Chapter 187: Modern Lao Ai, I Kneel


Su Ye thought for a moment, and then he walked out and took out his phone from Cheng Hong's Hermes bag worth millions. He looked at the screen of his Apple phone. The incoming call number showed the word"husband". Su Ye took the phone and came behind Cheng Hong, and said to Cheng Hong:

"Your husband called."

"I answered it for you."


Cheng Hong shook her head quickly, her voice somewhat frightened.

"Don't answer it, I'm afraid of being exposed."


Su Ye hissed:

"Don't talk, I'll answer it."

Chen Hong's hands were tied, so he had no choice but to hold his breath.

Su Ye answered the call.

""Hello, wife, are you not done with your work yet?"

Chen Ge's voice rang out on the phone.

Cheng Hong tried his best to control his voice:

"Not yet. It's a little late today."

"I may not go back."

Chen Ge said sympathetically:

"It's okay, take your time and don't work too hard."

Chenhong said automatically, no, moved:

"I see"

"What's the matter with your husband calling?"

Chen Ge said happily:

"I have good news for you."

"Our movie"The Legend of the Cat Demon" won three awards this time,"

Su Ye slapped him, and

Cheng Hong said perfunctorily:

"Really? That's great."

Chen Ge's voice couldn't hide his excitement.

He shared his joy with Chen Hong.

"They are Best Visual Effects, Best Photography, and Best Supporting Actress."

"do you know?"

"Su Ye's movie,"

"Didn't get any awards."

"I accompanied him throughout the whole journey."


Cheng Hong closed his mouth tightly, and didn't hear clearly what Chen Ge said.

Chen Ge talked to himself for a long time, and suddenly, he found that Cheng Hong had not spoken except for humming twice, so he couldn't help but ask:

"Wife, are you listening?"

Cheng Hong said quickly:


Chen Ge

"Why don't you speak?"

Cheng Hong thought of an excuse without thinking:

"I just finished exercising."

"Now, I am ready to wash the dates."

"It’s a bit inconvenient."

Chen Ge’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Can you take a picture of me now?"

Orange refused:


Chen Ge pleaded:

"Let's take a picture."

"Just one,"


"If there is nothing else, I will hang up. I am ready to let you go." Chen Ge felt very regretful when he saw that Cheng Hong did not agree.

"Oh well,"

"Wife, you should go to bed early,"


""Well," after hanging up the phone,

390 Orange finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She did not listen to Chen Ge's words and rest early.

After all, there was too much knowledge to learn.


The next day.

When Cheng Hong woke up, it was already afternoon. Su Ye was no longer in the presidential suite. Cheng Hong took out her phone and was about to check the time. She then discovered that there was an unread message from Su Ye on her phone.

"Auntie, I have something to do and I'm leaving first."

"Seeing that you are still resting, I did not disturb you."

Seeing Su Ye's message,

Cheng Hong couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on her face. Although she was with Su Ye for only one day and thirty minutes.

However, she felt that the happiness she gained in this one day and thirty minutes.

was much more than all the happiness in her first half of life.

Last time at the charity dinner, Cheng Hong already felt that Su Ye was very powerful.

Chen Ge was far behind.

But until now, Cheng Hong realized that she had greatly underestimated Su Ye's strength.

Just like what netizens said, Su Ye is not a human, he is a god!

Cheng Hong never thought that a person's strength could be so terrifying.

She began to believe that perhaps, in history, the story of Lao Ai was true.

Because, what Lao Ai could do, Su Ye could really do.

And what Su Ye could do, Lao Ai might not be able to do.


Thinking of Su Ye,

Cheng Hong felt full of happiness.

She suddenly found that she seemed to really fall in love with Su Ye.

Unfortunately, if I could be 20 years younger,

I would definitely become Mrs. Su.


As Cheng Hong thought about it, he slowly moved towards the bathroom in a crab-like manner. Sitting on the toilet, Cheng Hong found that his constipation was gone. It was just that his stool was not in shape.


Su Ye spent the whole day at Huanrui Media's headquarters office dealing with work matters.

After wasting so much time, it's time to focus on his work.

《Wang Yong, the deputy director of"Wulin Wai Zhuan",

Ling Shuang, the editor-in-chief of Huanrui Media's screenwriting team, and Jiang Zhengyang, the director of Huanrui Media's creative department, were all in Su Ye's office at the moment.

They were reporting their respective work to Su Ye.

