Chen Yu raised his lips slightly, revealing a strange smile.

He reached out to take the box and asked jokingly,"What kind of woman is this? Bring her here for me to admire."

Before Eliza could respond, three petite and pretty young women came lightly.

Their steps seemed a little shy and restrained, as if they were experiencing an embarrassing thing that was difficult to talk about.

Seeing this, Eliza shook her head helplessly, revealing a little dissatisfaction in her tone:

""What are you guys still standing there for? Hurry up and raise your heads so the master can see you!"

After hearing this, the three of them slowly raised their heads.

There is no doubt that the three dwarf women from the center of the earth have successfully attracted Chen Yu's attention.

Let's not talk about their height for now.

Judging from their appearance alone, they are definitely one in a million beauties. Their silky, smooth and delicate skin is as pure and flawless as a newborn baby, without any flaws.

Their pretty faces are like carefully carved dolls, which are lovable.

As for their figure, it is in sharp contrast to their short stature, and they are only slightly inferior to those in red.

But then again, is being short necessarily a defect?

At least sometimes for Chen Yu, For Chen Yu, the shorter the girl, the more attractive she is...

Chen Yu had almost no hesitation and directly sent one of the women into the other world.

Seeing that she and Chen Yu were the only two people in the other world, the woman took off her coat without hesitation.

Inside was a bikini that looked a bit rough.

It was obviously made of fabrics from the center of the earth.

However, although the clothes were rough, they looked a lot sexier.

Especially when paired with the good figure of the dwarves from the center of the earth, people couldn't help but want to take a few more glances.

Chen Yu hooked his finger at the woman, and after carefully looking at the woman's clothes, he said:"I didn't expect that you Moko people would wear bikinis so sexy, which makes people want to take a few more glances."

After hearing this, the woman's nervous mood suddenly relaxed a lot

"Well... maybe I should call you Master like them." After hesitating for a moment, the woman continued,"Master, as long as you like, you can let me wear anything."

Chen Yu laughed:"Look back at the closet behind you."

The woman turned her head curiously and was stunned.

She saw that the big closet was full of strange clothes.

The woman did not think the clothes were too revealing, but liked the style of those clothes very much.

After all, in the center of the earth, everyone can only wear the most ordinary clothes.

"Master, can I try on these clothes?"

The woman blinked and asked cautiously.

Chen Yu pointed to a full-length fishnet dress:"That one is quite suitable."

Of course, what Chen Yu said is suitable is actually more suitable for him.

When the time comes, he can directly lift the woman up, which is exciting just thinking about it.

After hearing this, the woman obediently put on the clothes and put them on. He bought a lady's windbreaker.

Don't tell me, don't tell me. After putting on this outfit, the woman seemed to have become a completely different person.


Yu didn't want to be polite to her at all, and just took her with him. He flew into the air and started chatting with her...

As the windbreaker fell down, there were waves of sweet sounds in the sky.

Some birds in the other world couldn't help but stop flapping their wings and looked at the woman.

Finally, Chen Yu unceremoniously picked up the woman's clothes and flew freely in the air.……


Next, each woman stayed in the different world for about a minute.

Although it is only one minute, no one dares to underestimate this time.

After all, one minute of Chen Yu's life is sometimes longer than 8 hours for others.

It's enough to show how strong Chen Yu is.

After the three women left the other world, a group of women immediately surrounded them.

"You just entered the master's different world and flew, how do you feel?"

The woman wearing a fishing net said without hesitation:"If I have to describe it, there is only one word - big!"

The other women in the center of the earth who have not entered the other world all heard the double-entendre description of the fishnet woman, and couldn't help but look at the fishnet woman with some envy.

But they know that once the opportunity is missed, it will be gone.

It seems that they can only find it in the future. It’s time to try again.

Not long after Chen Yu relaxed, Labudo stepped forward in a panic and said:"Master, according to the news from the snakes and rats I sent out, some of the secrets have been dug up. There is a passage from the center of the earth to the surface. Even the equipment has been installed."

Chen Yu pondered for a moment and said calmly:"Take me to see that passage."

"Yes, master."

Then, under the leadership of Labdo, everyone walked towards the entrance of the passage.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the entrance.

At this time, there were a large number of zombies and the dwarves in the center of the earth who had been eroded by the mystery and were busy installing instruments.

After seeing the zombies and the secrets, the little Loli said excitedly:"Master, please allow me to be the first to go into battle and relieve your worries. After hearing this

, Dong Wushuang said unceremoniously:"Haha, you are really a little kid." I think you want the double swords in your hands to absorb the mysterious power, right?"

"Hehe, have you discovered all this?"

Chen Yu glanced at the zombies and mysteries. Seeing that there were no very powerful beings inside, he nodded lightly and said,"I'll leave these little mysteries to you."

"Thank you master!"All the girls said in unison.

Seeing the little Loli, Elisa rushed up and hurriedly begged:"Sister Loli, you must not hurt my people.

The little Loli patted her chest and said with a smile:"Don't worry, my knife only kills zombies and secrets.""

After that, the little Lolita with the double sword took the lead and spun quickly, like a small top.

Dong Wushuang followed closely behind and slashed the head of a zombie with the long knife in his hand.

Gulu Gulu...

The rotten heads of the zombies kept rolling on the ground, and even the crystals inside were thrown out.

Using a knife made of meteorite iron is just like chopping melons and vegetables.

After a while, all the zombies had taken out the crystals, and the dwarfs who had been eroded by the knives had also regained consciousness.

After Chen Yu put away the crystals, he turned to look at the side. The passage connecting the surface, said to Labudo:

"Labdo, are you sure you can reach the surface from here?"

"Yes, Master, you see the guide rails on the side have been repaired."

Chen Yu took a closer look and found the guide rail extending from the center of the earth to the surface.

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