114: The gods of the whole universe will come and completely control the entire twelve universes!

“Beerus, what a shame!”

A voice sounded, and Beerus turned his head to look, and was surprised to find that it was Elephant Pa.

But at this time, Beerus was too lazy to pay attention to Xiangpa, but looked at the Monkey King in front of him with a solemn expression. After a fierce battle, Beerus was actually in a daze.

What you need to know is that over the years, Beerus has forgotten what it feels like to be injured, because since he became the God of Destruction, he has rarely encountered anyone who can hurt him.

After all, the God of Destruction is generally the strongest combat power in the entire universe. An existence that can hurt even the God of Destruction. In theory, apart from other Gods of Destruction, it is an angel.

“The angel of the twelve universes and the god of destruction?”

Broly and Sun Wukong stood together, looking at these gods in the starry sky, there was no fear in their eyes, but excitement, because they wanted to try, where is the ultimate combat power of themselves and others.

“Who the hell are you?”

Whis looked at Broly and Sun Wukong in front of him and asked, although they knew their Saiyan identities, they shouldn’t have this kind of strength, and it would be strange if no one taught them.

And the fact that these two people can have such a powerful strength shows how terrifying the people behind them must be!

“Want to know? Then beat us first.

Broly said in a deep voice, Sun Wukong also grinned, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Xiangpa said disdainfully.

Although “your strength may be very strong, even Beerus and Whis can’t do anything about it.”

“But we have gathered here the angels and gods of destruction from twelve universes, which can be called the strongest lineup in the entire universe. Do you think that just by the two of you, we will be our opponents?

Listening to Xiangpa’s words, although many Gods of Destruction did not speak, they all had the same thoughts in their hearts.

A strong person who can become a God of Destruction is the most top-notch existence in their own world, so they are all proud, and they do not think that if they add up so many people, they will not be able to win two mortals.

Sun Wukong and Broly looked at each other, if it was just their attitude at this time, they would definitely not be opponents, they could barely take down Whis and Beerus at this time.

But that’s not all of their power!

“Junior Brother, use that trick!”

Broly said to Sun Wukong in a deep voice.

Sun Wukong nodded, and the breath of the two of them began to rise.

“This is?”

Numerous gods of destruction and angels were stunned, as if surprised by the changes of the two.

At this time, Lin Tian on the earth also showed a smile. Sure enough, Saiyans are a race that is open, and they grew up in battle. I didn’t expect them to develop that kind of power.

I saw that Sun Wukong was in a super blue state at this time, but in this super blue state, his breath suddenly exploded!


After the powerful breath, his body shape also changed, a huge ape phantom appeared behind him, and then Sun Wukong’s martial arts uniform exploded, and finally red hair appeared.

“Super Saiyan Four Blue!”

That’s right! Sun Wukong and Broly actually developed a method of coexisting bloodline and divine realm at the same time!

Super Blue is the way of God, and Super Four is the way of blood!

But at this time, Sun Wukong, on the basis of Super Blue, turned into Super Saiyan 4!

The terrifying aura is rising, and at this moment, Sun Wukong, I am afraid that the overall strength is still far above the integrated warrior Veget.

Since Sun Wukong has completed such a transformation, there is no reason why Broly, who is a senior brother, can’t do it.

At this time, he was in a super four state, and it was accompanied by a burst of blue arrogance, which directly turned into a super blue posture!

Suddenly, Super Four Blue Monkey King, Super Four Blue Broly appeared!The terrifying aura released by the two at this time completely surpassed the angel Weiss and others! The God of Destruction and the angel of the twelve universes changed their faces greatly, and even showed panic.

Xiangpa, who was still very arrogant before, stopped speaking at this time, because he felt the strength far beyond Vados and Wes from Broly and Sun Wukong at this time.

With such strength, it is not something that God of Destruction and Angel level can fight against.

“Damn! Are these two monsters? The strength can be increased to this level.”

“What should we do? Even if we go together, we may not be opponents.

The angels and the gods of destruction were all nervous at this time, and it was the first time they encountered such a big crisis.

On Earth, Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction.

“The normal state is equivalent to the Golden Immortal level of Journey to the West, but at this time, through various transformations, the combat power has come directly to the Taiyi Golden Immortal level, worthy of being a Saiyan of the fighting nation”~!”

Lin Tian was amazed and was very satisfied with this.

Moreover, Lin Tian also knows that this is not their ultimate combat power, there are too many places where Saiyans can hang up.

Monkey King and Broly still have two hole cards!

One is fusion! Lin Tian naturally won’t miss the very powerful ability in the original book, and let them learn it directly.

Although there is no Vegeta, if Broly and Sun Wukong are both Saiyans, they can naturally be integrated with each other.

It is estimated that the fusion of the two of them, the strength of the battle, will even surpass Vegett?

The fusion warriors of Broly and Sun Wukong, in Lin Tian’s opinion, if they maintain the super four blue stance, it is estimated that the overall combat power will be directly comparable to the Grand Priest and the King of All.