Jiang Zhengyang took out a folder, handed it to Su Ye, and said respectfully:

"Mr. Su, this is according to the plan you proposed."

"The plot of the variety show"Wulin Wai Zhuan" designed by"

"Please take a look and see if there is any room for improvement."

Su Ye took the plan and read it.

This plan basically meets Su Ye's requirements.

《The variety show"Wulin Wai Zhuan" will have the original cast of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" as regular guests, and each episode will invite several celebrity guests to Tongfu Inn to experience ancient life. For the general process of the program,

Su Ye referred to the plots of variety shows such as Mushroom House, Chinese Restaurant, and Go Fighting.

In the program, there are both warm plots of experiencing being a worker in ancient times at Tongfu Inn, as well as real-life script killings, or thrilling plots such as detective stories.

The entire Wulin Wai Zhuan Ancient Town will be used as the filming location for the variety show.

When the show is broadcast, it is bound to drive another wave of tourism popularity in the ancient town.


After Su Ye read the creative content of the variety show"Wulin Wai Zhuan", he pointed out several areas that needed improvement to Jiang Zhengyang, and then turned his attention to the editor-in-chief of the editorial team - Ling Shuang.

"How is the script writing for the second season of the TV series"Wulin Wai Zhuan" going?"

Ling Shuang took out a document and handed it to Su Ye while answering:

"Mr. Su asked me to recruit 20 online writers."

"After several months of writing and revising,"

"I picked out sixty episodes of scripts that I thought were okay."

"Mr. Su, please take a look at it."

Su Ye plans to release a season of the TV series"Wulin Wai Zhuan" every year.

This is a long-term and large project.

Su Ye alone cannot do it.

After all, Su Ye also has to make movies and spend time with his girlfriend.

He naturally cannot waste all his time on"Wulin Wai Zhuan".


Su Ye asked the company's screenwriter team to recruit a total of 20 online writers and professional screenwriters.

Let these people create the scripts for the second season, the third season, etc. according to the style of the first season of"Wulin Wai Zhuan".

During the creation period, if there are incompetent writers or screenwriters, they will be directly eliminated, and then new writers and screenwriters will be recruited.

In this way, the quality of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" can be guaranteed.

With so many people working together,

Su Ye believes that

《The quality of the sequel to"Wulin Wai Zhuan" should not decline, and even if it does, it should not decline too much.


Su Ye opened the script of the second season of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" and started reading. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He was surprised to find that

《The script for the second season of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" was surprisingly good, with many plots that made people feel warm and laugh.

It seemed that his decision to recruit dozens of writers was completely correct.

Su Ye roughly read the script and praised Ling Shuang:

"Very well written."

"After the TV series is broadcast in the future,"


I will distribute profits to all the writers of"Wulin Wai Zhuan".

"Thank you Mr. Su"


Su Ye looked at Wang Yong again:

"In the future, the variety show and TV series of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" will be"

"I'll leave it to you to direct."

"Do you have the confidence to do a good job?"

Wang Yong is Su Ye's assistant director for"Wulin Wai Zhuan".

He has another identity.

On Earth, he is the director of"Dragon Gate Escort".

This is why Su Ye asked Wang Yong to be the assistant director.


Wang Yong was called to the company by Su Ye today, but he was actually a little confused.

He didn't know why Su Ye asked him to come.

When he saw Ning Shuang and Jiang Zhengyang, he thought Su Ye was going to start filming"Wulin Wai Zhuan".

He let him continue to be the assistant director.

At this moment,

Wang Yong learned that Su Ye was actually going to let him go and let him be responsible for directing the variety show and TV series sequel of"Wulin Wai Zhuan". He suddenly felt ecstatic as if he had been hit by a huge prize.

He nodded quickly and said:

"Thank you Mr. Su for your trust."

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. I will definitely make"Wulin Wai Zhuan" a good movie."

"Don’t let President Su down,"

Su Ye nodded:

"Since I chose you to direct"Wulin Wai Zhuan"》,"

"I definitely believe in your ability.……"


Su Ye told the three people about the precautions of"Wulin Wai Zhuan" and asked them to leave the office.


After the three left, the office assistant came in again and reported to Su Ye:

"Mr. Su, from Pangu Special Effects Company,"

"and several fashion designers from the fashion design studio that cooperates with the company,"

"There is also the head of the company's props team,"

"I've been waiting in the conference room for a long time."

"I wonder when President Su will have time to meet them?"

Su Ye stood up and said:

"I'll go right away."

