Next room.

Chen Yu carefully looked at Ji Ruola who was kneeling in front of him.

She is about the same height as Hongyi, but her frame is wider.

Especially the somewhat exaggerated figure, paired with suspenders and a hip-covering skirt, it is simply invincible.

Seeing that Chen Yu had been staring at her, Ji Ruola approached Chen Yu and said softly:"Master, let me serve you well in a moment."

"Not urgent."Chen Yu took a sip of water, and then slowly said,"Before that, tell me whether you are a human or a wolf?"

Jirola was stunned for a moment, then leaned against Chen Yu's feet and said:

"Master, of course I am a human, but I can transform into a wolf form. From now on, if my master wants me to be a wolf, I will be a wolf. If you want me to be a human being, I will be a human being. If you want me to be a dog, then I will be a dog. Anyway, Ji Ruola is at the mercy of his master~"

Chen Yu held his chin and said to himself with some disappointment:"So, the reward this time is not much.

After hearing this, Ji Ruola asked in a low voice:"Master, what did you say just now?""

"ask���What are you doing with so many!"Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Ji Ruola, hooked his hands at her and said,"Come here!"

"Yes, master!"

Ji Ruola twisted her waist and walked over.

As she got closer, the visual effect was even more shocking.

The gourd-like figure was full of freshness.

Chen Yu smiled evilly, pulled Ji Ruola over, and then A bolt of lightning shattered the camera.

Doctor Li, who had already put on glasses next door, was startled.

" turns out that Brother Yu has discovered us a long time ago!"

Hong Yi said with some fear:"What should we do, Sister Coco? The master will definitely punish us when he is angry. Dr.

Li turned off the monitor and pretended to be calm and said,"It's okay. We don't have any ill intentions. Brother Yu shouldn't care about us.""

While the two were talking, Chen Yu walked over directly through the wall.

Seeing this, Dr. Li waved his hands awkwardly and asked,"Brother Yu, Hongyi and I were just about to give you a rest. What are you doing here?"

Chen Yu stepped forward and tied the two of them up with sheets without saying a word. This could prevent the two from making any small moves.

Although the binding was not very tight, the posture was really strange.

"Huh, just stay here and I'll come back to take care of you two later. After hearing this

, Dr. Li not only was not afraid, but said expectantly:"Keke is waiting for Brother Yu to come."……"

"Hong Yi has also been waiting for her master.……"Hongyi replied playfully for the first time.

After Chen Yu solved the"trouble", he returned to the next room


Three hours later.

Chen Yu finally got 1,000 points.

The rewards are indeed a bit small.

I'm sorry for all his hard work.

But no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat.

And now, even if he doesn't get any rewards, he is already far ahead.

Next, just wait for those Americans to come to your door.

In the next few days, fighter jets and ships arrived at Pearl Harbor one after another.

Under Carlisle's instructions, all the aliens and soldiers were waiting outside the base and would come to the base for a meeting when everyone arrived.

During this period, leaders of other bases also had doubts about what happened at Pearl Harbor.

But due to Carlisle's majesty and lack of evidence, they had to give up their doubts.

Five days later.

Jacob rushed towards the conference room in a hurry.

Carlisle and Girolera walked out of the meeting room early.

Jacob saluted the two of them respectively and said with a serious face:

"Lord Carlisle, most of the US warships and fighters have arrived at Pearl Harbor. Only a few soldiers sent to nearby countries are on their way."

Carlisle patted Jacob on the shoulder and praised:

"Thanks for your hard work! Let all senior executives go to the conference hall on the first floor of the base for a meeting. The remaining soldiers all gathered at the training ground next to the port to wait for the review."

"this……"Jacob asked hesitantly,"After the pilots and ship staff leave their posts, what if another incident like the island country's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor happens again?"

Girolera on the side frowned and said angrily:" What, is our radar just a display? Also, do you want to disobey Lord Carlisle's order?"

"No, I dare not! Jacob saluted and said in a loud voice,"I'll do it right away!""

After that, Jacob left quickly.

An hour later, the spacious venue was filled with mutants and high-level officials from the United States.

Carlisle and Girola stood on the podium at the front of the venue, looking at Ya in the front row. Jacob asked:"Jacob, are everyone here?

Jacob replied:"Everyone is here except those who are still on the road.""

Carlisle nodded, then turned around and lowered his head and asked:"Sir, everyone is almost here, please give me instructions."

Chen Yu sneered and said to himself:

"In this group of Americans, some of them are actually quite smart. They had arrived a long time ago, but they had been secretly observing the base dozens of kilometers away. Fortunately, I sent out Xiaowuzi and Xiaoying in advance. Wait until I destroy them, and then I will catch you all in one fell swoop!"

Everyone in the audience saw Carlisle's appearance and immediately started talking.

"What's going on? Why is Lord Carlisle bowing to the air?"

"I just listened carefully. Lord Carlisle seemed to say,"Everyone is here, please give instructions."’"

"You see, Lord Carlisle looks weak, as if he has been seriously injured."

"Something is wrong! I just activated my ability to detect it. Lord Carlisle is very weak, like a level 1 mutant.……"

"Could it be that Green guessed it right? Our base may have been compromised.……"

"It's very possible, otherwise why would Lord Carlisle be so anxious to call us all here?"

Just when everyone was about to step forward to ask for details, Chen Yu suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

"No, that guy Carlisle lied to us!"

Everyone reacted and prepared to counterattack. However,

Chen Yu activated [Time Stop] with lightning speed.

Most of the people within the range of [Time Stop] were immediately frozen in place.

Only a few The aliens who were on the edge managed to escape.

Chen Yu released Hongyi and Doctor Li from the space, and the two of them rushed into the crowd and killed the aliens who slipped through the net. When

Zhiyu saw Chen Yu and others suddenly appearing, they knew that Carlisle couldn't defeat the people in front of them, so they ran away."Flyed in front of several people with a sound, and a bolt of lightning struck them to death, and then put them into the space.

Carlisle on the podium saw this and prepared to sneak away secretly

"Carlisle, where are you going?"

Girola asked.

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