While Chen Yu was flying to Tianshui base, a clone sneaked into another world.

At this time in the different world, some crew members who were driving the ship just now were frightened.

"Oh my god, are we in heaven?"

"Why is this ship suspended in mid-air? Is this an anti-gravity 'spaceship'?"

"Oh my God, if Mr. Newton knew about this, the coffin boards might not even be able to hold it down!"

While everyone was talking, Chen Yu had already arrived in front of the ship.

Then with a thought, more than 10,000 American soldiers all appeared in the open space.

At the same time, more than 8,000 zombies also came to the soldiers.

Chen Yuqing He cleared his throat, and then said in a deep and penetrating voice:

"Soldiers, your next task is to teach the zombies around you how to fly planes, tanks, and even aircraft carriers. If you can't teach it within a year, then there is no need for you to exist."

At this time, an American officer bravely stepped forward and said:

"Report sir! I think one year is too short. Normal people may not be able to learn some complicated tasks, let alone these stupid zombies? After hearing this

, the zombie next to him suddenly roared with dissatisfaction:

"grass! Damn Americans, who are you calling stupid? I'm a Corpse General, I've already regained consciousness a long time ago!"

"That is, how can you, an American guy, insult me, the mighty King of Corpses? My IQ is almost 250!"

"I can run for months without rest and carry a one-ton shell, can you?"

Chen Yu waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued:

"You must understand that I am not negotiating with you. If you feel you can't finish it, you can receive a peanut now."

After hearing this, the American soldiers did not dare to say another word.

The reason why Chen Yu set the time as one year is well-founded.

One year is not too harsh for zombies.

Because they are all corpse generals and even zombies. Some of the king-level zombies are smarter than humans.

Moreover, they can study 24 hours a day without rest, and can even complete some overloaded tasks in a different world.

It's only equivalent to about 11 hours outside.

This time is not too long, and it is within the range of my tolerance.

At this time, Hongyi stepped forward and asked:"Master, do you need some of us to participate?" ? Chen Yu shook his head:"Your task is to concentrate on upgrading, and leave other work to your subordinates." After hearing this

, the little loli on the side nodded repeatedly and said,"Don't worry, Master, we will definitely upgrade." When the time comes, one of us will be worth a thousand troops.

Ah Li saw that he had not assigned a task yet, so he stepped forward and asked softly:"Master, what should I do?""

"you?"Chen Yu thought for a while and said casually,"You can stay with me from now on and become my assistant."

"Hehe, thank you master! Ahri can also help its owner solve its troubles!"

Jiang Xue'er and others on the side saw that their presence was reduced, and they hurriedly gathered around.

Jiang Xue'er was the first to speak:"Brother Yu, what can we do?"

Liu Shishi also echoed:"Yes, we don't want to just have free time."

Chen Yu thought for a while and then said:"Your next job is to make the Doomsday Manor more comfortable. After hearing this

, Zhao Beibei said thoughtfully:"Brother Yu is right. A man who conquers the world outside must live a more comfortable life when he returns home." Don't worry, Brother Yu, we will leave the family to us."

At this time, Zhang Juan and Su Xinrou came forward together.

The injuries on their bodies were almost healed.

Of course Chen Yu knew what they were going to say. He shook his head and said:"Your level is too low, you should wait until you become stronger. Let’s talk about it later."

Although the two are also strangers, their levels are too different from others.

They can't even compare with an ordinary corpse general.

Although the two were a little disappointed after hearing this, they still nodded obediently.

Chen Yu thought for a while , gave them some lower-level crystals and some stranger corpses.

When the two women saw the corpses,

Chen Yu laughed and said,"Don't be afraid. These aliens contain extremely strong energy. Put your hands on their heads and try to absorb it."

The two girls with slightly swollen bellies took a deep breath, squatted down slowly, and put their hands on the stranger's head.

Suddenly, a very abundant energy swept through their bodies.

However, this Although this energy was very powerful, it made the two of them feel so comfortable that they almost cried out on the spot.

After absorbing the energy, the two blurted out almost at the same time:"I've actually upgraded!"

Chen Yu sighed softly:"It's not easy. You two have finally reached level four.""

"This upgrade is so fast!"Zhang Juan looked at Dong Wushuang and said with some gratitude,

"Sister Wushuang found a lot of crystals for us and upgraded us to level three. We thought this was fast enough, but we didn’t expect that absorbing alien energy would upgrade faster."

"That's because what you just absorbed is a level five alien."

"What?!" Su Xinrou said in disbelief,"We actually absorbed all the energy of a level five alien?"

"of course not."Chen Yu explained,"I was afraid that you two wouldn't be able to bear it, so I absorbed the more domineering powers in their bodies, leaving behind some energy suitable for you."

The translation of this sentence is: These two watermelons are too big for you two to eat. I have already eaten the watermelon pulp, leaving the watermelon rind for you to nibble.

Of course, the two of them had no idea, and they looked at each other with gratitude. Chen Yu wanted to reward Chen Yu with himself on the spot.

Especially since Zhang Juan absorbed the energy of the fire-type alien, her powers became much stronger.

Chen Yu glanced at everyone and warned:"You guys should upgrade first, and we can wait until Doomsday Manor to discuss other matters. If I have something to do, I will leave first."

"Brother Yu later……"

Su Xinrou covered her belly and said somewhat flatteringly:"Brother Yu, the crystal in my belly is less than a month away from maturity. Now that my level has been improved, it should mature faster."

Chen Yu nodded:"I hope so."

To be honest, Chen Yu is now at level eight and doesn't have much expectations for this crystal.

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't seem too surprised, Su Xinrou lowered her head.

Chen Yu thought for a while and then changed the topic:"But Xinrou can always stay by my side in the future, so that more crystals can be produced."

After hearing this, Su Xinrou nodded fiercely.

"Don't worry, Brother Yu, I will definitely give you a bunch of crystals!"

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