Led by a female assistant in a dolphin skirt, black stockings, and high heels,

Su Ye came to the meeting room.


There were more than a dozen men and women sitting in the meeting room. When they saw Su Ye coming in, they all stood up involuntarily.

Among them, a fat middle-aged man with messy hair and black-framed glasses, a middle-aged beautiful woman with noble temperament and fashionable dress, and a strong middle-aged man with a beard greeted Su Ye one after another.

"Mr. Su,"

"Hello, Mr. Su," the middle-aged man in the black frame is named Ma Hong, the technical director of Pangu Special Effects Company founded by Su Ye.


The middle-aged beauty is the director of a well-known domestic fashion design company, named Qu Hanlan.

This design company has a cooperative relationship with Huanrui Media.

The costumes in the TV series under Huanrui Media are basically designed by this fashion design company, and they also send designers to serve as costume designers for the TV series.


As for the middle-aged bearded man, his name is Lin Hong, and he is the head of the props department of Huanrui Media.


Su Ye shook hands with the two directors and the prop master respectively, and then asked everyone to sit down.

Su Ye took out a few manuscripts, handed them to Qu Hanlan, and said:

"Mr. Qu, this set of clothes in the manuscript,"

"Please make me a few sets as soon as possible."

"It must be breathable and stretchable."

"Like ordinary clothes,"

""Perform various martial arts moves,"

Qu Hanlan glanced at the costumes on the manuscript.

A black bat-style cape, plus a black tight leather jacket, but it is different from ordinary tight leather jackets, it looks more sexy.

More mysterious, and full of domineering. This costume is very similar to the bat leather jacket worn by Yang Mi in the movie"Captain China" , but the details are more exquisite. Qu Hanlan looked at the manuscript and frowned:

"There is a manuscript provided by Mr. Su."

"It is not difficult to design the style of clothes."

"However, this leather jacket looks quite heavy."

"Such a heavy leather coat is wrapped tightly around the body,"

"If you want to perform various martial arts moves like wearing ordinary clothes,"

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult,"

Su Ye said calmly:

"If there are difficulties, find a way."

"Through special design,"

"Or you can use special fabrics."

"Price is not a problem."

Faced with such a generous party A,

Qu Hanlan knelt down.

"OK, I'll find a way."


Su Ye took out a few more hand-painted pictures and handed them to the prop master:

"Contact the car factory and give me the design according to the manuscript."

"Build three sports cars and a motorcycle.

The prop master looked at the sports car and motorcycle designs on the manuscript, and only one word appeared in his mind.

""Cool," the sports car and motorcycle designs in Su Ye's manuscript are naturally designed according to Batman's Batmobile and Batbike.

They look very domineering.


Su Ye reminded the prop master:

"The various functions requested in my manuscript,"

"Both the Batmobile and the Batmobile must have this feature."

The prop master looked at the manuscript and said hesitantly:

"If it is built completely according to the design requirements,"

"The cost must be very expensive,"

Su Ye said calmly:

"The cost is less than 100 million, you decide directly."

"If it's over 100 million, tell me."

Hearing this, Lin Hong also knelt down.

He shouted in his heart:




Su Ye reminded Lin Hong:

"When you contact a car manufacturer,"

"tell them,"

"I'm about to shoot a new movie."

"The Batmobile and Batbike appear very frequently."

"Also, this movie is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower."

"The initial budget is 3 billion Chinese dollars……"


After hearing Su Ye talk about the budget, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but take a deep breath. Although the budget of 3 billion is for three movies, it is too much!

At present, there is no film and television company in the country that dares to spend so much money to shoot a movie.

After all, an investment of 3 billion must have a box office of 9 billion to make a profit.

This is just to make a profit.

If you want to make money, you must get a higher box office.

In the whole of China, only Su Ye has this courage.

Everyone finally understood why Su Ye had such high requirements for costumes and chariots. Everyone couldn't imagine how shocking a movie shot with a cost of 3 billion would be.


Su Ye ignored everyone's shock and continued to say to Lin Hong;

"I will make this movie into a series like"Captain of China"."

"By then, comics, animations, and movies will be released one after another."

"If any car manufacturer can provide the most favorable price,"

"Designed the Batmobile and the Batbike for us,"

"I will let their car logo appear in the movie."

Lin Hong suppressed his shock and nodded.

"I understand what Mr. Su means."

"I will negotiate with these car manufacturers."

"Strive for the best price,"

"Let them build us the Batmobile and the Batbike"

I love you: I love you

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