
Su Ye asked Qu Hanlan and Lin Hong to leave.

He and the people from the special effects company began to discuss the special effects production of"Batman".

He wanted to confirm whether his special effects company could produce the effect he wanted.

After two years of development,

Pangu Special Effects has grown to a very large scale. The number of employees has reached more than 1,000. This is already a top special effects company for these domestic special effects companies. Therefore, for the filming of"Batman" this time, Su Ye plans to let his Pangu Special Effects Company be fully responsible for the special effects production of"Batman".

After listening to Su Ye's special effects requirements for the new film, Ma Hong carefully looked at the special effects renderings that Su Ye had drawn.

He discussed it with the team members and finally gave Su Ye a satisfactory answer:

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, we can definitely achieve the effect that Mr. Su wants,"

Su Ye heard this and couldn't help showing a hint of joy in his heart.

He was happy not because he could save more than a billion in special effects costs, but because the technical reserves of Pangu Special Effects Company already had great commercial value.


The next movie Su Ye is going to shoot is Batman, and he is going to shoot the Dark Trilogy together.

The initial budget for the trilogy is 3 billion.


In the evening,

Su Ye returned to Liu Shishi's apartment.

Liu Shishi, wearing Victoria's Secret, squatted under the table and chatted with 22. Su Ye was writing the script for the Batman trilogy on his laptop. Liu Shishi said to 22:

"Are you going to make a movie next?" Su Ye answered while typing quickly :

"Well, Yang Mi has always wanted me to make a movie for her."

"I promised her a long time ago."

"But I was delayed by various things."

"No time to shoot."

"This year I am ready to fulfill my promise"


Liu Shishi agreed awkwardly, with a tone that was vaguely a little disappointed.


Su Ye said he would write a script for her, and she thought that the script Su Ye was writing now was prepared for her.


Su Ye naturally sensed the disappointment in Liu Shishi's tone.

He stopped typing, pinched Liu Shishi's little face, and comforted her:

"I promised you the script."

"I will definitely write to you."

"But if you want me to direct it myself,"

"I'll have to wait for a while."

"Of course, if you don't mind letting someone else direct,"

"I can write a script for you right now." Liu Shishi was delighted when she saw Su Ye remembered the script. She said happily:

"I want my dad to direct it himself, I can wait."

Because of her good mood,

Liu Shishi's chatter became cheerful.

Seeing that Liu Shishi was happy, Su Ye immediately continued to write the script of"Batman".

He casually asked Liu Shishi:

"Do you want to play a role in Batman?"

Liu Shishi was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

She was moved because this was Su Ye's movie.

It was destined to be a hit.

She was hesitant because Yang Mi was the protagonist of this movie. She and Yang Mi were good friends before , but later they fell out over resources and stopped communicating. If she were to film with Yang Mi, they would see each other all the time. It would definitely be awkward. In addition, they both had this kind of relationship with Su Ye. It was even more awkward. However, it would be a pity to give up this opportunity. Liu Shishi was hesitant, and she said to Brother Kun:

"What do you think?"

Su Ye continued:

"This Batman movie was a big investment."

"The initial budget is 3 billion"

"If you act, there are still some benefits."

""Hiss, three billion?"

Liu Shishi was shocked.

"Isn’t this too exaggerated?

"Can it pay back?"

Even for Su Ye, Liu Shishi didn't think it would pay back with such a large investment. Su Ye comforted her:

"Don't be too surprised."

"《There are three Batman movies in total."

"Three billion is the total investment of the three films."

"On average, each movie only costs 1 billion."

"It's easy to get back the investment."Only after learning that three movies were to be made did Liu Shishi feel a little relieved.

However, a movie with an investment of 1 billion is still very exaggerated in China.

Even in Hollywood, it can be considered a big investment.

Previously, Chen Ge's"Meow Demon Legend" was said to have invested 1.

3 billion.

In fact, 1 billion of it was used to build a Tang Dynasty Film and Television City.

This was also invested and built by the local government.

Therefore, the actual investment of"Meow Demon Legend" is actually only 300 million.

From this, we can see how big an investment of 1 billion is.

While being shocked, Liu Shishi also felt a little envious.

