113: The two challenge Beerusweis, the body of a mortal, and fight against the gods of the universe!

The Z warriors on this side of the earth are directly stunned. They have known Sun Wukong since childhood and learned from the immortal turtle, but they have never heard that Sun Wukong has a senior brother.

“Who are you? I wish I didn’t know you, and you call me Kakarot, are you a Saiyan?”

Sun Wukong looked at Broly and asked.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Broly, and this figure was heaven.

When seeing Lin Tian, ​​everyone was stunned, because they did not see how Lin Tian appeared just now.

In fact, this is also normal, after all, their strength at this time is like a thread of ants in Lin Tian’s eyes.

Even Sun Wukong, who eventually became a Super Saiyan, would gain starburst combat power, but in Lin Tian’s eyes, this kind of combat power would still be weak.


Broly bowed to Lin Tian.

Everyone’s pupils are constricted, and Broly’s strength has shocked Sun Wukong who likes to fight. As Broly’s master, how powerful will Lin Tian be?

Lin Tian smiled slightly, looked at the Monkey King in front of him, and ordered directly in his heart.

“Investment terminal, new investment target, Saiyan Sun Wukong.

The moment Lin Tian added an investment target, Sun Wukong was shocked, and for some reason he looked at Lin Tian more cordially.

After all, Lin Tian didn’t want to waste words, and it would be very simple to talk with Sun Wukong after he directly determined his investment goals.

“Be my disciple, Sun Wukong.”

Lin Tian said with a smile, for some reason, he suddenly thought of Whitebeard.

That guy often accepts sons all over the world, and his own words are accepting disciples all over the world. At this time, there are some similarities.

Everyone was stunned, Broly’s master actually wanted to accept the disciple Sun Wukong?

But just when they wondered whether Sun Wukong would agree, the choice Sun Wukong made surprised them.


Sun Wukong actually agreed directly. Looking at the surprised people, Sun Wukong scratched his head and said.

“I want to become stronger, and I don’t want to be like this time, without the power to fight back.”

After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, everyone was silent.

Indeed, they were completely defeated in this battle. So many people added up, and they were not Raditz’s opponents. Not only Sun Wukong, but they all wanted to practice hard so that the same thing would not happen in the future.

In this way, Sun Wukong successfully entered the door of Lin Tian and became Lin Tian’s disciple.

Sun Wukong and Broly, who were originally enemies, became brothers and sisters.

According to Sun Wukong’s belligerent character, how could he miss the chance to fight Broly?

But Broly didn’t make a move, just burst out his breath, and let Sun Wukong kneel directly on one knee, unable to move.

This absolute gap made Sun Wukong really feel what it means to be outside the sky and there are people outside the human beings.

“Kiki! We’re back!”

Turtle Immortal House, everyone returned here.

Lin Tian also saw the various characters in Dragon Ball, each of them was short, but there was a dazzling turtle fairy in his eyes.

And young and beautiful Bulma and so on.

Everyone obviously knew in advance that Sun Wukong had worshipped a powerful teacher.

“Sure enough!”

Immortal Turtle looked at Lin Tian, ​​although he couldn’t see through Lin Tian’s strength at all, but his intuition told himself that it was very dangerous and terrifying.

Far beyond the previous Raditz countless times, it is not a level of existence at all.

“Kiki, this is my teacher.”

“This is my senior brother Broly, he is very powerful! Powerful enough to make people desperate.

Sun Wukong said seriously.

At this time, Lin Tian was looking at Qiqi. At this time, Qiqi was holding Gohan and obviously wanted to say something to Sun Wukong, but perhaps he was worried that Lin Tian and the others were there, so it would be better not to give Sun Wukong face.

Speaking of which, although Sun Wukong is a strong man, he is definitely not a good father or a good husband.


I saw Lin Tian waved his hand, and then a space ring appeared in his hand, which was directly found from a planet in the starry sky when his mind moved.


