But now everything is different.

With Gu Daoyi here, if nothing unexpected happens, Emperor Void will definitely live out his third life.

Even the Dao injuries accumulated in his body will be repaired. After Gu Taichu and Gu Daoyi achieve Dao, Emperor Void can live out his fourth life on his own.

Several ancient emperors chatted enthusiastically, with Gu Daoyi only occasionally interrupting.

When the small talk was over, they began to discuss the Dao formally.

Starting with Emperor Void, he talked about his emperor's scripture"The Void Sutra" and his great Dao of the Void;

"The Great Dao becomes the void, the ancestor of all things, blending in with the light and dust, and lasting forever......"

Then there was Emperor Xuan. This demon emperor practiced the Dao of the sword. His imperial weapon was the Xuantian Sword and his imperial scripture was the Xuantian Scripture.

After that, there were Dao Zun Hengyu and Dao Zun Chiyan from the ancient times, then the Ancient Emperor Taiyi and the Ancient Emperor Yuhua from the ancient times, and then the Divine Emperor Leiyuan from the ancient times. The seven emperors each had their own specialties. They were close to or had reached the extreme in their respective fields. They had a very thorough understanding of the corresponding Dao. When they preached, every word was pearly and every sentence was vivid.

People with poor comprehension were like listening to a heavenly book, and they didn't understand what was being said.

People with average comprehension could understand the superficial aspects after the Heavenly Flower Golden Lotus entered their bodies.

People with better comprehension could understand a small part.

People with extremely good comprehension, such as the most outstanding people of the younger generation, could only comprehend a part of it, and it was very laborious.

They had to concentrate all their energy to comprehend it.

Even so, they were fascinated by what they heard, deeply immersed in it, and all the confusions in the past were suddenly cleared up at this moment. Some monks who were trapped in bottlenecks broke through their realms or comprehended their magical powers to a higher level.

Compared with those monks who were sweating profusely, frowning, and tired, Gu Daoyi's expression was indifferent, and the whole person was relaxed and comfortable, even a little leisurely.

No matter how profound and obscure the great way described by the emperors, Gu Daoyi could not be stumped. He didn't even have to frown.

Whenever the emperors started to preach, Gu Daoyi had already comprehended it, and even directly deduced and comprehended it to a deeper level.

In front of Gu Daoyi, who had an extraordinary understanding, these were all child's play!

For Gu Daoyi, comprehending the emperor scriptures, the supreme magic, and comprehending the way and creating the law alone was quite exhausting, but this moment was completely different.

These emperor-level masters preached to spread their own great Dao. The great Dao was profound and obscure. After they comprehended it, they spoke it out with their own understanding. That was much easier than directly comprehending the great Dao. Of course, if they fully accepted it, they might have a misunderstanding of the great Dao.

When they spoke, Gu Daoyi listened carefully and directly comprehended the wonderful Dao they described, which was equivalent to"feeding" him.

In Gu Daoyi's opinion, there was no difficulty at all.

The seven emperor-level masters were the seven emperor scriptures. Gu Daoyi found that the Gu family had all these emperor scriptures, but he had not had time to comprehend them. Only the Void Sutra was partially comprehended through the small Void Sutra he created.

But at this moment, he had a very deep understanding of the seven emperor scriptures, including the Void Sutra, the Xuantian Sutra, and the Leiyuan Shendao Sutra. It is no exaggeration to say that he had basically comprehended them.

It would take him two or three days to comprehend an emperor scripture by himself, but if someone gave him guidance, the speed of comprehension would be much faster, and if the person giving guidance was the founder of the technique, the speed of comprehension would increase a lot.

After listening to the lectures of the seven emperors, Gu Daoyi also comprehended the seven emperor scriptures and had a deep understanding of the seven great ways they practiced. He comprehended to a very high level.

There were infinite wonders in Gu Daoyi's mind and countless spiritual lights in his heart. He felt that he could enter the state of enlightenment at any time and create powerful supreme magic.

But Gu Daoyi suppressed it. It was not suitable to comprehend the Tao when discussing the Tao, and he did not want to comprehend the Tao and create a method for the time being.

Today's continuous enlightenment and creation of the Tao consumed a lot of Gu Daoyi's energy, and his accumulated foundation was also consumed a lot. Although it was compensated at this moment, and even the foundation was richer, he wanted to slow down.

When he comprehended all the emperor scriptures of the Gu family, he would then comprehend the Tao and create a method. With the accumulation of knowledge, he would be able to create a more powerful method.

At that time, he would not only create the immortal method prepared for the Void Emperor, but also his physique.

Gu Daoyi wanted to create his physique in one fell swoop, and then forge an invincible physique. This time he had some ideas in his mind and constructed the prototype of his physique.

After each of the strongest emperors gave a sermon, they would carefully observe Gu Daoyi to see how much he had comprehended. They did not listen to each other's sermons because they had already understood each other's sermons very well over the years.

Seeing that Gu Daoyi was always relaxed and indifferent, they were extremely shocked. But when they thought of Gu Daoyi's extraordinary comprehension, they felt relieved.

If they personally preached and Gu Daoyi still could not comprehend quickly, then his comprehension was not extraordinary.

When the Divine Emperor Lei Yuan finished preaching, he looked at Gu Daoyi, smiled and said,"Daoyi, we have all finished preaching, you can also preach."

""Okay." Gu Daoyi did not refuse.

"Daoyi listened to the ancient emperors' preaching and gained some insights, so he told the emperors about his insights."

After he finished speaking, Gu Daoyi began to preach.

He first talked about the Thunder Road of Emperor Leiyuan. Emperor Leiyuan listened with a smile on his face. He looked relaxed at first, but gradually became solemn, and finally became serious. The

Thunder Road described by Gu Daoyi was derived from his Thunder Road, but there were some differences, and these differences were the key to the Thunder Road.

After listening to Gu Daoyi's preaching, Emperor Leiyuan was shocked into silence. He found that the way he had proved was actually a little biased and lost its essence. No wonder his strength could not go further.

PS: There are still ten chapters today, and it is the third chapter at present. I will continue to update!

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