116: Use chaotic beads to open and practice, Yang Jian and Yang Kun are apprentices! (Seeking complete orders, seeking more!)

After opening the Lotus Lantern Investment World, Lin Tian started searching for Yang Zan directly, wanting to see where the plot was going.

“Is it still a step too late?”

After Lin Tian saw Yang Jian at this time, he sighed helplessly.

He thought that if he could come one step earlier, he might be able to change the fate of Yang Jian’s family, but the current time is when the Yang family was destroyed and Yao Ji was imprisoned in Taoshan.

At the same time, because of the quasi-sage cultivation base, Lin Tian can easily see through one, the so-called heavenly secret.

Sure enough, it was the same as the guesses of many Honghuang fans in the previous life. From Yaoji Sifan, to the descending of the Three Holy Mothers, etc., all of them were Buddhist calculations.

Because something happened in the story of the Lotus Lantern, that is, when Yang Jian secretly went to see Chenxiang, he was discovered by Tiannu.

Then Tiannu threatened Yang Jian and asked him to kill Chenxiang. Yang Jian was furious and directly beheaded Tiannu on the spot.

Afterwards, Yang Jian originally wanted to rebel directly, and then forced the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother to change the heavenly rules, but was dissuaded by the Tang monk who returned from the study.

Logically, after Yang Zhan was so rebellious, he would not be easily dissuaded by Tang Seng after he gave birth to a murderous intention. Therefore, there must be a Buddhist plan behind this. Heavenly things.

Now that he came to this world, Lin Tian directly understood the truth of everything through the supreme supernatural power of his own quasi-sage power.

As for the purpose of Buddhism, according to the current time of Yang Jian, it should be related to the conferring of gods. After all, Yang was one of the generals of the Zhou Dynasty, and through conferring gods, he eventually became Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun.

And these are the truths hidden behind the plot, and it is still up to Yang Jian to investigate.

At this time, only Yang Jian and Yang Chan were left with the words of the three brothers and sisters of Yang Xi, and they encountered the tiger demon again.

With the body of a mortal, Yang Xi can directly shake the tiger demon with his bare hands, and even open the eyes of the sky. This is Yang Xi’s innate magical power.

As a descendant of the innate gods and the human race, Yang Jian unexpectedly perfectly integrated the talents of the two races.

The innate soul’s powerful roots and physical talents, and then there is the innate Tao body of the human race, as well as the spirituality that is exclusive to the human race.

After all, the human race is the race favored by heaven and earth. Although they are initially weak, compared to other races, the human race will cultivate faster.

Many races require hundreds of thousands of years to obtain the strength, and the human race is extremely talented, and can acquire the same strength in just a few decades.

Yang Xi, who perfectly integrates the two genes of the immortal race and the human race, naturally created a supreme talent, and finally in the battle of conferring gods, Erlang became a saint and a true monarch, and became famous in the three worlds.

“Cicada, are you alright?”

Yang Jian, who was protecting the younger sister and the mad demon, rushed directly to his younger sister Yang Chan’s side after killing the tiger demon and asked anxiously.

Yang Chan recovered and watched Yang Jian keep shaking her head, saying that she was fine.

Yang Xi breathed a sigh of relief, but he touched the heavenly eyes between his brows, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. Perhaps relying on this power, he could save his mother.

Now supporting Yang Jian’s greatest belief is to avenge his family and rescue his mother in Taoshan at the same time.

However, he also knows that there are many strong people in the heaven, even if he has opened the eyes of the sky, but without the support of mana and cultivation, he is still weak.

It may be possible to deal with some little monsters, but to deal with the immortals of the heaven, he is an ordinary mortal at this time.

Yang Jian wants to find a powerful immortal to learn from his teacher, learn powerful strength, and finally avenge his family.

In the original work, Yang Jian will finally be apprenticed to the real person Yuding, become a disciple of the three generations of Chan Jiao, and will become the protector of Xuanmen in the future.

But in fact, the disciples of the teachings are all defending the robbery for the twelve golden immortals.

However, compared to the others, Yang Zhan and Nezha were actually luckier.Because whether it is the real person Yuding or the real person Taiyi, they are actually good to Yang Jian and Nezha.