The thing in the space ring fell out, and it was actually countless gold and silver jewelry!

“This, this is?”

These are pure natural gems, diamonds, gold, etc., the purity is extremely terrifying, for mortals, it is a wealth that can’t be spent in ten lifetimes.

Lin Tian said to Kiki with a smile.

“As Wukong’s master, this was a gift from this seat to Wukong’s wife at that time.

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, everyone looked at Lin Tian in amazement.

Even for Bulma, these gold and silver jewels are considered precious, after all, some cannot be found on earth.

With these wealth, even if Sun Wukong cultivates every day, Qiqi won’t say anything, right?

In this way, because of the gold and silver jewelry that Lin Tian took out, Qiqi was in a very good mood, and she even cooked and prepared dinner for Lin Tian and the others.

After the evening, when they saw the food intake of Sun Wukong and Broly, everyone said in amazement.

“As expected of a race, it’s just the amount of food that can prove it.”

After eating, Sun Wukong has recovered, and he can’t wait to follow Lin Tian to practice, he wants to gain a strong strength.

In this way, Lin Tian and Broly came directly to Sun Wukong’s home, and then began their daily practice.

Lin Tian is not a person who hides secrets, because the future of this world is to be controlled by himself, so no matter who becomes stronger in this world, in fact, the future belongs to Lin Tian’s power.

Therefore, these days of cultivation, even Sun Wufan joined them.

Maybe it was because of Lin Tian’s atmosphere, Qiqi didn’t object to Sun Wufan’s cultivation while studying at the same time.

You must know that the cultivation aptitude of this Sun Wuhan is not weaker than that of Sun Wukong at all, and it can even be said that it surpasses Sun Wukong.

It’s just that he eventually became a scholar, which makes people complain.After all, in the original book, after Sun Wukong died in battle, the person who took over from him as the new protagonist should be his son, Sun Wuhan.

It’s just that there is no way, Sun Wukong’s popularity is too high, and in the end he can only play the leading role all the time, and Sun Wuhan’s aptitude is too terrifying, and it can only be weakened in an embarrassing way.

“Super Saiyan?”

On this day, Lin Tian explained Super Saiyan to Sun Wukong.

“This is a talent that belongs to your race. You can gain an increase in strength through the transformation of a Super Saiyan.”

“Of course, the strength of this increase is related to the normal combat power. The stronger the normal combat power, the more terrifying it will be after turning into a Super Saiyan.”

Hearing Lin Tian’s words, Sun Wukong suddenly realized.

“Brother, can you perform super transformations now?”

Sun Wukong looked at Broly curiously and asked.

It is worth mentioning that Broly’s transformation is too complicated and general, so when Lin Tian taught it, he unified it like the ordinary Saiyan transformation.

From Super One, to Super Two, Super Three.

As for the words above the super three, Lin Tian has determined that the GT universe exists, and that world belongs to the parallel world of this main universe.

It’s just that in that world, there is no such thing as twelve universes, it’s simply a parallel universe world of the seventh universe.

If there is a GT world, it means that Super Four exists.

Super 4 should be the same level of power as Super Blue, so above Super Saiyan 3, there will be two choices.

One is to become a god, that is, to become a super Saiyan blue. If this power is the sublimation of the Saiyan bloodline, it can control the power of God and eventually transform into a god.

The Monkey King in the original book, Whis invited him to become the backup God of Destruction more than once, and obviously cultivated him to become a Super Saiyan Blue, in order to prepare for becoming a god in the future.

As for Super Four, it belongs to the deep development of Saiyan bloodline. This power is equally powerful, but it has no divinity.

But any power, when it is strong to a certain point, can actually be compared to the gods.

At that time, whether to choose the path of becoming a god or the path of blood will depend on the choices of Broly and Sun Wukong.

After the practice officially started, Lin Tian also taught the Jiuzhuan Yuan Gong to Sun Wukong.

Saiyans, who were originally bloodline against the sky, after cultivating the body-refinement magic from the prehistoric world, is it still worth it?