Su Ye was willing to invest 3 billion to make three movies for Yang Mi.

This is really spoiling her!

I also want to be spoiled like this.

Liu Shishi was thinking in her mind, but she didn't hesitate.

She said:

"Husband, please leave a role for me."

Such a big movie, of course, can't be missed.

As for meeting Yang Mi, it would be embarrassing, how much is embarrassment worth!

"You have to call me daddy," Su Ye reminded him.

Liu Shishi followed suit:

""Papa," a big mouthful


I choked

"Ding-ling-ling," just at this moment,

Su Ye's phone rang.

Su Ye stopped typing, took the phone and saw that it was Yang Mi calling.

Su Ye answered the call,

"Aunt Yang, why did you think of calling me?"

Liu Shishi pouted and blinked her bright eyes.

She didn't know who the"Aunt Yang" Su Ye was talking about was.

A slightly excited voice came from the phone:

"I heard that you are going to shoot a new movie?"

Why does this voice sound so familiar?

Isn't this Yang Mi?

Liu Shishi was a little dizzy.

She didn't expect that

Su Ye would call Yang Mi"Auntie".

It's quite a trick!


Seeing that Liu Shishi was in a daze, Su Ye immediately asked Brother Kun to hit Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi came back to his senses and continued.

Su Ye then replied to Yang Mi:

"You are well-informed,"

Yang Mi said proudly:

"Of course,"

"My spies are everywhere in the company."

"You fart in the company."

"I know what it tastes like."

Liu Shishi looked a little embarrassed.

This Yang Mi has too strong a taste.

Su Ye:

"Next time you want to know what my farts smell like,"

"You just say it directly."

"No need to ask others,"

Yang Mi:

"screw you,"

"I won’t say that."

Su Ye:

"If you don’t say it, I’ll let others say it."

Yang Mi:

"It's up to you. You know how broad-minded I am."

Su Ye really knew.

Liu Shishi also knew

"You called me, not to show off your generosity, right?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yang Mi:

"Of course not."

"I want to ask you,"

"Who are you going to cast in this new film?"

Su Ye held the phone in one hand and

Xue Zi in the other, and said:

"Find someone who is willing to speak to star in the film,"

Yang Mi:"……"

Liu Shishi:"……"


Su Ye felt something, and he immediately realized that

Liu Shishi was saying



Yang Mi suddenly laughed triumphantly on the phone:

"You don't have to keep me in suspense."

"I've heard that."

"You asked Qu Hanlan to design the movie costumes,"

"This is the Batman costume I wore in"Captain China" last time."

"Humph, this movie of yours was clearly made for me."

Su Ye crossed his legs:

"Since you know it, why are you asking?"

Yang Mi smiled and said:

"I want to hear you say it yourself,"

Su Ye:


Or you should say it yourself.


"I'll tell you slowly next time,"

Su Ye:

""Tell me how to say it in detail,"

Yang Mi immediately began to speak slowly, and

Liu Shishi listened and learned silently.


After five days of hard work,


Ye finally finished writing the script for the Batman trilogy. He also drew the storyboards.

《Many plots in the original Batman had to be changed accordingly, so Su Ye took so long to write the script.


After Su Ye finished writing the script, he asked He Li to report to the Film Bureau.

Su Ye continued to prepare for the various preparations before filming.

《Shortly after Batman was reported to the Film Bureau, news reports about Batman appeared on the Internet, and then instantly became a hot search on the entire Internet.

It caused a carnival for countless fans

"Holy shit, Master Su is finally going to make a new movie!"

"Oh my god, so exciting."

"《Batman", isn't this the character that appeared in"Captain China", played by Yang Mi, so sexy,"

"Woohoo, Master Su finally started to fill the hole!"

"《There is also an introduction to"Batman" in the derivative comics of"Captain China". The setting is very awesome, and the key is, it's very sexy!"

"So, Batman is a superhero movie like Captain China? Oh my god, I'm so looking forward to it!"

"This is the best news I have heard since the beginning of the year!"

"I hope Batman can be as good as Captain China and sell well all over the world."

"I hope Batman will be released soon."


Not only domestic fans were so excited that they danced with joy, but even some foreign fans and media also paid attention to the news of"Batman".