But don’t forget, Lin Tian also has a plug-in! That is, he transforms into the great law, on the basis of the current realm, directly obtains a large realm of cultivation.

So at this time, Sun Wukong and Broly are already invincible. At this point, the plot has changed completely.

Just waiting for Sun Wukong and Broly to fully show their strength to the whole universe, the Dragon Ball world is in control, and it is close at hand.

“What a mighty force!

Sun Wukong felt the powerful strength in his body, and his eyes were a little surprised, because this gesture was also the first time he used it.

The same is true for Broly. Although they have such an idea, this is the first time they have officially used it.

In fact, Saiyans are such a magical race, they will create miracles in the impossible every time, and their potential seems to have no limit.

That transformation is like a nesting doll, emerging one after another, making people unable to see the limit and the end.


Just when the God of Destruction and the angels didn’t know what to do, several figures slowly appeared in the void of the universe.

“All Kings!”

The expressions of many gods of destruction and angels changed.

The God of Destruction directly bowed and looked nervous.

As for angels, they should be much more indifferent. After all, the status of angels is actually different from that of God of Destruction.

At this time, King Quan, where does the ignorant child still look like? After all, normal people would know that, as the commander of the twelve universes, King Quan would really be a child?

After living for so many years, a pig is about to become a sperm, let alone the most powerful king of the universe, how can he be a child?

It can only be said that when King Quan became stronger, he fell in love with playing tricks.

Just like Beerus and Whis, their strength is extremely terrifying, but in normal times, people will think that they are foodies.

“Is this the King of All?”

Broly and Sun Wukong looked at the King Quan and the Great Priest who appeared in front of them, and their expressions were slightly solemn.

Although he knew that King Quan was very powerful, and after all, he was the god of the entire universe, when he saw it in person, he was still shocked.

After all, at this time, the two of them, with their strength, are only comparable to Taiyi Jinxian.

And the strength of King Quan and the Great Priest is definitely at the level of the Great Luo Jinxian.

However, the two were only surprised, not afraid, because their hole cards had not been used up, otherwise, in the battle with Quanwang, who would win and who would lose would not be known.

King Quan didn’t speak, but the Great Priest stepped out one step, directly in front of Sun Wukong and Broly, and said with a smile.

“Hello, the next one is the great priest of the Temple of All Kings, and also the father of the angel.”

“I wonder if it would be an honor to meet your teacher?”

The great priest said so, there is no meaning to fight at all, the great priest is an old guy who has survived for so many years, naturally he is not a fool.

During the battle, Sun Wukong and the others have always avoided spreading to the universe. Obviously, they are not evil people. If they are evil people, it is just the strength they have displayed at this time. If they want to kill Whis and Beerus, it is too simple.

Sun Wukong and Broly looked at each other, which made them stop suddenly, because if they came up and called directly, then there is no need for nonsense.

But this time, the King Quan and the Grand Priest did not seem to want to fight at all.

Just when the two were embarrassed, Lin Tian’s voice rang in their ears.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong and Broly withdrew from their super four blue stance.

At the same time, a magnificent voice resounded in the universe.

“Breaking the smell to disturb your universe, the earth has already held a banquet, and I invite you all to come with me.”

This voice belonged to Lin Tian, ​​and after listening to Lin Tian’s voice, everyone including King Quan changed their expressions because they sensed the supreme pressure contained in Lin Tian’s figure.

This “is that the teacher behind the two of them?”

“Your Universe, isn’t he from the Twelve Universes?”

Everyone’s eyes were full of curiosity, but they all looked at King Quan.

I saw King Quan nodding at the Grand Priest, and then the Grand Priest waved his hand, and everyone immediately disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they came to Sun Wukong’s suburban manor.

With Lin Tian’s gold and silver jewelry, Sun Wukong’s family will naturally not be short of money, so Qiqi directly arranged to go to the villa manor.

You must know that Sun Wukong’s family situation has improved, and in the original work, we have to wait until Gohan climbs Bai Fumei.

At this time, countless things were prepared in the manor. Lin Tian didn’t know what others said. Weiss and Bruce, like Pa and the others, loved food.

But come to think of it, other gods of destruction and angels are probably similar, so it is good to prepare more food after all.

Under the “Grand Priest, this is the supreme god of our twelve universes, the full king.

The great priest took the initiative to introduce himself, and then looked at Lin Tian and said amazingly.

“Your Excellency isn’t from our world, right? I’m talking about other parallel universes.”

Obviously, as a great priest, he would naturally know the existence of GT Universe, etc., and Lin Tian is not a person from the Twelve Universes, and naturally he is not a person from the parallel universes of Dragon Ball.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and said to the Great Priest and King Quan.

“Yes, I am a visitor from other worlds.”

The Grand Priest nodded.