Under the investment of Lin Tian’s rare treasures regardless of the cost, the strength of the two kept rising.

However, because Broly is already very strong, his progress will be much more difficult, and Sun Wukong’s words, in the early stage, are the outbreak period.

Therefore, the strength is approaching Broly every day, but Broly doesn’t care, his character will not worry about being surpassed, because he is getting stronger every day and every moment, and there will always be an ordinary person one day. Unmatched height.

Time passed slowly, and it is worth mentioning that in the process of cultivation, Vegeta and other Saiyans came.

But when they came, everything changed.

Sun Wukong didn’t even appear, but Sun Wufan went.

One move, just an understatement, just wiped out Vegeta!

Lin Tian doesn’t hate Vegeta, but at least he won’t be pleasing to him before the early cleanup. Therefore, being killed by Sun Wufan, Lin Tian didn’t care.

Time goes by day by day, because Vegeta was directly killed in seconds, so Frieza will not know about Dragon Ball and Namek, so in the next few years, Sun Wukong and Broly have been practicing all the time. .

And Broly finally chose his own path, which is the path of bloodline evolution!He believed in his Chuanchao bloodline, so he finally chose to become a red-haired super-four! Instead of choosing to be a super-blue.

The normal combat power is comparable to Broly, the God of Destruction. If the super four stance is activated, it is estimated that the combat power can be proud of many Gods of Destruction!

It is estimated that Beerus, the strongest God of Destruction, may have the opportunity to fight Broly, but it is really hard to say who will win and who will lose in the end.

The transformation of a Super Saiyan is like a kind of bloodline talent in the cultivation of immortals or fantasy, and the transformation of each level will increase the strength differently.

Super One is fifty times the normal combat power!

Super two is a hundred times the normal combat power!

Super three is 400 times the normal combat power!

As for Super Four and Super Blue, although there is no clear data, it is certain that they are absolutely terrifying, and their increase should be a thousand times more than normal!

This is a thousand times the norm!

Of course, the stronger the strength, the greater the gap.

For example, the gap between Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian is not a thousand times, but tens of thousands or even more!

But even so, this means of increasing combat power is terrifying enough.

Broly chose the super four road, and if Sun Wukong chose, it was the super blue road, and it was also the road he took in the original work.

At the same time, when Sun Wukong achieved super blue, Beerus, who was sleeping on the planet of God of Destruction, suddenly opened his eyes.

He sat up and looked in a certain direction in the universe.


Beerus shouted.

Then a slender man appeared in front of him. This man was the angel Weiss and Bruce’s master.

The original author said that if Beerus’ combat power is ten! Then the Super Saiyan God, it is six! As for Beerus’ master Whis, it is guaranteed to be fifteen.

As you can see, the power gap is huge!

However, now that he is practicing the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, and he has also learned the super blue Sun Wukong, if he is full of fighting power, he is not the one in the original book.

After all, how can this world’s Ultimate Intentional Art be compared to the Nine Revolutions Yuangong of the Great Desolation? The Ultimate Intentional Art of Freedom is a method of using one’s strength to the extreme. In many cultivation methods in the world, it is the basic function. .

After all, as a top-level body training magic, if you can’t use your entire body’s strength perfectly, how can it be considered a top-level body training magic?

“Lord Beerus.

Whis said to Beerus with a smile.

“Quick, in that direction, I’m going in that direction!”

Beerus’ deep intuition told himself that as long as he went in that direction, he could find his opponent.

Although Whis was puzzled, he still used his means and flew out with Beerus directly, and then hurried away in the direction of the earth.

The angel’s means are still good. Although the universe is vast, it didn’t take much time for Weiss and the others to reach the earth.

“It’s here, it’s this planet.

Beerus became excited when he saw the planet below.

“Lord Beerus, will there be your opponent here?”

“Although he has a good and powerful aura, even stronger than Frieza, he is still a Saiyan, but he won’t be your opponent, right?”

