Chen Yu looked at everyone and said calmly:"What is the purpose of you doing this?"

Chen Yu did not believe that these people would willingly give up their land.

They must want something. really.

Seeing that the time was right, the Korean man hurriedly said:"Mr. Chen, let me tell you straight.

In fact, we have known through satellites that someone has destroyed the island country and the United States one after another. Later, after many inquiries, we found out that it was you.

Our only purpose of coming here is One is to divide our territory into Daxia as a vassal state of Daxia.

Of course, we will follow the ancient tribute system of Daxia and pay tribute to Daxia every year."

After saying this, the Korean man also revealed. A flattering expression on his face.

That way, it's like a subordinate giving a gift to a leader for fear of being rejected by the leader.

Chen Yu did not speak, but glanced at the other battleships around him.

Indeed, as the Korean man said, all the warships were not loaded with ammunition.

Moreover, the battleship contains a lot of food, medicine, etc. These materials are very precious in the end of the world, which is enough to show the sincerity of these countries.

However, these supplies were not worth mentioning to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was not interested in these supplies.

However, he did not reject these people directly.

Maybe one day they will be able to send something useful to them.

Chen Yu thought for a moment and released Wang Haijing directly from the other world.

Wang Haijing saw the people in front of her and said in surprise:"Brother Yu, what's going on?"

Chen Yu explained:"These are the heads of some countries. They plan to make their countries a vassal state of Daxia."

Wang Haijing After hearing this, I couldn't help but blurt out:"These foreign devils are going to play 'All Nations Come to Korea' with us? It's really interesting."……"

All nations come to court?

There seems to be some meaning in it.

In order to protect themselves, weak countries have no choice but to pay tribute to strong countries.

Just like the ancient Bactria, it would accept tribute from vassal and Rongdi leaders from various places every year.

This also reflects the loyalty and respect of all ethnic groups to the central dynasty.

However, Chen Yu didn't want to waste energy on these things.

Wouldn't it be nice to chat with the girls in the hot springs every day?

Why do you have to get yourself into so much trouble?

So she said to Wang Haijing:"Haijing, I'll leave this matter to you."

Wang Haijing nodded:"Don't worry, Brother Yu, I will definitely handle this matter.""

"good."Chen Yu thought for a while, then took out another magnetic ring and said,"This is a magnetic ring made by people from the center of the earth, for you to use for self-defense."

Now, Wang Haijing can be regarded as his woman and subordinate in a sense, so it is understandable to give her some life-saving means.

Then, Chen Yu told Wang Haijing how to use the magnetic ring.

Wang Haijing looked at the completely black ring with doubt. The ring, muttering to himself:"Is this thing really that powerful?"

After groping for a while according to Chen Yu's method, Wang Haijing moved her fingers towards the foreign leaders.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

I saw all the pistols worn by everyone flying into the air.

Even some metal buttons and metal belts were no exception.

Wang Haijing put the magnetic ring in front of her eyes in surprise and praised:"This thing made by the people in the center of the earth is also amazing. Amazing, right? It has such great power."

Wang Haijing couldn't help but controlled the gun and pointed it at those foreign leaders.

"Don't, don't, don't!"

The man from Korea backed away repeatedly, waving to Wang Haijing, for fear that she might accidentally fire.

The others were also scared out of their wits, for fear that they would explain it here.

Wang Haijing put the gun in front of him and said with a smile:"Don't No misunderstanding, I just want to try this magnetic ring to see if it works."

However, Wang Haijing and Chen Yu both know that this magnetic ring can only control the movement of the gun for the time being, and cannot yet perform actions such as pulling the trigger.

However, it is perfectly fine to use it to bluff people.

After all, no one dares to use their own Life is a joke.

Chen Yu saw that Wang Haijing had mastered the use of the magnetic ring, and combined with her own abilities, it was more than enough to deal with the few people in front of him, so he returned to Happy Manor.

By this time, the girls had disappeared.

"Um? Where have these little hooves gone?"

Chen Yu opened the [God's Eye] and after scanning around, he finally found the figures of the girls.

"It turned out that I was going to soak in a hot spring again, so I wasn’t afraid of getting damaged."

Chen Yu curled up his lips and hid his whereabouts.

At this time, the girls in the hot spring were enjoying themselves.

Everyone was wearing a bikini. Looking around, except for the white flowers in the entire hot spring, there were Colorful little strips of cloth.

Chen Yu could not help but sigh: In the past, he had to open his buttocks to look for his underwear.


Chen Yu had to open his buttocks to look for his underwear. He quietly put the stone from the geocentric hot spring into the water, and then slowly put it into the water. Walking towards Hong Yi.

After a while,

Hong Yi raised her neck slightly, letting the white heat pass over her face.

It looked sexy and tempting, but after a while, Hong Yi's red lips opened involuntarily.

The little Loli beside her raised her head and asked in confusion:"Sister in red, what's wrong with you?""

Hong Yi was speechless.

""Is it because the hot spring is too hot?" The little girl asked the other girls around her in confusion. The sharp-eyed Hoshino Sakurako noticed something and said with a smile:"Sister, didn't you notice that the master is right next to us?"

The little girl was stunned, and after looking at the red-clothed girl carefully for a while, she raised her voice and said:"Hey, it really is like this……"

"Where is the master?"Jirola, the alien brought back by Chen Yu from the United States, looked around and found no sign of Chen Yu.

"Ji Ruola, thanks to you, you are still an alien who has reached the seventh level. Xiao Qianyue couldn't help but say,"You can guess where Brother Yu is.""

Girola stood up slightly, and her plump career line also emerged.

At first glance, she had a successful career.

She was still a late bloomer.

After she looked at Hong Yi, she finally understood

"Master, is this okay? This is too awesome! I'm going to give it a try soon, too."Girola couldn't help but swallowed hard.

Her big, round eyes were even wider at this moment, and her eyes were full of undisguised expectation.

Everyone around them looked at the red clothes. With envious eyes, they seemed to be able to see what was happening from Hong Yi's body.

The girls who had less communication with Chen Yu were all stunned.

"Holy shit! You can actually play like this?"

"This is not treating Hong Yi as a human being, he is clearly not being treated as a human being!"

However, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with this.

After all, Hongyi is not a real human being, but a zombie that has regained some consciousness.

Time passed by, as long as years.

Finally, Hongyi Lying wet on the lounge chair next to the hot spring, enjoying the rare leisure and tranquility, the little Loli cast her eyes on Hongyi, with endless envy in her eyes, but then she comforted herself:"Huh, although she is. She is my master’s favorite woman, but I am the smartest one!"

Before she finished speaking, the little Loli took a deep breath and quietly dived into the water following the smell in the air.

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