Among the three generations of Chan Jiao’s disciples, the lucky ones were Nezha, Yang Zhan, and Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi is a disciple of Yun Zhongzi, Yun Zhongzi is a true immortal of good fortune, so he can naturally walk out of the window and eventually even become Emperor Gouchen.

And Nezha and Yang’s words were also directly sanctified in the flesh, and they did not become slaves to the Conferred God List, and they could continue to cultivate and grow in the end.

Apart from them, the rest of the three generations of Chanjiao disciples did not have such good luck.

Of course, it might have something to do with their origins. Whenever he thinks of this, Lin Tian is more certain that the Jade Emperor must be paying attention to Yang Jian.

Behind Yang Xi is the Jade Emperor, so he can find a way to survive.

Behind Nezha is Empress Nuwa, and behind Lei Zhenzi is Fuzhenxian Yunzhongzi.

Just when Yang Jian was timid in his heart, when he was going to find an immortal to apprentice, suddenly he was shocked, because at this time Lin Tian had already confirmed Yang Jian as his investment object.


Then accompanied by bursts of light, Lin Tian’s figure slowly appeared in front of Yang Xi.

“Xian, Xianchang?”

Yang Xi asked dully, for some unknown reason, when he saw Lin Tian, ​​a warm feeling appeared in his heart, all of which were due to investment.

After all, if this move is used, Lin Tian will have no disadvantage. As long as he confirms the target of his investment, he will show great kindness to himself. If he wants to accept an apprentice at this time, it is extremely simple.

“Yang Jian, would you like to worship this seat as your teacher?

Lin Tian asked with a smile, and went straight to the point.

Hearing Lin Tian’s words, Yang was stunned for a moment, and then his face was overjoyed. Although he didn’t know Lin Tian’s name, Tianyan told himself that the man in front of him was very powerful.

Because when facing this immortal elder, even his own eyes could not open, it seemed that he could not open it because he was afraid of the immortal elder in front of him.

Therefore, Yang Zhan listened to Lin Tian’s words and knelt on the ground without hesitation.

“Disciple Yang Jian, see Master!”

Looking at the very sensible Yang Jian, Lin Tian immediately showed a smile.

In this way, Yang Zhan successfully apprenticed to Lin Tian, ​​and after Yang Jian apprenticed to the apprentice, the real Jade Ding in the cave, somehow felt as if he had lost something.

He actually knew for a long time that his disciple would be Yang Sai, because that was the person who arranged for him to stop the robbery.

He doesn’t know now that Yang Jian has been cut off, but even if he wants to calculate, he can’t calculate it. Even in this world, even if Hongjun Daozu appears in person, he can’t calculate the traces of Lin Tian.

After all, Lin Tian is a quasi-sage cultivation base! And this treasure lotus lantern world is not the realm of the orthodox prehistoric and conferred gods, the strongest, but the Great Luo Jinxian.

And the words of Na Hongjun Daozu, with the help of the power of Heaven, can reach the quasi-sacred realm, which is only equal to Lin Tian.

The force value of this world is the same as that of a demon boy.

A place of paradise, this is where Lin Tian finds casually.

With just a wave of his hand, a few thatched huts were created here.

“From now on, you can follow the teacher to practice here. The teacher will not hide it, and will teach you all the magical powers.”

Lin Tian said so, of course he will not hide it, because as long as he controls this world, let alone everything in this world, even if it is an ant, all will obey Lin Tian’s orders.

Therefore, Lin Tian is very generous in teaching his disciples.

Not even one’s own disciple, anyone in this world, as long as Lin Tian is willing, can teach them the technique, because in the future they will obey Lin Tian’s orders and work for Lin Tian.

Therefore, in addition to Yang Zhan, Lin Tian also included Yang Chan, but did not invest in him.

After all, the investment coins obtained by the investment target, Lin Tian has no interest in it at this time. The real big head is actually the world under his control, and this is the real reward and background.

Lin Tian thought for a long time about teaching Yang Zhan’s technique, and finally decided to teach Yang Jian’s genuine Jiuzhuan Yuangong.

That is the Jiuzhuan Yuan Gong of Journey to the West! In different worlds, even if it is the same practice, the level of power is different.

If the lotus lantern and the waste chapter come into the world, there is a nine-turn Yuan Gong. After all, the Six Sages have this practice in their hands.