What Whis sensed was naturally the aura of Son Gohan. His strength at this time was enough to kill Frieza in seconds, but in the eyes of Beerus and the others, he was still too weak.

As for the words of Sun Wukong and Broly, because they were by Lin Tian’s side, Beerus and Whis would naturally not be able to perceive them.

“I don’t know either, but I’m sure my gut tells me that there will be my opponent here.”

Beerus shook his head and said, and then looked at the planet below, and suddenly an energy bomb was condensed. If it fell, the entire earth could be turned into fly ash.

“Since he is on this planet, then I will destroy this planet, so he will come out?”

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Beerus and Whis. This figure was wearing an orange-yellow training suit and was looking at Beerus and Whis curiously.

“You are the God of Destruction and the Angel? Sure enough, you have an extremely powerful aura, and you are a good opponent.

This person is Monkey King, Lin Tian knew when Beerus and Whis flew towards the earth.

Therefore, Sun Wukong was ordered to come out and fight Beerus. After all, the true strength of the Saiyans is still reflected in the battle.

Only fighting can make Saiyans stronger and stronger. The so-called ten years of practice is not as good as a fight, so this battle is necessary.

And Broly’s opponent is Weiss, because Broly’s strength is far above Sun Wukong, and only Weiss is qualified to fight against him.

Broly’s figure appeared beside Sun Wukong, and he was holding a formation plate-like thing in his hand. What Lin Tian wanted was for them to fight, not to destroy the universe.

After all, after the Dragon Ball world is under his control, it will be his own world. If it is destroyed by this battle, then Lin Tian will not be distressed to death.


Broly threw out the formation plate, and then blocked the entire solar system space in an instant. This formation plate was an innate formation technique from the Great Desolation, and even if it was a battle of the powerful Jinxian level, it was impossible to destroy it.

And in this world, there is a person with that kind of fighting power, that is, the King of Quan, the great priest is first-class.

“This is?”

A gleam of light flashed in Weiss’ eyes, the angels in these twelve universes are almost omniscient. After all, they manage the God of Destruction, and it can be said that they have witnessed everything in the universe.

But the formation that Broly took out was something that even Weiss had never seen before.

“Come and fight!”

Sun Wukong looked at Beerus in front of him, and he didn’t bother to talk nonsense, and burst out with all his breath.

At this time, even in normal state, Sun Wukong is stronger than the super blue self in the original book, a proper God of Destruction level!

Destroying “God-level combat power, I didn’t expect that among the mere mortals, there really exists an existence that can rival the gods!”

Beerus said in amazement that although he had heard of a Jiren, he had only heard of it, but now he never expected that Sun Wukong would actually explode, comparable to the power of the God of Destruction.

What shocked Beerus even more was that Broly, who was beside him, also burst out with all his aura, and a powerful pressure far surpassing that of Sun Wukong swept towards Wes and Beerus in an instant.

“This is?”

Beerus’ pupils shrank. If Sun Wukong’s strength made him feel the pressure and excitement, Brolina’s strength made him feel trembling, just like he was fighting Wes, the feeling of being invincible .

“Your opponent is me.”

Broly looked at Wes and said solemnly.

Weiss did not speak, but secretly used the means of an angel to send a message for help. Because he didn’t know the identity of Broly and Sun Wukong had a purpose.

But such a powerful existence already possesses the capital to destroy the entire universe.Therefore, we must ask for help now. After all, we must consider that Sun Wukong and the others have partners! The strength of the two of them alone is indeed not weaker than that of Whis and Beerus.


The first to attack was Sun Wukong, he shouted loudly, and punched Beerus directly.


Beerus actually blocked it with just one finger.

“Not bad strength, even comparable to Xiangpa, but if it is only like this, it will not be my opponent.”

Sun Wukong smiled slightly, knowing that his biggest weakness was that when he first started fighting, he would not use his full strength.

