These people are the aliens from the center of the earth who have not been corrupted by the mystery.

In order to avoid being hunted by the tribesmen and zombies who were eroded by the mystery, they had no choice but to hide in a secret cave.

The entire cave was dark and cramped, and there was no ventilation. It exuded a rotten and dilapidated smell, which made people feel chilly.

In the crowd, a middle-aged man who was missing his left eyeball clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said:

"This group of hateful secrets is so difficult to deal with! No matter where we hide, they can catch up with us."

An old man who looked similar to Labudo sighed softly. His face full of grooves was full of helplessness. He looked at the woman beside him with some despair and said:

""Ilessa, you are the most powerful alien in our Moko tribe. We are all counting on you."

Ilessa was the leader temporarily elected by this group of people. She was also the only alien who had reached level six.

But at this moment, she seemed to be in deep despair.

Her delicate face, which seemed to have been carefully carved, no longer had the confidence and pride of the past.

What she had was only confusion about the future and powerless despair.

After a short silence, Ilessa finally said the idea that had been lingering in her mind.

"Everyone, we have been fighting against secrets and zombies for a long time, and we have never given up on saving our people.

During this period, almost all of our tribesmen were invaded by secrets, and those who were lucky enough to escape were also infected by zombies.

I originally thought that as long as we kept fighting, we would be able to take back everything we lost.

However, reality has repeatedly pushed us to the ground and ravaged us.

I admit, I am powerless to deal with those mysteries."

After Elisa finished speaking, the crowd instantly fell into a deathly silence.

The helplessness on everyone's face seemed to reach its peak at this moment.

After a while, the old man raised his head and slowly asked:

"So what should we do next? You can't just let it go, right?"

"Yes, I don't want to be a puppet of those mysterious people. If they really take away my consciousness, even if it's just a part of it, I would rather die than accept it."The one-eyed man said angrily.

Elisa looked at her people.

Those familiar faces were full of reluctance and helplessness.

After thinking about it, Elisa finally made the decision she had hesitated for a long time.

"It is true that our Moko tribe has encountered the greatest crisis in history. But we are not helpless. Most areas in the center of the earth have been occupied by mysteries. Only by moving to Death Valley can we have a glimmer of hope."

"Death Valley?"A white-haired girl slightly shorter than Eliza said,"Isn't that a forbidden place for our Moko tribe? The old man looked at Eliza and said with some doubts:

"Eliza, is this decision a little impulsive? You must know that our Moko tribe can only enter Death Valley after death."

Elesa smiled bitterly and said helplessly:

"Uncle Cassie, of course I know that. But do we have any choice now? After going to Death Valley, there was still a glimmer of hope. But I can only sit back and wait for death at this time"

"Eliza is right, we should go to Death Valley to avoid the mysterious pursuit."The one-eyed man looked at everyone with his only remaining right eye and said seriously,

"Death Valley is indeed a forbidden place for the living. But what is the difference between us now and the dead? Instead of just sitting there and waiting for death, why not give it a bold try? You won’t die in the end anyway!"

At this time, the youngest girl asked in a daze after hearing this:

"What is the Death Valley you are talking about? Why have I never heard of it?"

Lakasi explained:

"You are still young and don’t know this yet. According to the tradition left by our ancestors, Death Valley is the last stop of life for the Mocha people. Mocha people are buried in Death Valley after death. After hearing this

, the little girl became more confused and continued to ask:

"Why are dead people buried in Death Valley?"

Lakasi lit a cigarette unique to the center of the earth, and said quietly:

"That's because it's said that there is a very powerful beast in Death Valley that once saved our ancestors.

In order to repay it, our ancestors made a rule to bury the dead in the valley.

This not only allows us to worship the beast, but also to receive its blessing.

Until now, we still keep this tradition."

"I see."

This was the first time the little girl heard this magical legend, and now she became a little curious about Death Valley.

Seeing that everyone was not opposed to going to Death Valley, Eliza directly gave the order:

"Without further ado, let’s head to Death Valley."

And just when everyone was about to leave, the white-haired girl was hit on the top of her head by a small stone.

With the faint light, the girl looked up and couldn't help shouting:

"Everyone, get out of the way! That stone is actually moving!"

Everyone followed the girl's gaze, and sure enough they found a stone as big as a millstone on the top of the cave, which was shaking constantly.

Upon seeing this, Laxi hurriedly took out a stun gun specially designed to deal with mysterious things, and said sternly :

""Not good! Someone probably discovered us. Let's get ready for battle!"

Everyone took out their weapons and aimed at the boulder above their heads.


After a while, the boulder fell heavily to the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

A dark hole was left at the original location of the boulder.

At the same time, an old man slowly poked his head out of the hole, exhaled heavily, and said inwardly:

"Fortunately, I built this secret passage many years ago, otherwise I would not be able to make it in a short while."

However, the moment Labudo showed his head, Lakasi shot the head without hesitation, and shouted sternly:"The secret is coming, use the electric shock device to shock it!"


As a scream came, the person in the black hole shouted angrily,"Don't fucking shoot, it's me!""

"Hey, why does this voice sound so familiar?"Lakasi frowned and said in confusion.

"I am your father, does my voice sound familiar to you? Fortunately, my health is much better than before, otherwise I would have been killed by you out of righteousness!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a vigorous figure jumped out of the hole. It was Labudo who found this place by relying on snakes and rats.

After Lacaxi saw the person in front of him clearly, he shouted excitedly:

"Dad, is it really you?"

Then he seemed to have thought of something and quickly pointed his gun at Labudu.

"No, you are not my father. My father has been corrupted by the mystery."

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