However, in the prehistoric world, the Jiuzhuan Yuangong was obviously stronger. After all, the well-known Jade Ding Daoist became a quasi-sage powerhouse by virtue of this Jiuzhuan Yuangong.

And in this world of the devil boy and the world of the lotus lantern, Sanqing himself is only the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

The nine-turn Yuan Gong of these two worlds is difficult even to become a Great Luo Jinxian, let alone a saint. Therefore, both the power and the speed of cultivation are incomparable with the genuine Honghuang.

Lin Tian taught this genuine Jiuzhuan Yuangong. As long as Yang Zhan and Yang Chan practiced well, it would not be difficult to become a Golden Immortal.

As for the quasi-sage, it depends on the perception and the chance. After all, Lin Tian himself is in the quasi-sage realm at this time. At this level, he cannot give his disciples much experience and help.

Time goes by day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it has been three years since Lin Tian accepted Yang Xi and Yang Kun.

In the past three years, Yang Zhan and Yang Chan’s words have discarded all distracting thoughts, allowing them to cultivate well.

After all, Lin Tian told them that the most powerful person in this world is the Golden Immortal Realm. If they want to rescue their mother safely, they must at least become the Golden Immortal Taiyi.

At that time, with the unparalleled combat power of the genuine Jiuzhuan Yuangong, and if he transforms into Zizi Dafa, he will be able to shake Sanqing hard, and saving Yao Ji will naturally be an easy task.

The three-year period seems to be very short, but in fact, their specific cultivation time is really not short.

Now when teaching each disciple, Lin Tian will open and hang.

Especially after obtaining the Great Desolate Journey to the West World, this opening is even simpler, for example, Lin Tian has a supreme treasure, that is the Primal Chaos Orb!

Legend has it that during the Chaos Period, there were four Chaos Treasures in Honghuang.

They are Pangu’s thirty-sixth chaotic green lotus, the fortune-telling jade butterfly, the god-opening axe, and an unowned chaotic bead.

However, whether it was the chaotic green lotus, the fortune-telling jade butterfly, or the divine axe, all shattered with the opening of the sky, turning into some innate treasures and innate spiritual treasures.

Only this chaotic bead has been safe and sound, but since the establishment of the Great Desolation, there has been no trace of the chaotic bead between heaven and earth.

Even if the Six Saints of the Great Desolation, who were later sanctified, tried to find them, they found nothing, which finally made them suspect that the Chaos Orb was actually in Hongjun’s hands.

In fact, this Chaos Pearl was actually hidden by the Tao of Heaven.

………… ask for flowers. . . .

Chaos beads can cover up the secrets of heaven, and the way of heaven is naturally not found, but the way of heaven can completely erase the existence of chaos beads, so that there is no possibility for anyone to find chaos beads.

But as Lin Tian became the controller of the World of Journey to the West, he only needed a thought, as long as it was anything in the world, he could instantly know it.

So Lin Tian found the last Chaos Treasure in this great wilderness.

You must know that in the current world of Journey to the West, only the shattered Jade Butterfly and the hollow willow made by the body of Yangmei are the treasures of the Chaos level.

However, if the Jade Butterfly is created, it has already been found by Lin Tian, ​​and now Hongjun is repairing it, and this treasure of chaos should be reproduced in the future.

There are also Kaitian Divine Axe, and Chaos Qinglian, and Lin Tian is repairing them.

After all, how could a few innate treasures, the best innate spiritual treasures, be comparable to the Chaos Treasures?

The original Heavenly Dao did not allow this kind of treasure to appear because it exceeded the limit of the Great Desolation, but today’s Lin Tian is not worried, the setting of the world controller is extremely overbearing, and there is no possibility of going beyond the limit.

The words of the Chaos Pearl contain the supreme space law, as well as a primordial space.The so-called Hongmeng Purple Qi, in this case, is as common as the ocean of Wang Yang.

Hongmeng Purple Qi is actually not a necessity for proving the Tao, but through this thing, one can get very close to the Tao of Heaven, which is equivalent to touching and comprehending the Tao of Heaven, and then rapidly improving the cultivation level, and even getting the recognition of the Tao of Heaven, and finally becoming a saint.

