Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Gu Daoyi finally spoke, and was the first to speak.

"Daoyi has met the Great Emperor, and all the ancient Great Emperors."

Gu Daoyi first stood up, bowed respectfully for a round, and then sat down.

The powerful emperors were very satisfied with Gu Daoyi's performance.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Daoyi behaved maturely and steadily, with a broad mind and a big picture. He was not arrogant at all, and did not have the sharpness and passion of young people. Instead, he returned to his original nature, his heart of Taoism was as solid as a rock, and he was calm even if the heavens pressed down on him and the worlds collapsed. He did not look like a three-year-old child at all.

They also accepted the title of the Ancient Great Emperor, which was right.

In their respective eras, they were the Divine Emperor, the Ancient Emperor, and the Taoist Lord, but from the Middle Ages to the Golden Age today, the Emperor Realm was called the Great Emperor, and it was not wrong to say that they were the Ancient Great Emperor.


Emperor Void laughed heartily, and then said:"Daoyi, they are all our own people, there is no need to be so polite"

"My Gu family has produced such a banished immortal. God bless my Gu family."The Thunder Abyss God Emperor also laughed, and his laughter was like thunder, shaking the ancient and modern

"As long as Dao is here, the immortal glory of our Gu family is just around the corner, but the matter of protecting Dao depends entirely on you, Xukong."

Daoist Master Hengyu was also very excited, and said solemnly to Emperor Xukong.

Above his head, the Hengyu furnace burst into endless light, and the innate Xuanhuang mother energy gushed out, as if it was filled with a Xuanhuang world, with a terrifying power to overturn the heavens and the worlds.

The Void Mirror was ancient and vast, flowing with infinite Dao rules, extending to the end of the void, rising and falling in the heavens and the worlds, hanging high above the head of Emperor Xukong, he seemed to hold up the heavens and the worlds.

"Brother Hengyu, rest assured. Daoyi is my precious grandson. Even if I die, he will not die."The Void Emperor said so loudly, and his words have been spread from ancient times to the present.

Daozun Hengyu was the emperor of the Gu family in the ancient times. He was many generations higher than the Void Emperor, but at their level, they had already abandoned these empty formalities and addressed each other as peers.

Daozun Hengyu nodded slightly.

""Even if you want to die, Daoyi will not agree. Hahaha~" Leiyuan Divine Emperor's laughter rang out again.

Taiyi Ancient Emperor, Yuhua Ancient Emperor, Chiyan Daozun, Xuan Emperor and others all laughed.

With Gu Daoyi's means, he would definitely not let Emperor Xukong die like this. Even if Emperor Xukong's life span is not much, but Gu Daoyi's understanding is against the sky, he will definitely create a corresponding immortal method to let Emperor Xukong live another life.

All the strongest emperors believe this without a doubt, and Emperor Xukong also firmly believes this.

""Void, we envy you so much. It would be great if Daoyi was born in our era." The Ancient Emperor Yuhua sighed, his eyes full of envy.

The other ancient emperors nodded in agreement. They were trapped by their lifespans in the beginning. One hundred thousand years was too short. If they fought too many battles and accumulated Dao injuries in their bodies, they might not even live to the limit of one hundred thousand years.

Even if refining the elixir of immortality could allow them to live another life, a lifespan of one hundred or two hundred thousand years was still too short. The strongest people in the Emperor Realm all hoped to have a longer lifespan so that they could match their strength and status.

Unfortunately, this is too difficult!

Those who are strong enough can live out their third life by themselves, but it is almost impossible for them to live out their fourth life. If there is a supreme being like Gu Daoyi who has a supernatural comprehension, it is very likely that he can find a way to live forever for them, so that they can be immortal and not have to pursue the illusory immortality.

"This is also destiny."Void Emperor said so.

Other emperors did not refute it. It was true.

Void's life was about to end, and it was not even known whether he could successfully protect Gu Taichu, but he waited for Gu Dao to come to the world, which immediately brought endless hope.

The heaven-defying comprehension represents infinite possibilities!

Void Emperor did have some signs of destiny.

Because of frequent communication, they also had a better understanding of Void Emperor's situation. It was very difficult for Void Emperor to rely on himself to survive the third life.

It was because Void Emperor had conquered too many battles in his first and second lives. , fought with many emperor-level masters, and entered forbidden areas one after another, leaving many wounds in his body.

The Void Emperor is extremely powerful, and has reached the realm of the God Emperor. He suppressed and repaired his injuries and has been in peak condition, even his life span has been reduced.

But these wounds have not been fully recovered. If he wants to live a third life against the will of heaven, all the accumulated wounds will erupt. At that time, no matter how strong the Void Emperor is, it will be difficult to withstand it.

Another reason is Gu Taichu.

If the Void Emperor successfully lives a third life, he will have to practice from scratch, even if his practice speed is very fast. It is very fast, and it is unlikely that he will achieve enlightenment before Gu Taichu, and he will be attacked by various powerful enemies.

The White-robed Divine King Gu Taichu has cultivated to the peak of the Saint King Realm. It will take at least 500 years for him to achieve enlightenment and become an emperor.

If there is a great opportunity, Gu Taichu's cultivation speed will increase dramatically, and he will have the hope of achieving enlightenment within 500 years.

The Void Emperor is fighting for time. He wants to protect Gu Taichu's success in achieving enlightenment while he is alive. For this reason, he would rather give up living a third life.

The Void Emperor swept the world, and his strength was almost invincible in the world, but Therefore, many hatreds were forged.

Those great enemies did not dare to act rashly when he was alive, but once he died, they would definitely take action. Even if they did not dare to attack the ancient Gu family easily, Gu Taichu would definitely be brutally attacked and killed when he proved his Dao.

No matter in which era, it is extremely difficult to prove the Dao without someone to protect the Dao, because the number of thrones is limited, and other strong people will not willingly let you occupy the throne.

With Gu Taichu's strength, those competitors for the throne will naturally be able to sweep, but if the emperor of the restricted area or other emperors of the time attack and kill, it will be more dangerous than good.

PS: There are still ten updates today, and it is the second update at present, and I will continue to update!

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