For example, it means that there is a super three, but in many battles, he will only use super one, or even normal!

Only when you can’t really beat it, will you use your stronger power.

Therefore, Lin Tian specially educated him according to this point, so he saw that Sun Wukong, who was not his opponent in normal state, broke out his transformation directly and decisively!


The roar resounded throughout the universe and starry sky. It is worth mentioning that Saiyans cannot normally survive in the universe, except for Broly.

But they have all practiced the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, which is essentially the same as the gods, and can even live forever, so naturally they can survive in the universe.


The golden arrogance erupts! Super first appearance!

Fifty times the normal combat power made Beerus’s expression dignified, but it was still relaxed. After all, the fifty-fold increase in combat power was still a little worse for the strong.

But it’s not over yet! – The thunder circles around him, and then Sun Wukong’s breath rises again.

“Super two!

The Sun Wukong, who transformed into a super two, has directly reached a hundred times the normal combat power!

“Super three!”

But it’s not over yet, Sun Wukong directly transformed into a super three again! The combat power at this time is 400 times that of normal!

After arriving here, Beerus’ expression became completely solemn, and he really sensed it right. In Sun Wukong’s body, there was a fighting force that made him feel the pressure.

How could such a strong person ever appear in the seventh universe? It makes no sense that there is no information under their noses, right?

“not enough!

But what shocked Beerus was that Sun Wukong shouted loudly again, and he could still transform!


The blue arrogance instantly illuminated the entire universe starry sky, and then Sun Wukong’s breath directly changed to the extreme.

It was the breath of a god, like a god like Beerus.

“Super blue!

In this regard, Super Saiyan Blue appeared, which can also be called the Super Saiyan God!

At this moment, the strength of Sun Wukong’s breath has reached an extremely mysterious level, and he can’t perceive how powerful it is, but Beerus has become nervous.

He couldn’t remember how many years he had not been so nervous.Even in the face of other Gods of Destruction, he can deal with it lightly, or even defeat him.

But at this moment, facing the Monkey King in front of him, no matter how proud Beerus is, he would not dare to say that he can win.

On Broly’s side, it’s a lot easier!

The super changes were omitted directly, and with a loud roar, Chuan Chao’s blood aura erupted, and then a phantom of ape and monkey appeared behind him.

In the end, he turned into a red-haired super four!

The breath released by Broly, who achieved Red Hair Super Four at this time, far surpassed that of Sun Wukong, because his normal combat power was stronger than that of Sun Wukong.

After all, whether it is the transmission of super blood, or the cultivation time of Jiuzhuan Yuangong, Broly is above Sun Wukong.

Therefore, even if the super four has already super blue, the strength of the increase is similar, but the overall strength of Broly at this time is to be higher than that of Sun Wukong.

“It’s troublesome now.”

The calm smile that had always been on Wes’ face disappeared, because he could clearly perceive that whether it was Sun Wukong or Broly, the strength at this time was indeed not afraid of him and Beerus.

It’s even entirely possible that both he and Beerus will lose if they’re not careful.

And such a powerful existence, they have no news at all, they just want reinforcements to come quickly, otherwise, they are afraid that something big will happen.

After all, if the angel has already destroyed the god of destruction, then this seventh universe 977 universe is completely finished.

Just when the war started, Dragon Ball World, among the other eleven universes!

“What? Beerus and Whis attacked?

Xiangpa said in disbelief.

Although he ridiculed him every day, he recognized Beerus’ strength.

“Even Whis sent a message for help, indicating that the enemy that appeared, even Whis might not be an opponent.”

Bados said in a deep voice.

Whis “strength, even among the angels, is top-notch, at least the existence of the forefront.”

“With his strength, he must send out a distress message, indicating that the enemy this time is very terrifying.

“I’m going to worry about the God of Destruction and the angels in Universe 12, and go to Universe 7 together to try to kill the enemy.”