Because the Dao of Heaven itself was the time before the Primordial Primordial Primal Chaos, which was condensed by the Dao with 3,000 Primordial Violet Qi.

Therefore, a cultivator of the Great Desolation who possesses the Violet Qi of Hongmeng can better comprehend the Dao of Heaven, get close to the Dao of Heaven, and naturally become sanctified.

At the same time, because of the same root and the same origin, the way of heaven can also completely control the prehistoric saint with the help of Hongmeng purple qi.

With the Chaos Orbs, Lin Tian directly put them in it, they couldn’t absorb the Primordial Purple Qi, Lin Tian directly asked the Chaos Orbs to convert them into Chaos Spiritual Qi, and then transformed the Chaos Spiritual Qi into Innate Spiritual Qi.

This is equivalent to directly obtaining a cultivation environment comparable to the period when the world opened up.

At the same time, the time acceleration function of the Chaos Bead is activated. In just three years, Yang Jian and the others who have cultivated in the Chaos Bead may have practiced for thousands of years or even 10,000 years.

It should be noted that in this world, Yang Jian in the original book should have only about Jin Xian’s ultimate combat power.

At that time, Yang Jian, who had cultivated for at least a thousand years, was still in this golden immortal realm, unable to advance an inch.

After all, in a world where Daluo Jinxian is the ceiling, Taiyi Jinxian and Jinxian, who are second only to Daluo Jinxian, are already the real top powerhouses.

After all, Yang Jian, who is a mere Jinxian, has the capital to make a scene in the Heavenly Palace, which is enough to show that this world is actually not very strong.

Perhaps the Jade Emperor in this world is relatively weak. After all, not every Jade Emperor in every world has the same strength as the Jade Emperor in the Prehistoric World.

The Jade Emperor of the Prehistoric World is the Taoist boy of the Taoist ancestors, a quasi-sage who has perfected the supreme cultivation realm!

After being controlled by Lin Tian now, they are the first batch of quasi-sage powerhouses who have become saints, which shows the strength of their strength.

And this Jade Emperor of the Lotus Lantern World was frightened by Chen Xiang. Even though he might have some trump cards, it is estimated that his strength would not be at the top level.

Disciple, “You have already achieved Taiyi Jinxian. With your realm at this time, the Three Realms are as big as you can go.”

Lin Tian summoned Yang Xi and Yang Chan from the Chaos Pearl on this day, and then said to the two of them.

The two looked overjoyed. They knew that since Master said so today, it meant that they could go to Taoshan to save their mother.

Lin Tian waved his hand, and then a weapon appeared directly.

“This is a three-pointed and two-edged sword of Hunyuan, and it is a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. Its power is not weaker than the lotus lantern in Chan’er’s hand, and its killing power is far higher than that of the lotus lantern.”

Lin Tian said so, he originally thought that the lotus lantern of this world was definitely inferior to the lotus lantern of the Great Western Journey.

The four spirit lanterns of Journey to the West are all supreme innate spirit treasures.

They are the headed lotus lantern, the Yuxu glazed lantern, the eight-view palace lantern, and the coffin lantern.

Yuxu glazed lantern is the magic weapon of Yuanshi Tianzun!

The Eight Views Palace Lanterns are the magic weapon of Taishang Laojun!

And the Lingshu lamp is the magic weapon of the Taoist who burns the lamp. The masters of these three magic lamps are all the top beings in the prehistoric world. No matter what kind of prehistoric world view, the masters of these three magic lamps are all extraordinary.

The previous owner of the lotus lantern said it was Nuwa, who is the most precious treasure in the sky, and its power is far above the other three magic lanterns.

Lin Tian did not expect that the lotus lantern in this world is actually a top-quality innate spiritual treasure. No wonder that when the lotus lantern in the original work released its power, even the gods and Buddhas looked sideways and avoided the edge for a while.

After all, if a top-quality innate spiritual treasure, the power that burst out is enough to make Daluo Jinxian drink a pot.

Today, Yang Chan, who has the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base, can fully exert the power of the Lotus Lantern, and her strength is comparable to that of the Daluo Golden Immortal! Unless Sanqing comes, she is invincible.

“Thank you Master for the treasure!

The Yang family was delighted. With this supreme treasure, he was even more confident in rescuing his mother. wide,

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