Hongyi looked at the giant ships and aircraft carriers and joked:

"Who said they are here to act wild? Maybe they are here to 'deliver equipment'"

"Send equipment?"The cute little loli believed it to be true and said excitedly,"In this case, let's just accept it. How about I go and ask them to dock the boat first?"

Hong Yi touched the little Loli's head, covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"Haha, it’s almost impossible to get them to give it to us. We can only win them over and then let them give it to us."

"Hehe, that’s what it means. Isn't this just grabbing equipment?"Little Loli said with a silly smile.

Little Eagle flew to Chen Yu and couldn't wait to request:

"Master, let the little eagle take the lead, I promise to shoot those people on the deck into hedgehogs"

"Little Eagle, are you stupid?"Dabai gave Xiaoying a roll of his eyes and said with some disgust,

"Do you know what is most important in the 21st century? Talents! If you kill them, won't we lose a lot of high-quality labor?"

"Hey, sister Dabai is really smart. Why didn't I think of this?"

"Okay, don't be poor, you two."Chen Yu moved his wrist and said calmly,

"Next, I will use the clone technique to take you inside the ship. We have to fight quickly, remember not to kill the opponent with too much force, and don't give them any chance to take action. After all, every bullet they shoot belongs to us"

"Yes, master!"Everyone replied in unison.

Chen Yu could have directly brought the ships and even the entire aircraft carrier into the different world.

But this would not be effective in training troops.

If he had to do everything by himself, then why would he need so many subordinates?

The purpose of accepting so many subordinates is not to let yourself have some leisure, just go to the hot springs and eat and drink. Of course , Hong

Yi and others knew what Chen Yu was thinking, so they were very active at this moment.

He put his hands together and activated his clone power.


300 identical Chen Yu appeared in front of everyone, looking very spectacular. However, each of the 300 clones used the same different world.

People or things can be put into another world and can be taken out of other worlds, but all people or things can only enter the original other world.

It can also be seen from this point that other worlds are non-replicable.

"Set off!"

Following Chen Yu's order, many clones quickly flew towards different ships.

The one at the front was Chen Yu's body.

He bypassed the ship at the front and flew straight towards the aircraft carrier behind.

In a blink of an eye, they came Arriving above the aircraft carrier

"Although this aircraft carrier does not look as big as the one in the United States, it is still passable."

After Chen Yu complained, he entered the interior of the aircraft carrier with a"swish" sound.

Because he knew the structure of the aircraft carrier, and with the help of [God's Eye], Chen Yu quickly found the core control area.

Afterwards, Chen Yu released Hongyi from the other world and said calmly:

"Hong Yi, I’ll leave these people to you."

"Yes, master."

Hong Yi took a small step forward, and the terrifying coercion of the corpse statue instantly filled the entire core control area.

She did not touch the soldiers, but raised her right hand to activate her lightning power.

Among these thunder and lightning, there were There is a corpse poison that can infect people. Click!

A large net woven by lightning fell on the soldiers in an instant, and they were infected by the irresistible corpse poison.

The zombie soldiers all turned around and knelt down tremblingly in front of Chen Yu and Hongyi.

Every zombie had reached the level of a zombie general, and

Chen Yu looked at it. She dressed in red clothes so smoothly without any sloppiness, I couldn't help but joke:

"That’s great, Hongyi. You even learned the ‘electrical grid’ that I invented?"

"That's natural. After following the master for so long, of course you have to learn some of the master's skills. Moreover, I will also discharge electricity while chatting like you."The man in red smiled and said with a playful expression.

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of red-clothed. Just wait and see how I deal with you." Chen Yu said with a wicked smile

"Red Clothes is what I want... I hope the master will not show mercy, and don't treat me as a human being. No, I am not a human being, hehe……"

Chen Yu said:"You will suffer it when the time comes. Let's go, let's go to other areas"

""Yes, Master." The man in red replied.

The two left the core area of the aircraft carrier and went to the power area and hangar.

Ten minutes later, all the soldiers on the aircraft carrier became level 4 zombie generals.

The aircraft carrier was also taken by Chen Yu.

Chen Yu looked at the zombies kneeling respectfully on the ground in front of him and couldn't help but complain:

"The seizure of the aircraft carrier is troublesome. There are too many people inside and they are scattered."

"It was indeed quite troublesome, but fortunately with the help of the master, the whole process went smoothly."

While speaking, Hongyi looked at Chen Yu, as if she wanted to say something but hesitated.

Seeing Hongyi's expression, Chen Yu knew that she must have something to say, so he spoke directly:

"Just say whatever you want to say."

Hongyi pursed her lips slightly, like a little girl who had seen through her thoughts, and smiled slightly:

"As expected, nothing can be hidden from the master. Actually, I just want you to pamper Wushuang once when you are free. She has been waiting for you."

Chen Yu didn't expect that Dong Wushuang would have such an idea, and asked curiously:"How did you know? Hong

Yi blinked and explained:

"As a woman, I can feel Wushuang's inner thoughts. In fact, Wushuang has been following you for the longest time, and his feelings for you are naturally deeper. Watching the girls around you become your women one by one, Wushuang is extremely envious."

"So that's it."Chen Yu said,

"I am quite interested in Wushuang, after all, she is the only one with perfect body curves and muscle lines. only���Now she has reached the level of a corpse master. The level 6 zombie virus immunity potion in my body is ineffective against her."

Hongyi nodded and suddenly realized:"So that's how it is. I forgot about this."

"Although my current body is strong enough to fight the seventh-level zombie virus, Xue'er and the others are still too weak. If they are accidentally infected with the zombie virus again, it will be troublesome."

Hongyi didn't say much anymore, but felt sorry for his good friend in his heart for two seconds.

"Let's go, Hongyi, to the next aircraft carrier."

Chen Yu saw that the first aircraft carrier had been captured, so he took the red clothes and flew towards the other aircraft carrier...

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