It caused a small-scale report and heated discussion abroad.

Because Su Ye has set up Batman in the comics of"Captain Huaguo" and"King Kong".

In addition, he also let Captain Huaguo, King Kong, and the heroine Alice of"King Kong" interact with Batman.

(The Hulk, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Venom, Superman...

have also appeared in the comics).

In the comics, Su Ye boasted about"Batman".

He focused on introducing Batman's"money ability", his pursuit of justice, and his insistence on"not killing".

He is very charismatic.

In short, this is a comic character who has not appeared much, but has a certain popularity.

The comics of"Captain Huaguo" and"King Kong" have very high sales around the world.

Today, both comics have been published to the third volume, and the cumulative global sales have reached 100 million copies.

It is currently the second most popular comic in the world.

So, when the news came out that a popular character in the comics would be filmed in his own movie,

《The fans of Captain China and King Kong around the world will naturally pay attention to this and look forward to it.

It can be said that

《Batman has not even started filming yet, but it has already stood on the shoulders of giants


Because of the attention and reports of foreign movie fans on"Batman", the domestic media, which likes to flatter foreign media, pay more attention to the news related to"Batman".

As a result, the popularity of"Batman" has reached a terrifying height.

It can be said that this is the movie that Su Ye has shot, and it has received the most attention before the shooting.


After Su Ye's new film"Batman" was exposed by the media,

Su Ye asked his subordinates to set up the official Weibo, Facebook, Twitter and Douyin accounts of"Batman".

Then, Su Ye immediately released a blockbuster news on the official account of"Batman":

"《There are three Batman movies in total."

"I'm going to shoot three films in a row."

"The total investment is 3 billion."

"Please stay tuned,"

Japan and Europe!

As soon as this news came out,

"Batman" once again became the hot search headline of the entire network.

Countless media, netizens, and film and television companies in the circle were shocked by Su Ye's big hand.

"My, a total investment of 3 billion? Is Su Ye going crazy?"

"Can such a large investment recover the cost?"

"It’s even higher than the cost of"King Kong". This is definitely the largest film investment in the country!"

"Only Su Ye can do this. It's so shocking!"

"Three films were shot in a row. It seems that Su Ye attaches great importance to this movie!"

"I'm looking forward to Batman even more!"

"I wonder who will be starring in"Batman"?"

"I wonder if Yang Mi will play Batman?"

"With such a huge investment and three consecutive shots, it would be funny if"Batman" flopped!"

"You are the one who failed, and your whole family has failed!"


Compared to netizens who are just there to watch the fun, the attitude of major domestic film and television companies towards"Batman" is as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

Because, with the extremely high popularity and huge investment scale of"Batman", plus, the director of this play is the"box office legend" Su Ye.

After its release, it will surely kill all who stand in its way and sweep away everything.

The movies released at the same time will naturally be seriously affected.

Therefore, many film and television companies are naturally worried.

They are afraid of colliding with Su Ye's movie.

From this moment on, major domestic film and television companies began to send people to keep a close eye on the filming progress of"Batman".

They plan to wait until"Batman" is released so that they can adjust the release time of their own company's movies.


Domestic actors and stars all took action at this moment. Those who had Su Ye's contact information began to contact Su Ye. They asked Su Ye if there were any suitable roles for them in"Batman". As long as they could play the role, they would not be paid. Those who did not have Su Ye's contact information contacted Su Ye's studio and expressed their desire to participate in Su Ye's new film.


There are also various investors who have taken action.

Everyone waved their money, trying to invest in"Batman".

Of course,

Su Ye still followed the old rules and rejected all the investments.

Su Ye now has his own theater chain, and he has Jing Tian to say hello to him, so he is not afraid of offending these investors.

If anyone wants to do something bad to him, his"Notes of the Dead" is not a decoration.


Su Ye ignored the disturbances in the outside world.

At this moment, he and Yang Mi were in Qu Hanlan's clothing design studio, inspecting the bat suit that Su Ye had asked Qu Hanlan to design.

Qu Hanlan pointed at the bat suit on the model and introduced it to Su Ye:

"This set of clothes was developed by me using the latest research from abroad."


A material called ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber, and".

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