After Vados finished speaking, he directly issued a summoning order. For hundreds of millions of years, this was the first time that their major cosmic gods of destruction and angels had gathered together.

You must know that if it is not necessary, the God of Destruction and the angels cannot go to each other’s universe, that is, the Li Sheng universe like Pa and Beerus is special.

If they are going to rescue, they will naturally notify the Grand Priest.

King Quan doesn’t care about anything, the affairs of the twelve universes are basically managed by the great priest.

The great priest at this time is also very puzzled. He knows the identities of Sun Wukong and Broly. Although the potential is very terrifying, it will not be so powerful so quickly, right?

There must be a problem behind this, as long as the God of Destruction and the angels of the twelve universes arrive, they will surely know.

At the same time, in the seventh universe, the entire cosmos starry sky has become a battlefield.

The figures of Sun Wukong, Broly, and Beerus and Whis kept traversing the universe, the aftermath of the battle, if not for the formation released by Lin Tian, ​​it is estimated that the entire universe would have been destroyed.

“What the hell is this? It can shelter the entire universe in it.”

“But since they are protecting the universe, they should not be conspirators.”But what are their identities? With such a powerful strength, they shouldn’t be anonymous.”

Weiss thought to himself while fighting Broly.

At the same time, Lin Tian on Earth was drinking tea while watching the battle scene in the universe in front of him.

Around him are the warriors of the earth, and Bulma pours tea and water for Lin Tian.

“Okay, so powerful!

“Is this the strength of Goku now? I’m afraid that one punch can destroy the earth?”

“Beerus, the god of destruction, and the angel Weiss, the universe is boundless, and we who have been on the earth are the frogs in the well after all!”

They looked at the battle scenes in the universe and kept sighing.

Especially when Sun Wukong and Beerus punched each other, the silhouettes of the two flying backwards actually blew up all the lifeless planets in a galaxy, which made them even more shocked.

Destroying the planet and even destroying the universe at the click of a finger is what they are talking about, right?

However, the Dragon Ball world is special, with twelve universes, which shows that the strength of this universe is not very objective.

After all, if a Great Thousand Universe is to be destroyed, it must at least have the strength of a saint’s cultivation.

And with Beerus and the others’ strength, they can destroy the seventh universe, which means that the seventh universe should be at the level of a thousand universes in terms of strength.

A world of any level has a cosmic starry sky, and it is also a vast and boundless cosmic starry sky, but because of the different levels of the world, the strength of the universe is naturally different.

The Twelve Universes alone should not be very strong, but the entire Dragon Ball Universe is about a thousand-level in strength!

“is coming.”

Lin Tian said suddenly.

Bulma handed the peeled grapes to Lin Tian and asked curiously.

“What’s coming?

Lin Tian explained with a smile.

“The God of Destruction and the angels of the Twelve Universes are coming, and there may even be King Quan and the Grand Priest.

“After all, it can threaten the combat power of the angels. It must be investigated clearly, otherwise it will endanger the safety of the entire universe.”

“And this is also my purpose, to let Sun Wukong and Broly reach their full potential and see where their limits are.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, everyone suddenly realized.

“Master Dao, but no matter how powerful Wukong and Broly are, they should at most be comparable to the God of Destruction and Angel according to what you said.”

“The great priest above the angels and the King Quan, how could they be opponents?”

It was the Turtle Immortal who spoke, and Lin Tian explained the gods to them, so they knew what the existence of King Quan and the Great Priest was.

Saiyan “people are a race that can create miracles, and the fighting power they show does not represent their ultimate fighting power.

“In the face of the crisis of life and death, in the face of the absolute gap, they will explode with more powerful power, and this is the reason why I let them directly shoot Bilus and Wei.”

Listening to Lin Tian’s words, everyone suddenly realized.

And they are also a little worried, after all, that is the god of the whole universe!

Today, two mortals want to challenge all the gods of the Dragon Ball XII universe with their mortal bodies, something that has never happened in the past, will they succeed?

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