“I have discussed with His Excellency King Quan, that the powerful power in the bodies of Sun Wukong and Broly is not a power that our world can possess.

“Therefore, it is concluded that the existence of such a powerful force imparted to them must not be people in our world, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

“After all, over the years, we have tried countless ways to find other worlds, but we have found nothing. There is endless nothingness outside the world.”

Almost every top powerhouse actually tries to explore other advanced worlds because they want to go further.

Therefore, the Great Priest and King Quan have naturally done the same, but it is only limited by the world, and it is impossible to discover a more advanced world.

And if you really discover a more advanced world, then you won’t know, it’s still in the cage.

It is like the Dou Qi world, there is the Great Thousand World on it, but when the Great Thousand World reaches its limit, you will find that there is Tianyuan World above the Great Thousand World.

And after arriving at Tianyuan Realm, he came directly to the top of the world, because of the shackles of the world, he will no longer be able to advance.When the banquet started, it was completely unexpected that everyone who was still fighting a second ago was now happily tasting the food.

It is mainly Lin Tian’s attitude, obviously not malicious, so they are more willing to know more information about other worlds from Lin Tian’s mouth.

“It turns out that there is still a saying of the heavens and the world?”

“Then may I ask your Excellency, what level does our strength belong to in the heavens?”

The Great Priest asked curiously, King Quan was holding the ice cream and looked at Lin Tian also curiously.

Lin Tian thought about it for a moment, waved directly, and floated the Great Desolate Journey to the West in front of them.

“This is a world under my control, and the world level is a holy world.”

“The strength of you and King Quan is considered to be the Golden Immortals of Great Luo, ranking among the top powerhouses, but in the entire world, the number of Golden Immortals of the Great Luo is guaranteed to be in the tens of thousands, or even more than 100,000.

Lin Tian said this, after all, in the world of Journey to the West, there are three thousand quasi-sages, not to mention the Daluo Jinxian under the quasi-sages, the number far exceeds that of the quasi-sages.

The Great Priest and King Quan were silent, and the two of them did not doubt, because the world scene that Lin Tian brought out was absolutely impossible to fake, and that was the real world.

Anticipation flashed in their eyes, as if they were expecting something.

After all, they have been standing still at this level for many years, and even King Quan is so bored that he treats the planets in the universe like marbles and destroys them casually.

It seems to have seen through the thoughts of the two, Lin Tian said at the moment.

“The reason why I came to this world is to establish a teleportation channel in this world.”

Through “this teleportation channel, you can go to the world where I am and all the worlds I control.”

“Experience a more powerful world, or other paths of cultivation, you can also explore a higher realm and break the limitations of the world.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, the eyes of King Quan and the Great Priest gleamed.

What status, what kind of world controller, in fact, for their existence that has controlled the universe for countless years, these are not important.

What they care about is how to go further and become stronger.

(Nuo Zhao Zhao)

I saw that King Quan finally spoke, and a child’s voice sounded.

“Monkey King, Broly, are you willing to become the great priests of the Temple of All Kings?

“I can see that the posture just now is not your strongest combat power. Your real strength may not be weaker than that of the great priest or even me.”

“So are you willing to become the great priest of the Temple of All Kings? Help me manage the entire twelve universes.

King Quan said this, it’s good. He named Sun Wukong and Broly as great priests, and they have the right second only to King Quan. It is King Quan’s favor to Lin Tian. They want to go out of the world and have broader knowledge. Sky.

Both of them looked at Lin Tian, ​​and whether they agreed or not depended on their master.

Lin Tian nodded slightly, indicating that they could agree, because the words of the great priest were already the most noble existence in the entire universe.

King Quan is special, because he is equivalent to the embodiment of the rules and will of the Dragon Ball world, so even if the great priest controls everything in the entire universe, his strength is extremely terrifying, but he cannot surpass King Quan.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to the investor Lin Tian for completely changing the Dragon Ball world plot and getting a perfect S-level rating!

[S-level perfect rating reward: Become the master of the Dragon Ball world and reward one of the thousands of investment in the world! 】

After Sun Wukong and Broly became the great priests, the voice of the investment terminal sounded in Lin Tian’s mind, indicating that Lin Tian finally took control of the Dragon Ball world.

It is not difficult to control this world. After all, the plot is a plot of fighting monsters and upgrading along the way.

As long as Sun Wukong and the others are the strongest in the world, and there are no more enemies, they can control them perfectly.

Will the Monkey King and Broly, who have become great priests, still have enemies?

After Lin Tian took control of the Dragon Ball World, the twelve universe angels, the God of Destruction, the Great Priest and the King of All in the audience all looked at Lin Tian differently.

That is the worship gaze looking at the direction of belief, and no one can detect this momentary change.

Because even the Turtle Immortals next to them are like this, just because Lin Tian has become the world controller of the entire Dragon Ball world.

All sentient beings, from the depths of their souls, will obey Lin Tian, ​​a change that they cannot all perceive.

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