Zhang Juan also stroked her slightly bulging belly and said with firm eyes:"Brother Yu, I will also give you a lot of sons."

Other girls, look at me, I look at you, and directly surround Chen Yu Get up

"Brother Yu, we also want to give you a son!"

"If I want to have a daughter, I want her to be beautiful."

"I don’t have to choose Brother Yu, it doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl!"

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly and hurriedly said,"Let's try another day! I have important things to attend to now."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yu disappeared with a"whoosh".

Jiang Xueer looked at the disappeared Chen Yu, stamped her feet and said:"Brother Yu is really here. I don't know how to stay with us anymore. Walk."

Xiao Qianyue also complained:"That's right, we haven't chatted with Brother Yu for a month. I really miss Brother Yu a little bit.……"

Yun Lan glanced at the women brought back by Chen Yu, sighed and said:"Look at the people brought back by Brother Yu, they are all top-notch people. The big-assed American woman who can give birth to a son and the kawaii-looking little girl Loli, no one is worse than us"

"It seems that Brother Yu also brought back a vixen spirit, a jade rabbit spirit, and two snake spirits. Although they have transformed, they cannot deceive my eyes."Su Xinrou curled her lips and said.

The other girls had noticed this a long time ago.

Jiang Xueer pondered for a moment, then called all the girls to her side and said,"Sisters, we can't sit back and wait to die. We have to think of some tricks to let Brother Yu spend more time with us in his spare time. we can do this……"

A group of idle girls began to"plot" about something thrilling.


More than an hour later, Chen Yu finally arrived at the Tianshui base, overlooking the ground from the air.

The scale of the entire base is extremely large, almost as large as three Longyuan bases.

Within a radius of 5 kilometers of the base, there are armored vehicles and drones patrolling at all times. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to get close to the base.

Chen Yu released Xiaoying and Atu, and then warned:"You two, keep an eye on me, and report to me in time if there is any situation. Tomorrow, I will let artillery fire cover the entire Tianshui base, not even a fly will fly." Not coming out."

Xiaoying flapped his wings and asked,"Master, why do you have to wait until tomorrow? Why don't we just go in?"

Chen Yu explained,"Because I want the whole Daxia to know about provoking me." Otherwise, all the cats and dogs will dare to bother me in the future."

Sitting on Xiaoying's back, Ah Tu asked with some confusion:"Master, why don't you just destroy the entire Daxia just like you destroyed the island country? Come on?"

Chen Yu rolled his eyes at Atu and said speechlessly:"Fuck, can Daxia be the same as your island country? The destruction of the island country is in compliance with the law of heaven, and the key is not to mention whether you will be punished by the system for killing innocent people in Daxia. That's not my style. But... I will kill those who offend me!"

Ah Tu nodded, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,"Fortunately, Ah Tu has been following the master to atone for his sins, otherwise he would really become a murderer now! Pile up the dirt."

Chen Yu warned a few more words, and then quickly flew towards the Doomsday Manor.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at our destination.

Fortunately, Doomsday Manor was slightly smaller and more hidden, so no one discovered it.

Chen Yu didn't bother to walk through the main entrance and walked directly through the wall.

In the manor, several girls who were checking the surveillance system raised their guns one after another when they saw Chen Yu.

"who? Don't move, raise your hands!"

Chen Yu immediately handed over the opponent's gun with a thought, and said solemnly:"It's only been a month, and you don't even recognize me?

A woman in the lead looked at Chen Yu carefully and said excitedly:"Are you...Brother Yu?" Great, Brother Yu finally came to see us!"

The other girls also gathered around and said excitedly but timidly:

"It’s really Brother Yu, I can’t even recognize him with his clothes on!"

"Brother Yu didn't even say a word when he came here. He would have known that he would be wearing hens today."

"Go quickly and inform the other sisters to prepare for the dinner. Brother Yu is here!"

Chen Yu waved his hand, returned the gun to them and said seriously:"I'm here because of important matters. Let's talk about other things after this period of time is over. Okay, you can continue working."

The girls were a little disappointed after hearing this, but they still obediently continued to monitor the situation outside the manor.

Chen Yu walked straight into a villa and began to rest.

After all, nearly 20,000 soldiers and zombies needed to complete the task at the same time in a different world. Aircraft test flights, shooting drills and other projects occupy as much space as a small city, and maintaining a slow speed of 800 times in this huge space requires a lot of energy to maintain peak performance at all times. The crystal consumption reached thousands.

If Chen Yu hadn't had a strong foundation, he would have been drained out.

And just as Chen Yu was making preparations for the war... Inside the headquarters of the Supreme Command Center in Shangjing Region.

A woman wearing a female officer's uniform, flesh-colored stockings and long leather boots was sitting at the head of the meeting with a serious face. This person was none other than

Commander Wang Haijing, the highest commander in Beijing.

Chu Xia, who rushed back from Longyuan Base, stood panting at the door and was reporting work to Wang Haijing.

"Report to the commander! We...we're still too late, Longyuan Base has been blown up"


Wang Haijing slammed the table, and her tight shirt looked even more precarious because of her anger.

A man at the second table snorted coldly:"This Chu Gaoshan, it seems that he really doesn't care about us going to Beijing. I think he wants to rebel!"

"that is!"Another hunky-backed man echoed,

"On the surface, this old boy is rescuing people from other bases.���In fact, they are constantly trying to win over other forces and occupy more resources. And the forces that cannot be won over will be directly destroyed, which is really cruel!"

Chu Xia thought about it, and then said:

"Commander, I have one more thing to report. There is a very powerful mutant in Longyuan Base who can not only fly but also control metal. In addition, there seems to be a mysterious space in this person's body that can instantly draw people into it. It seems that this person's power level is at least level five. He is a rare talent."

"Level 5 mutant? Mysterious space?"Wang Haijing stood up in surprise and said excitedly,

"Tell me about it in detail!"

Chu Xia told Wang Haijing exactly what happened at that time.

After Wang Haijing listened, a trace of excitement and uneasiness flashed across her cold beautiful eyes.

After a long while, she slowly said:

"Send the order, no matter what the cost, we must find him within one day!"

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