After the little Loli dived into the water lightly, like a precision-guided missile, she quickly and accurately locked onto the hidden figure of Chen Yu.


Chen Yu couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and secretly exclaimed: This little loli has such a strong positioning ability!

At this time, the little Loli has already reached the level of a zombie, and there is no pressure even if she submerges underwater for a long time without breathing.

So the little Loli never surfaced.

On the other side, Chen Yu was sitting leisurely on a comfortable chair.

Stretch your limbs into a loose"big" shape and enjoy the warm and pleasant hot springs.......

Of course, there is also a little loli under the water...

In the crowd, Dr. Li, wearing a milky white bikini, came forward, took out a needle and said:"Brother Yu, this shot is the zombie virus immunity potion I developed. , can resist corpse poison at the corpse level."

After hearing this, Jiang Xueer couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Well done, Coco! This way we ordinary people will not be afraid of being infected.

Chen Yu also patted Dr. Li on the shoulder and said with a smile:"As expected of Dr. Li, he is really thoughtful!""

"Hehe, of course."While Dr. Li was speaking, he had already injected the medicine into Chen Yu.

It's not that Chen Yu was immune to the zombie-level virus.

It was actually that he was afraid of letting Jiang Xueer and other ordinary people be infected with the corpse poison.

After injecting the medicine, Chen Yu fell out of his arms. He took out a large number of crystals.

Some of these crystals were left behind, and some were obtained from the mysterious center of the earth. The environment in the center of the earth is extremely beneficial to the growth of low-level zombies.

Most of the zombies are above the zombie level, and even crystals of the zombie emperor level are common.

Chen Yu was bathing in the hot spring, feeling very happy while he was chatting with the girls leisurely, relaxing and greedy.

After several days and nights of fighting... Bah! After absorbing a large number of crystals, Chen Yu finally succeeded in reaching the ninth level. Suddenly , a powerful force emerged from Chen. Yu's body spurted out, quickly flooding the entire hot spring like a huge surging wave.

"What happened??" Gilora felt this power and shouted in astonishment.

After Hongyi looked around, he finally fixed his gaze on Chen Yu.

" Could it be that the master has been promoted to level nine??" she murmured to herself.

Others also followed Hong Yi's gaze.

Sure enough!

Chen Yu's strength has been raised to the ninth level!

Everyone was stunned and stood there in disbelief, sharing this with others

" The master actually reached level nine?! How is this possible?……"

" It’s indeed the ninth level! You know, it’s very difficult to find an eighth-level alien in the entire Blue Star, let alone a ninth-level alien......."

" Moreover, Brother Yu’s level 9 is definitely not an ordinary level 9. I think he was already invincible when he was only level 8."

"Oh my god, the gap between me and Brother Yu is really huge. I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with him in my lifetime."

Just when the girls were full of admiration for Chen Yu, Chen Yu's eyelids trembled slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

After completing the upgrade, Chen Yu could clearly feel a powerful force surging within his body.

This power is more powerful and pure than before.

He could already foresee that his current full-strength strike could easily blow up a building.

Chen Yu couldn't wait to lead the women and stepped onto a high mountain in a different world.

At this moment, the sky in the other world is exceptionally blue, the sun is shining brightly, and the breeze is gentle, making people feel relaxed and happy.

After Chen Yu took a deep breath, he stretched out his right hand and gently threw a huge thunder and lightning forward.

Only the sound of"ZZZZI" was heard, and thunder and lightning rushed past like silver snakes, leaving almost no grass growing in the place they passed.

Even the surface of the rock, which was as hard as iron, seemed to have been split open by a giant axe, with cracks of varying depths appearing, densely covered like a spider web.

However, facing such a shocking sight, Chen Yu just shook his head slightly and sighed softly.

"The power of lightning that is 10% powerful is still too small......."

With a thought in Chen Yu's mind, he slowly took out the black sword.

He held the hilt of the sword tightly, took a deep breath, and suddenly swung the sword forward with force.

In an instant, there was only an earth-shaking loud noise - as deafening as thunder.——"boom!"

With this loud noise, a huge and majestic thunder dragon suddenly appeared.

It opened its bloody mouth, waved its sharp claws, roared and galloped forward.

In an instant, the entire mountain on the opposite side was covered. The top of the mountain seemed to be ignited, and blazing flames rose into the sky. The fire spread quickly, and the trees on the mountain were burned to ashes in an instant. Fortunately, Chen Yu owned it.

The ability to control the rules of the entire other world.

He raised his lips slightly and casually raised his fingers, and the flames raging on the mountain were immediately extinguished, as if they had never existed before.

Chen Yu turned to the women behind him and said,"You guys." Let’s live in my other world for now. After all, time here can be slowed down by up to 500 times, which is very helpful for you to upgrade or practice using the ring. Especially Xinrou."

While speaking, Chen Yu looked at Su Xinrou, whose belly was slightly bulging.

She was pregnant with another crystal.

The girls knew that they could not help Chen Yu outside, so they chose to improve themselves in another world.

Of course, Chen Yu Yu was not idle, and directly divided into many clones.

Some clones went to the center of the earth to help Labu Duo and others eliminate other secrets, and some clones brought a lot of high-level zombie crystals.���and others to continue collecting crystals in other countries.

Some clones also helped Wang Haijing build many missile launch bases in Daxia.

As for Chen Yu's original body?

He often takes the girls into another world to discuss life events.

All day long, he either practices yoga with this beauty or learns knowledge from that beautiful woman. His life is so nourishing!

The life of a strong man is often so plain and boring.

However, there is one thing that has been hanging in Chen Yu's mind.

What kind of existence is that guy called the Master of Tricks?

Chen Yu has a hunch that one day it will wake up in the endless abyss.

Maybe at that time, Blue Star will encounter a real disaster.

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