The others also raised their weapons and pointed them at Labudo.

Labuduo's face changed slightly and he hurriedly explained:

"You have misunderstood! I was indeed eroded by mystery before, but now the mystery in me has completely disappeared."

Elesa walked forward with some disbelief and looked at Labudo carefully.

When she found that the mystery on him had indeed disappeared, she asked in great surprise:

"Grandpa Labdu, how did those mysteries disappear from you?"

"It’s a long story……"Labrador took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself, preparing to explain what happened.

Seeing this, Lakashi hurriedly interrupted her father:

"Since it’s a long story, let’s save it for the road trip to save everyone’s time."

He knows his father quite well.

A small thing can make him talk about it in a crazy way, let alone eliminating the secrets in the body, which is enough to save the people? He can't finish it without a pack of cigarettes. It's simply not possible. He couldn't finish talking.

Seeing that he was being refuted by his own son, Labuduo gave Lacathy a hard blow on the head and pretended to be angry and cursed:

"You little brat, you dare to talk back to me if I don't discipline you for a few days?"

Lakasi explained helplessly after hearing this:

"Dad, you misunderstood... We were in a hurry to get to Death Valley, so we asked you to tell us on the way. Also, can you please stop calling a 101-year-old old man a brat in front of so many people in the future? Don't I want to lose face?"

"Going to Death Valley?"Lakasi thought for a moment and guessed what they were thinking. She nodded quickly and said,"Without further delay, let's hurry up and leave."

At this moment, the roars of zombies came from not far away.

Eliza's eyebrows instantly knitted together and she hurriedly directed everyone:

"No, Mystery is chasing me! We have no time to evacuate, everyone, hurry up and get ready for battle!"

After taking the last puff of cigarette, Labuduo said with a serious expression:

"No, those mysteries and zombies are getting stronger and stronger, and we can't defeat them. Now everyone listen to my command and hurry up and escape from the cave above your head!"

Elesa took a look at the entrance of the cave and thought it was indeed a good choice, and said hurriedly:

"Grandpa Labudo is right, let’s escape from the cave entrance quickly!"

While talking, several strangers had already relied on their own powers to get into the hole above their heads.

There were also some strangers who were not good at jumping and climbing, standing anxiously.

Eliza just wanted to go one by one. After taking them up, Labudo said calmly:

"let me."

While speaking, Labudu gently shook the magnetic ring on his finger and sent a 2-meter-square iron plate around it to everyone's feet.

Everyone understood and stood on the iron plate.

"Eliza, you come up too."Labuduo raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

Eliza asked hesitantly:"Then what should you do?"

"I have my own way."

Eliza knew that Labudo never fought a battle without confidence, so she did not hesitate and jumped directly into the hole above her head.

Labudo waved his fingers and sent everyone to the hole above his head.

After everyone got into the cave, he hid the metal plate in a corner, then slightly bent his body and jumped into the hole above his head in one step.

The people at the entrance of the cave were stunned.

Is this a 135-year-old man? He is much stronger than me.

Moreover, he is not a mutant, how can he be stronger than a mutant?

When Eliza saw the explosion in front of her, she did not stare blankly like the others, but hurriedly activated her superpowers.

The huge rock that fell on the ground suddenly flew into the air, smashed hard into the hole, and got stuck on the hole.


Elesa shouted, and then quickly climbed towards the front of the cave.

Fortunately, the cave was not too narrow, and it was not difficult to climb up.

After more than an hour, they finally came to a more open place.

Everyone Sitting on the floor, breathing heavily, only Labuduo remained calm and heartless, as if this was a common occurrence for him.

Among the crowd, Lacaxi stepped forward and took a breath. He asked in disbelief:

"Dad, are you really not invaded by weirdness or infected by zombies?"

"nonsense!"Labuduo frowned and asked,"If I am infected, can I take you to escape? After hearing this

, Lacaxi hurriedly lit a cigarette and said with a smile:

"Dad, tell us how you eliminated those secrets?"

After hearing this, the others also gathered around, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

A hint of imperceptible pride appeared on Labudo's face. After taking a long puff of cigarette, he described with saliva flying:

"Two days ago, I met a mysterious surface person during my mission, and he eliminated the mystery in my body.

You don't know, this man just descended from the sky like a god, holding a bright and shining thunderbolt, and hit me with a 'click'.

At the same time, I felt that the mystery in my body disappeared directly.

Later, I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly felt that my waist was no longer sore and my legs were no longer painful, and I could even pee three feet away.……"

Everyone listened attentively to Labu Duo's vivid description.

At the same time, a seed of hope slowly took root and sprouted in everyone's heart... on the other side.

In the hot springs of Happy Manor.

The girls were chatting and waiting for Chen Yu.

When Jiang Xueer heard that this magical other world could slow down time 800 times, the goddess who had never heard of another world thought it was incredible!

Among the crowd, Liu Feifei, who was wearing a light blue bikini, showed off her perfect figure without hesitation. She dragged her chin with her slender white right hand and said:

"No wonder I saw that Xueer was like this after only leaving for a minute. It turned out that she went to that mysterious other world. Jiang

Xueer moved her sore arms, looked at Ning Tiantian not far away and said:

"My health is relatively good. Have you seen that sweet 'Big Bear' sister wearing a red bikini? You see she hasn't recovered yet."

The girls followed Jiang Xueer's gaze and looked at Ning Tiantian, who had a hot figure. Sure enough, they saw that she was slumped on the recliner, seemingly without any strength.

And the bikini on her body seemed to have been changed.

It was so smooth There were still some red marks on her long and delicate legs, but the subtle smile on her lips made everyone understand that she had definitely experienced something wonderful while the girls were chatting. When he was in high spirits, Chen Yu opened the door and walked in.

A pair of eyes full of expectation looked at him almost at the same time.

Even Jiang Xueer, who had not yet fully recovered, glanced at the girls. , and then slowly walked to Zhao Beibei...

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