The long sword held by Chen Yu is about one meter long and the hilt is about 20 centimeters long.

The entire sword was inky black, but shone with a cold light, as if it were thousands of years of stagnant water in a deep pool.

There are some ancient patterns carved on both sides of the sword body, making the sword look more primitive and heavy.

After seeing the long sword, one of the kings with more than a dozen tentacles shouted loudly:"Damn it! You actually made that piece of meteorite iron into a sword!"

As he spoke, the king with more than two meters of tentacles tore apart He lowered his two tentacles and combined them into a black spear.

The pangolin beast on the side saw this and shouted in surprise:"Master, be careful! This King of Creatures should not be underestimated. It is much more powerful than the King of Creatures we saw before!"

The pangolin beast knows the secrets best.

Mysteries with low abilities are just a shadow that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

They can only erode the consciousness of some ordinary earth-centered dwarves, and there may even be situations where they cannot completely control the earth-centered dwarves.

A more powerful secret can completely control the consciousness of the dwarf in the center of the earth.

Once the Secret reaches the level of Secret General, he can have an entity.

The stronger the mystery, the taller and more solid the entity, and the denser the black mist around it.

The tentacled king in front of him was more than two meters tall, with a large black mist lingering around him.

Seeing this, Chen Yu sneered and said:"It seems that you are a little more powerful than the King of Creatures I killed before. I just want to use you to try my sword."

As he spoke, Chen Yu held the long sword and flew directly Arriving in front of the Tentacle King.

The Tentacle King looked at Chen Yu coldly and mocked:"Do you think you can beat me with this sword?"

"I don't even have to use my full strength to deal with you."Chen Yu retorted.

After hearing this, the Tentacle King's face became solemn, and he looked at Chen Yu cautiously.

Chen Yu used the [God's Eye] to glance at the Tentacle King's combat power, and closed the [ Space Domain].

Because it is a waste to use [Space Domain] to deal with the scheming king in front of you.

After the two sides faced off for a while, the sound of weapons clashing echoed throughout the world, and the sound was so loud that they were watching the battle.

Labudo and the others retreated continuously. The

Tentacle King flew backwards for several dozen meters before he regained his balance.

At the same time, the spear in his hand broke into two pieces with the palm of his hand. He held up the back of the Tentacle King and whispered:"This kid is very evil. Let's work together to deal with him.""

"Okay... then let yourself change first."

As they spoke, the two Secret Kings stretched out their right hands towards the Secret Brother behind them almost at the same time.

I saw those Secrets flying towards the two Secret Kings like a wisp of smoke.

"Lord Gui Wang, don’t do it.……"

However, the Secret King didn't take those weak Secrets seriously at all and continued to absorb the energy in their bodies.

The two sly kings who have absorbed the same kind of power are more than three meters tall!

And their temperament is much stronger than before.

The pangolin beast couldn't help but widen its eyes:"Master, the strength of these two sly kings has increased a lot, I'm afraid they will soon be promoted to the level of sly kings!"

Labudo and others also looked at the two sly kings with solemn faces.

A general with a group of ordinary secrets can turn the Moko tribe upside down.

What's more, two powerful kings are approaching the king?

All the dwarves in the center of the earth were sweating for Chen Yu.

However, Hongyi and others were not worried at all.

Because they have followed Chen Yu for so long, they naturally know his strength.

To deal with these two scheming kings, Chen Yu would not have to use all his strength. the other side.

Chen Yu repelled the Tentacle Queen, Yun Danfeng looked at the long sword in his hand lightly, and secretly praised:

"It's such a good sword. I wonder how powerful it will be after incorporating the [Thunderstorm] power."

After having this idea, Chen Yu injected the power of thunder and lightning into the sword.


The black sword was instantly wrapped with a thunder and lightning like a long snake.

Chen Yu waved the long sword freely..

I saw a thunder and lightning like a two-headed dragon, roaring towards the two Devil Kings.


The thunder and lightning dragon directly entangled the two Devil Kings, and the two"dragon heads" swallowed the two Devil Kings together.

""Oh no! Run!"

The two ghost kings had already given up resistance and turned to flee.

But it was not too late.

The lightning dragon had"bitten" the heads of the two ghost kings in the blink of an eye and entangled them.

It looked like two real dragons were devouring them.

After being swallowed, the two ghost kings were bound by lightning and returned to the sword.

They struggled unwillingly inside, roaring.

"ah! let me go!"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

But the long sword was like a cage, trapping them in it.

No matter how hard the two sly kings struggled, they could not escape the shackles of the long sword.

In the end, the two sly kings completely dissipated, as if they had become the shackles of the long sword. No matter what, the dwarves in the center of the earth were all shocked.

It took less than a minute for the two kings to die.

Isn't this too outrageous...

They looked at each other with reverence. Chen Yu.

Not only these earth-centered dwarves, but also Chen Yu himself was a little surprised.

"This sword can actually devour the secrets?"

Chen Yu couldn't help but look at the long sword carefully.

Although it was still black, the blade seemed to be a little sharper than before.

And holding it in his hand, he could feel that the energy contained in it was even more powerful.

Dong Wushuang and the little Lolita also saw the scene just now. After looking at each other, they could not hide the joy in their hearts.

The little Lolita glanced at the long sword in Chen Yu's hand, then looked at her own double swords, and said excitedly:"Could it be that weapons made of meteorite iron can devour the secrets?"

Dong Wushuang nodded:"It seems to be the case"

"Great, won’t our weapons become stronger as they become more lethal and mysterious in the future?"

Little Loli seems to be a little impatient to find the secrets to try her double swords.

Unfortunately, all the secrets just now have been swallowed up by the two kings of secrets.

It seems that we will have the opportunity to encounter the secrets in the future.

On the other side After Chen Yu put away his long sword, he jumped in front of everyone.

The mountain beast took a step forward and complimented:"Master is really awesome! Two powerful Cunning Kings were killed by your sword."

Little Loli, who knew everything about Chen Yu, said:"Humph, what is this? The master has not yet used all his strength. If the master had used all his strength, the two little Karami would probably have died before they even got close to the master."

"The owner is indeed extraordinary."After pondering for a moment, the pangolin beast continued,

"Five thousand years ago, I followed the human leader to defeat the Mystery. But the strength displayed by that extremely powerful human leader seemed not to be as powerful as the master."

At this time, Elisa on the side was holding a wooden box in both hands, walked up to Chen Yu and said:

"Master, here are the cigarettes made by all the women in the center of the earth using their own body fragrance. In addition, there are three women from the center of the earth who want to chat with you about life events. I wonder if you would appreciate it?"

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