just can’t worry about my son and daughter.

Now that Yang Jian came to save him, although he was pleasantly surprised to see Yang Jian, he was more frightened.

“Erlang, let’s go! This is a conspiracy, this is the conspiracy of the gods of the Three Realms against our family, even your father, it is just a part of the calculation of our family.”

Yao Ji quickly said that in the original book, he was directly burned to death by Shi Jinwu, so he didn’t say anything to Yang Zhan.

But now that the Ten Golden Crows are under control, and there is no one to stop her for the time being, she will say everything.

Yang Jian was taken aback and looked at his mother in disbelief.

“Conspiracy? What did you say, mother?”

Just as Yang Xi was about to continue speaking, a terrifying aura descended between heaven and earth.

When they sensed this breath, everyone’s expressions changed greatly, including the Jade Emperor and others.

“Yuanshi Tianzun!

In the hearts of countless people, a name secretly came out, and it was the existence that stood at the top of the Three Realms.

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