At the same time, the others also used their strongest killing moves.

The killer whale swam directly under a destroyer, used its huge body to lift it up, and activated its special ability [Killer Whale Roar].

In an instant, the destroyer was like a turtle that was turned upside down, unable to move at all.

The soldiers in the cabin and on the deck also fainted on the ground because of the powerful shock wave of [Killer Whale Roar].

"Haha, you fell down before I even exerted any force.……"The killer whale swung its tail fin and said complacently.

After Dong Wushuang entered the ship, he relied on his strong body and speed far exceeding that of other corpses to constantly move among the soldiers. His sharp fingers scratched the bodies of everyone, directly infecting them into corpses.

The little Loli was not to be outdone, and also used her unique skill [Double Blade Whirlwind Slash].

Her petite body was like a gyroscope, constantly moving among the crowd.

After just a moment, everyone's back was left with a knife wound only 1 cm long and 1 mm deep.

It was enough to show the little Loli's consummate knife skills.

In this way, the little Loli and others solved one ship after another with a crushing force...

More than two hours later, Chen Yu easily captured 5 aircraft carriers and more than 50 ships without wasting a single ammunition.

And all the soldiers were also subdued.

It can only be said that this time the harvest was fruitful.

Chen Yu had just finished the battle when he heard bursts of roars coming from the distant sky.

Like the sonic boom of a fighter jet

"Um? Could it be a fighter jet sent from Shangjing?"

Chen Yu thought for a moment and put all the newly captured ships into a different world.

Then he disappeared instantly.


On the other side, the Shangjing District dispatched more than 100 J-30 fighter jets, which were rushing towards the East China Sea at full speed.

On the leading plane were Wang Haijing and Chu Xia.

They looked solemn and frowned, as if they had encountered some very difficult difficulties.

Wang Haijing glanced at a display screen beside him, picked up a communication device and shouted loudly:

"The enemy is still 40 kilometers away from us, everyone, be ready to fight!"

The person opposite said"Yes" almost at the same time.

Putting the device aside, Wang Haijing slammed the seat and said angrily:

"These damn guys actually dared to attack us! Fortunately, we discovered them in time, otherwise they would have landed."

Chu Xia was driving a fighter plane, and said with a worried look on his face:

"Commander, I still think you should command remotely. You also know that our little strength cannot compete with the enemy. Other support won't be available for a while. If something happens to you this time, you will be leaderless in Shangjing."

Wang Haijing refused righteously:

"No, the enemy came so suddenly this time that the three aircraft carriers performing missions in other sea areas and the support from the Western Region could not catch up.

Our fighter jets alone may not even be able to defeat an aircraft carrier on the opposite side.

What's more, they have 5 aircraft carriers and a large number of ships.

I am the strongest stranger in the Shangjing area, and I must stand up at this time.

Moreover, I have already chosen the reserve commander and explained everything. It doesn't matter even if I die. After hearing this

, Chu Xia sighed softly and said,"It would be great if Chen Chenyu was here." With him here, we can easily repel the opponent"

"yes……"Wang Haijing looked forward with empty eyes, shook her head and said,

"Unfortunately, this incident happened so suddenly that it was too late for us to send someone to contact him. I wonder if he will help us fight off these enemies if we fail this time?

Chu Xia looked forward and said firmly:"Commander, please don't worry, I believe he will take action." Although he is not a good person and has no feelings about his family and country, he has no reason to refuse the fat meat that comes to his door."

"You are right, after all, he defeated the island country and the United States on his own, and his military power is much stronger than that of the entire Great Xia. In addition, he can't tolerate sand in his eyes, so he should be able to eliminate those enemies easily."Wang Haijing said excitedly

"Well, it seems that we have died a worthy death. Humph, I will be a hero again in 18 years."Chu Xia joked.

Then, the two fell into silence again.

After a moment, Wang Haijing sighed softly, looked at Chu Xia and asked:

"Xiaoxia, our failure this time is almost certain. Do you blame me for asking you to die even though I knew this was a suicide operation?"

"Commander, to be honest, I don't mean to blame you at all. If it weren't for you, I would have died many times. Being able to be a heroine this time is an amazing thing."

There was a trace of calmness and calmness in Chu Xia's tone, as if she was describing an insignificant matter.

Then, there was some regret on her face, and she said helplessly:

"However, I have never found a man in my life, so it would be a shame to die like this. Now that I am about to die, I suddenly realize that everyone has only a few decades to live, so they must enjoy themselves in time!"

Wang Haijing patted Chu Xia's back gently and said in a hearty voice:

"Xiaoxia, if we can escape this time, I will resign as commander and take you to Happy Manor to ask Chen Yu to take us in. Anyway, that guy has so many women, so he’s not afraid of having more of us."

"Really? You have to keep your word!"In early summer, I immediately became energetic.

"Of course it's true. During this period of time, I have forgotten that I am just a girl in my early twenties. If it weren't for the purpose of fulfilling the last wish of my commander father, I would not be this crappy commander. Now, I have lived up to the burden on my shoulders. My father will not blame me even if I don't become a commander." Wang Haijing said. Chu

Xia also echoed:"Haha, I don't need to pretend to be reserved when I'm about to die. I actually just want to find a domineering man like Chen Yu, and experience the joy of changing from a girl to a woman. It's exciting just to think about it."

"When you said that, why did I suddenly think about it... Haha, actually, even though I am the commander of Shangjing, I also envy the women I saw in the hot spring that day. They were all carefree, so nice! The most enviable thing is that they can have such an outstanding man as Chen Yu."

And just when the two were chatting happily, an excited male voice came from the communication device.

"Commander, all those ships and aircraft carriers are gone!"

"What?"Wang Haijing was shocked and asked hurriedly,

"What happened, and how could they suddenly disappear?"

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